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Initial Project Goals and Plans in Preparation for 2014 AAG Annual Meeting Dr. Rebecca Lewison & Jennifer Feltner Biology Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Initial Project Goals and Plans in Preparation for 2014 AAG Annual Meeting Dr. Rebecca Lewison & Jennifer Feltner Biology Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Initial Project Goals and Plans in Preparation for 2014 AAG Annual Meeting Dr. Rebecca Lewison & Jennifer Feltner Biology Department

2 Goals/Papers/Products Next 1-2 years Conduct a pilot test using cameras/occupancy modeling Write a short paper on results from pilot test and applicability to other primate species Complete coursework at SDSU/UC Davis by Spring 2015 Launch full-time field work and data collection Photo by Xi Zhinong

3 Goals/Papers/Products Next ~ 5 years Complete data collection/analyses Publish several papers – My findings for occupancy and habitat suitability modeling – Survey techniques for monitoring primates – Contribute to papers produced by other PIs/grad students on CNH project – Popular article on cross- disciplinary collaborations in science Photo by Xi Zhinong

4 Current Research Objectives: 1)Apply a multi-season occupancy model to investigate ecological and anthropogenic factors affecting monkey distribution and habitat use 2)Construct a spatially explicit co-occurrence and habitat suitability model to characterize patterns of monkey and human space/resource overlap 3)Evaluate the effectiveness of PES as a conservation tool for monkeys Data Needs: I plan to collect/gather data on monkey occupancy and distribution and the following environmental and anthropogenic covariates: vegetation type, canopy cover, elevation/slope/aspect, food resources, human activities, distance to roads, major villages and tourist areas, distance to farmland and PES parcels

5 Data I will collect Camera Trap Images - Monkey use/occupancy - Human use - Other species Vegetation Sampling - Microhabitat (5x5m) vegetation plot sampling at each camera station: vertical structure, canopy cover, tree dbh, understory density, stand density - Additional vegetation sampling, using plots, line transects, or other survey methods especially to ID/locate important monkey food resources Line transects or other survey methods to collect human use, disturbance data Locations of roads, major villages and tourist areas, distance to farmland and PES parcels

6 Data I will need from others Remote Sensing data – Vegetation sampling from 210 plots (dominant plant species compositions and percent cover, etc.) – Land cover classification/vegetation type (currently 7 types) – Canopy fractional cover Participatory mapping – GPS points of homes, villages, resource collection, community forests, etc. – If available info on what resources are exacted (buds, wood, hunting) Stakeholder Survey – GPS locations of resource collection activities or households that list resource extraction as their livelihood Locations of PES parcels – do we have this? Locations of important monkey food trees – does FNNR have this?

7 Potential timeline for doing fieldwork Feb/March 2014 Trip Goals Get familiar with landscape, terrain, habitat Test 3-4 cameras in field Befriend Niu; establish grounds for data-sharing by bringing an image sorting database, sound-triggered sensing device/camera, etc Assist remote sensing team; learn vegetation sampling techniques 2014/2015 School Year Currently unsure if taking a quarter off from the UC Davis will be an option given course requirements I need to fulfill in order to advance to candidacy If possible, would like to conduct a short pilot test over winter and/or spring breaks – install cameras in December 2014 – pull in March 2015. 2015/2016 School Year Latest for beginning full-time field work – hope to stay in China for extended period of time: 9-12 months

8 Questions?? Photo by Cyril Ruoso

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