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Journey to The West. 一、 The Birth Of The Monkey There was an oversea land named Ao lai country (傲來). This country was nearby the sea and there was a mountain.

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Presentation on theme: "Journey to The West. 一、 The Birth Of The Monkey There was an oversea land named Ao lai country (傲來). This country was nearby the sea and there was a mountain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journey to The West

2 一、 The Birth Of The Monkey There was an oversea land named Ao lai country (傲來). This country was nearby the sea and there was a mountain called The Flower and Fruit Mountain on the surface of the sea. Right on the top of that mountain was a mysterious stone. One day, the magic stone exploded and a stone egg which was as large as a round ball appeared. Soon it hatched (孵) to be a stone monkey.

3 二、金箍 Stick (棒) Since the monkey didn’t have a weapon that fitted him, he robbed one from The Eastern Sea Dragon King (東海龍王), and what he got was an iron stick called golden stick. He could change the length of the stick at his own will (任意地) so the monkey was very cheerful.


5 三、 The Monkey King Disturb The Heaven The Jade Emperor (玉皇大帝) bestowed the monkey as a horse manager, which made him feel insulted, so he went back to The Flower and Fruit Mountain honoring himself as The Monkey King (齊天大聖). The Jade Emperorsent Tuo Ta King Li jing and Na Zha Third Prince (托塔天 王李靖和哪吒三太子) worked together to catch the monkey but unbelievably they were defeated (擊敗) by the monkey. Later Jade Emperor could not but bestowed the monkey as The Monkey King.


7 四、 The Five - finger Mountain The monkey made a bet with Ru Lai (如來) who is the god of the Buddhism (佛教): Just by one single jump he could jump out of Ru Lai’s palm. The monkey jumped to the end of the world, and he not only saw 5 posts (柱) but also did mark (做記號) on it. However, he didn’t know the posts were Ru Lai‘s fingers. Later the monkey was pressed under The Five Fingers Mountain. And Ru Lai placed a curse on it.

8 五、 The Appearance Of San Zang (三藏) Master At that time China only had The Hinayana (小乘佛教). The Guan Yin Bodhisattva (觀音菩薩) told San Zang Master The Mahayana sutra (大乘佛教的經典) was in India and ordered him to take the sutra back to China to make speeches based on the sutra to promote the Buddhist doctrine (傳 播佛教的教義).


10 六、 San Zang Master Saved The Monkey The Guan Yin Bodhisattva told the monkey San Zang Master would come to save him, but he had to convoy (護送) him to the India. As The Guan Yin Bodhisattva expected, San Zang Master met the monkey that had been trapped for 500 years under The Five fingers Mountain, then he undid the curse, and the monkey promised to convoy him, and regarded him as his own master as well.

11 七、 The Guan Yin Bodhisattva Turned The Dragon Into A Horse They walked to a spring ; suddenly, a dragon struck them and ate San Zang Master’s horse, but he couldn’t defeat the monkey, so he hid himself in the water. It turned out that he was one of the man The Guan Yin Bodhisattva arranged (安排). Later The Guan Yin Bodhisattva turned the dragon into a horse as San Zang Master’s horse.

12 八、 Pig Eight Quit (豬八戒) They met a household on their way, and their daughters were married to a pig demon (魔鬼), and the monkey went to kicked out (趕走) the demon. As a consequence, the pig was one of the men The Guan Yin Bodhisattva arranged 九、 Sha Wu Jing (沙悟淨) They went to The Quicksand River (流沙河) and met another demon. The monkey didn’t want to get into the water, while the pig couldn’t defeated the demon, so the monkey sent help to The Guan Yin Bodhisattva. At last, that demon was still one of the men The Guan Yin Bodhisattva arranged.


14 九、 Sha Wu Jing (沙悟淨) They went to The Quicksand River (流沙 河) and met another demon. The monkey didn’t want to get into the water, while the pig couldn’t defeat the demon, so the monkey sent help to The Guan Yin Bodhisattva. At last, that demon was still one of the men The Guan Yin Bodhisattva arranged.


16 十、 Gold Corn And Silver Corn (金角銀角) They encountered two devil kings called Gold Corn and Silver Corn. Since the two demons had strange gourds (葫蘆) that could caught people in, everyone except the monkey was caught. Later the monkey lied to them and got their gourds and killed them. They managed to continued their journey.

17 十一、 The Red Child (紅孩兒) The Red Child took San Zang Master and the pig away, and he could spray fire (噴 火). The monkey sent help to The Guan Yin Bodhisattva again, because he couldn’t defeat him ; at last, The Guan Yin Bodhisattva took him under control.


19 十二、 The Cattle Devil King (牛魔 王)(一) They went to The Flame Mountain (火焰山). The whole mountain was on fire, so they went to borrow The Banana Pan (芭蕉扇) from The Iron Pan Princess (鐵扇公主), who was the mother of The Red Child to extinguish the fire (滅火), but because of the event that happened to her child, their request was denied. The monkey camouflaged (偽裝) to be her husband, The Cattle Devil King, and took away The Banana Pan.


21 十三、 The Cattle Devil King (二) The Cattle Devil King camouflaged to be the pig, and took the pan back. The monkey found him and fought with him for the pan, but neither of them could defeat the other. Later, the true pig came with many gods following him, so they defeated the cattle and got the pan.

22 十五、END They finally reached the India and got the sutra, and brought them back to China..San Zang master translated the sutra in the rest of his life.


24 Thank You For Watching!

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