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© 2003 1 Big Business Monkey Business The Rise of Industry in the United States.

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1 © 2003 1 Big Business Monkey Business The Rise of Industry in the United States

2 © 2003 2 Why? SS.A.5.4.1: The student knows the causes of the Industrial Revolution and its economic, political, and cultural effects on American society.

3 © 2003 3 Remember the Big Questions Can societies have winners and losers at the same time? Can societal groups win and lose at the same time? How are the winners and losers reconciled?

4 © 2003 4 Another Question to Consider Who were the winners and losers in the creation of “Big Businesses?”

5 © 2003 5 Before the Civil War Beginning of industry Relatively small industrial production Localized industries –Close to source of power –Close to raw materials

6 © 2003 6 Before the Civil War Limited transportation Small corporations Limited labor supply

7 © 2003 7 Rise of “Big Business” The period after the Civil War 1860-1910 –Monopolizing certain industries –Rise of powerful industry leaders or “Robber Barons”

8 © 2003 8 Business Organization Little government regulation Monopolization of industries Elimination of competition

9 © 2003 9 Focus Railroads Steel Oil Banking

10 © 2003 10 Powerful Industry Leaders Cornelius Vanderbilt Andrew Carnegie John D. Rockefeller J. P. Morgan

11 © 2003 11 Controlling Out-of- Control Industries The government steps in

12 © 2003 12 Your Task Work with other students. Present a clear picture of how these industries grew. Show what government did to address the situation.

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