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The Universal Networking Language UNL Foundation United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies United Networking Language ® UNU/IAS.

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Presentation on theme: "The Universal Networking Language UNL Foundation United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies United Networking Language ® UNU/IAS."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Universal Networking Language UNL Foundation United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies United Networking Language ® UNU/IAS

2 What is the Universal Networking Language(UNL)? Artificial language (Semantic Network) A node represents a concept An arc represents a relation Consists of Universal Words(concepts), Relation, Attribute, Knowledge Base Ex)A dog runs quickly. run—agt  dog run—man  quickly

3 Why the UNL is necessary ? A computer need a capability to make knowledge processing. A computer need to have knowledge. A language is necessary for computer to have knowledge and to process content like human. The UNL is a language for computer.

4 What the UNL can do ? The UNL can express knowledge like a natural language. The UNL can express a content like a natural language.

5 What is the different from others ? A system which can deal with knowledge and contents is already developed. The representation of knowledge or contents were different from each other. Knowledge or contents of a system can not be used in another system. For example, if we put all the result of research and development of machine translation, we can not realize multilingual machine translation system which can break language barriers.

6 How UNL express information? The UNL express information by classifying objectivity and subjectivity. Objectivity is expressed using Uws and relation. Subjectivity is expressed using attributes.

7 UNL Ex)A monkey ate bananas. eat—agt  monkey eat—obj  banana agt(eat(icl>do).@past@entry,monkey(icl>mammal)) obj(eat(icl>do).@past@entry, banana(icl>food).@pl)

8 UNL Ex)A monkey eats bananas. eat—agt  monkey eat—obj  banana agt(eat(icl>do).@entry,monkey(icl>mammal).@generic) obj(eat(icl>do).@entry, banana(icl>food).@generic)

9 Long ago, in the city of Babylon, the people begun to build a huge tower, which seemed about to reach the heavens. buildbegun tower long agopeople seemedreach heaven huge tim agt agt aoj plc obj obj gol obj obj Babylon city mod obj

10 Long ago, in the city of Babylon, the people begun to build a huge tower, which seemed about to reach the heavens. {unl} tim(begin(icl>do(obj>thing)).@entry.@past,long ago) mod(city(icl>region).@def,babylon(icl>country)) plc(begin(icl>do(obj>thing)).@entry.@past,city(icl>region).@def) agt(begin(icl>do(obj>thing)).@entry.@past,people(icl>person).@def) obj(begin(icl>do(obj>thing)).@entry.@past,build(icl>do).@past) agt(build(icl>do).@pred,people(icl>person).@def) obj(build(icl>do).@pred,tower(icl>building)) aoj(huge(aoj>thing),tower(icl>building)) aoj(seem(aoj>person,obj>thing).@past,tower(icl>building)) obj(seem(aoj>person,obj>thing).@past,reach(icl>do(gol>thing)).@begin-soon) obj(reach(icl>do(gol>thing)).@begin-soon,tower(icl>building)) gol(reach(icl>do(gol>thing)).@begin-soon,heaven(icl>region).@def.@pl) {/unl}

11 Universal Word Vocabulary of the UNL A UW represents a concept 1) Basic UW 2) Restricted UW ex) spring(icl>tool) spring(icl>season)

12 Universal Word How to define Uws A UW represents a concept 1) Basic UW 2) Restricted UW ex) spring(icl>tool) spring(icl>season)

13 Relation constitutes the syntax of the UNL. Expresses how concepts(UW) constitutes a sentence related each other About 50 relations agt, aoj, cag, cob, gol, man, obj, plc, src, tim,…

14 Attribute Constitutes syntax of the UNL Expresses the evaluation of the speaker for the concepts(sentence). Constitutes syntax of the UNL Tense, aspect, mode, etc.

15 UNL Knowledge Base Define every possible relations between concepts(Uws). UW system is introduced for: 1) to generate a word when a concept is not included in a language 2) reduce KB entries which can be deductively inferred Categorized according to the role of concept to other concepts.

16 UNL Knowledge Base Ex) dog—icl  animal bite—agt  dog eat—obj  food

17 The UNL System 1) UNL(Universal Networking Language) Dictionary of Universal Words, Relation, Attribute, Knowledge Base 2) Language Server i) Deconverter ( Language Generation System ) Software(IAS) Generation Rule, Dictionary(each language) ii) Enconverter ( UNL Generation System ) Software(IAS) Analysis Rule, Dictionaries(each language) 3) ToolsUNL Viewer UNL Editor

18 The UNL System Language Server B UNL Spanish Internet Web Page Contents UNL UNL Editor Internet Language Server A UNL Arabic enconverter deconverter Arabic Spanish UNL Viewer UNL Proxy

19 Application of UNL System 1) Multilingual Information Service 2) Machine Translation 3) Information Retrieval System 4) Expert system 5) etc.

20 Language Covered 6 UN official Languages. Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Spanish, Russian Other languages Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mongol, Latvian, Portuguese, Thai

21 Open Policy UNL (system) should be developed by all the people in the world. We will open: UNL specifications Universal Word Dictionary Format of UNL-Language dictionary Format of Deconversion rule System interface

22 What we expect to be developed by people in the world UNL (system) should be developed by all the people in the world. Universal words necessary for each language Language Servers for new languages and new domains

23 What we expect to be developed by people in the world Application systems such as: Information Retrieval System Search Engines Browsers Editors/Word Processors Machine translation Systems

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