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Pros and Cons of Increasing Local Food November 18, 2011 By: Bob Harmon.

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Presentation on theme: "Pros and Cons of Increasing Local Food November 18, 2011 By: Bob Harmon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pros and Cons of Increasing Local Food November 18, 2011 By: Bob Harmon

2 PROS  Increase Food Nutrition for Fresh Produce  Reduce Energy Use  Partner with the Community  Lower Costs on Some Products  Reinvest in the Community  Make Food System More Sustainable  Reduce Food Miles

3 Reduce Carbon Footprint by Buying Local  Reduce new pollution from long distance transportation  Save fossil fuels by shortening travel distance  Reduce Energy Use  The average American food item travels 1,500 miles to consumer. 1  Reduce Food Miles

4 Reduce Energy Use  The Center for Sustainable Systems estimates that the U.S. Food System requires 7.3 units of (primarily) fossil fuel energy for each unit of food energy produced. 2  Any effort to reduce energy use will help to conserve fossil fuels, other energy, and will reduce pollution from energy use.

5 Local Food Nutrition  Some nutrients are lost from fresh fruits and vegetables after harvest.

6  Local produce will often have more nutrients because it has not been as long since it was taken from the plant.

7 Harmons Local Vendor Partnerships Winder Dairy Amano Chocolate Caffe Ibis Coffee Happy Monkey Hummus Lehi Roller Mills Flour Stratton Farms Produce Creminelli Pepperlane Beehive Prairie Grain Bread Morgan Valley Lamb Rockhill Creamery  Opportunity to partner with producers and farmers in our community. Jack Sprat Bread Miller’s Honey Cheese Bread Mania Laurie’s Buffalo Gourmet Chips

8 Reinvesting in the Community  Buying local is supporting the community you live and work in  Money can be reinvested in local taxes and jobs  Creates jobs in the community

9 Supporting Local  Means doing business with more than 700 Utah companies representing $246 million in direct local support.  Based on the multiplier effect (Utah’s Own “every dollar spent on Utah products adds $4 to $6 to the local economy”) this totals approximately $984 million.

10 Cost Effectiveness Fair price buying from producer – We pay fair market value for the product Sustainable Partnerships – 15 stores buying from the Local Vendor – Gives vendors known retail location to sell goods – Helps vendors to plan for the year’s production – Helps vendors save money through better planning Save on transportation costs Investment at first, but the value outweigh

11 Benefits for Customers  Lasts Longer  Tastes Better  Higher Quality  Better Value  Support Local Economy  Reduce Energy Use and New Pollution

12 CONS  Limited quantity  Cost to set up  Finances  Distribution  UPCs  Limited variety

13 Challenges in selling Local Foods Cost of Investment Buying local has some limitations in variety of products (can’t always find the exact type) Sometimes Local vendors will not have enough product for all 15 stores, so each store gets limited amount or only some stores get product. Financing Payments – payments are often expedited instead of term payments. Local vendors are often small and need quick payment to keep business going It takes a lot of resources for small companies to get started and to get their brand known.

14 Sources  1. Sustainable Table. “Fossil Fuel and Energy Use,” (accessed November 3, 2011).  2. Center for Sustainable Systems, University of Michigan. 2010. “U.S. Food System Factsheet.” Pub. No. CSS01-06.  3. Extension Service, Oregon State University. October 2007. “What Counts? Nutrients in Fresh and Preserved Fruits and Vegetables.” SP 50-926.

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