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What’s up? Raise your hand and tell me. Adjectives! 形容词 Xíngróngcí.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s up? Raise your hand and tell me. Adjectives! 形容词 Xíngróngcí."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s up? Raise your hand and tell me

2 Adjectives! 形容词 Xíngróngcí

3 What English Adjectives do you know? Relaxed Fun Yummy Interesting Good Blue Green Beautiful Pretty Cute Ugly

4 New Adjectives! Slimy Sticky Fuzzy Stinky

5 Slimy ( 滑的 Huá de)

6 Sticky ( 黏 Nián)

7 Fuzzy ( 隤 or 有绒毛的 )

8 Stinky ( 臭 Chòu)

9 Name the adjective

10 Slimy

11 Sticky

12 Stinky

13 Fuzzy

14 Stinky

15 Sticky

16 Fuzzy

17 Slimy

18 Nouns 名词 Míngcí

19 What English nouns do you know? Teacher Apple Father Chicken Daughter Sister Cat Horse Lunch Monster Pen Classroom Notebook Mr. Dan Husband Dog Harry Potter City Wife

20 New nouns: Volcano Monkey Potato Toilet Giant

21 Volcano ( 火山 Huǒshān)

22 Monkey

23 Potato ( 土豆 Tǔdòu)

24 Toilet ( 厕所 )

25 Giant ( 庞然大物 Pángrándàwù)

26 Name the noun!

27 Toilet

28 Monkey

29 Potato

30 Giant

31 Volcano

32 Monkey

33 Volcano

34 Potato

35 Toilet

36 Giant


38 Verbs 动词 Dòngcí

39 What verbs do you know? Play Dance Run Eat Sleep Swim Draw Go Speak Read Sweep Jump Laugh Teach sing

40 New Verbs Snore Jump Yell (or shout)

41 Snore

42 Jump

43 Yell (or shout) ( 叫喊 Jiàohǎn)

44 Name the verb

45 Jump

46 Snore

47 Yell (or shout)

48 Snore

49 Jump

50 Yell (or shout)

51 Mad Libs Popular game in the United States. Take out paper and a pencil/pen.

52 Mad Libs! Write down 1.A VERB 2.An ADJECTIVE 3.And A NOUN.

53 After school, I always ___1_____. I see my friend at cafe and we eat ____2____ __3__ until it is time to go home.

54 Write down 3 adjectives on your paper. Example adjectives:

55 Write down 3 adjectives Relaxed Fun Yummy Interesting Good Blue Green Beautiful Slimy Sticky Fuzzy Stinky

56 Write down 3 nouns on your paper. Example nouns:

57 Write down 3 nouns Teacher Apple Father Chicken Daughter Sister Cat Horse Lunch Monster Pen Classroom Notebook Volcano Monkey Potato Toilet Giant

58 Write down 3 verbs on your paper. Example verbs:

59 Write down 3 verbs Play Dance Run Eat Sleep Swim Draw Go Speak Snore Jump Yell (or shout)

60 MAD LIB Story Number 1 1. Noun 2. Verb 3. Adjective 4. Noun 5. Noun 6. Adjective 7. Verb 8. Verb 9. Adjective 10. Verb

61 Yesterday, (a/an) ___1___ and I ___2___ to school. On our way, we saw a ___3___ ___4____ riding a bicycle. We also saw big, ugly ___5____. Once we got to the park, the sky turned ___6___. It started to ___7___ and ___8___. I was so ___9___, so I ___10___ all the way home!

62 MAD LIB Story Number 2 1. Adjective 2. Noun 3. Adjective 4. Noun 5. Adjective 6. Verb 7. Adjective 8. Verb 9. Adjective 10. Noun 11. Verb 12. Adjective

63 First Day of School On the first day of school, I felt so _1_. I put on my favorite clothes—a shirt with two _2_s on it and a _3_ pair of pants. My mom made me my favorite breakfast, _4_ and baozi. My brother told me my new teacher was really _5_. He had her last year and said she lets kids _6_ in class. When the big _7_ bus pulled up outside, I waved goodbye to my mom, who started to _8_. I got a seat with my friend Pete, who showed me his new _9_ backpack that was full of _10_s. When I finally got to school, I was so excited that I started to _11_ in the hallway. I think this is going to be a really _12_ year.

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