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BBCH- LITHOVIT® Recommended Applications on Different Crops B. A. Bilal Scientific advisor to ZEOVITA GmbH

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Presentation on theme: "BBCH- LITHOVIT® Recommended Applications on Different Crops B. A. Bilal Scientific advisor to ZEOVITA GmbH"— Presentation transcript:

1 BBCH- LITHOVIT® Recommended Applications on Different Crops B. A. Bilal Scientific advisor to ZEOVITA GmbH, Presented at the 3rd e-Conference on Agricultural BioSciences (IeCAB 2010), held online from1st -15th June 2010 at

2 IeCAB010, June 1 - 15, 2010 at The BBCH- File and its use The BBCH- recommendations for Lithovit application on different crops is written by a number of distinguished Agro Scientists and Biologists after long periods of trials. The file provides information in the form of a table with plant name, number of applications, amount of lithovit per application (kg/hectare), total amount per growth period (kg/hectare); codes referring to text and pictures at the BBCH growth stage of the plant at each application.

3 IeCAB010, June 1 - 15, 2010 at Preparation of the suspension and dosage Lithovit is natural limestone which is almost insoluble in water. In order to use it as foliar fertilizer, it must be suspended as 0.5% aqueous suspension (500 grams in 100 liters water) and sprayed normally. The suspension must be stirred to keep it stable. Sprayer carried on the back should be shaken from time to time. Dosage: 1.5 kg (300 liters of suspension) / application and hectare

4 IeCAB010, June 1 - 15, 2010 at Selected examples of Lithovit application on different crops Few examples are selected and presented here to comply with maximum number of slides for this presentation. More details are available from author.

5 IeCAB010, June 1 - 15, 2010 at Citrus fruits 3 Applications: Begin with the vegetation period in spring time after cutting 1 st application: when leaves become visible and the first leaf is fully expanded. 2 nd application: when the side shoots become 20% of the final length, that is after begin the flowering. 3 rd application: when the green fruit becomes surrounded by sepal crown (see picture). Normally 45 day after flowering.

6 IeCAB010, June 1 - 15, 2010 at Pome fruits (apple, pear) Stage of 2 nd application Stage of 3 rd application 3 applications: 1 st application: more leaves are unfolded, but not yet in full size. 2 nd application: shoots about 20% of final length. 3 rd application: fruit size up to 10 mm.

7 IeCAB010, June 1 - 15, 2010 at Wheat Stage of 1 st application Stage of 2 nd application 2 applications: 1 st application: 2 – 3 tillers are detectable 2 nd application: flag leaf fully unrolled, ligule just visible

8 IeCAB010, June 1 - 15, 2010 at Bulb Vegetables (onion, leek, garlic, shallot) 2 applications: 1 st application: Third leaf > 3 cm 2 nd application: leaf basis begins to thicken or extend (see picture)

9 IeCAB010, June 1 - 15, 2010 at Root and stem vegetables (carrot, chicory, radish,...) Stage of 1 st application Stage of 2 nd application 2 applications: 1 st application: Third leaf totally unfolded > 3 cm, 2 nd application: 20% of expected root diameter is reached (20 days later)

10 IeCAB010, June 1 - 15, 2010 at Leaf vegetables forming head (e.g. cabbage, lettuce) Stage of 1 st application Stage of 2 nd application 2 applications: 1 st application: Third leaf totally unfolded. 2 nd application: head begins to for. The two youngest leaves do not unfold

11 IeCAB010, June 1 - 15, 2010 at Cucurbits (e.g. cucumber, melon, pumpkin) Stage of 1 st application Stage of 2 nd application 2 applications: 1 st application: third true leaf of main stem unfolded 2 nd application: first flower open in main stem, 3(-4) application every 28 days.

12 IeCAB010, June 1 - 15, 2010 at Solanaceous fruits (e.g. tomato, Egg plant, paprika) 3-5 applications: 1 st application: 3 rd to 9 th leaf on main stem unfolded (see picture). 2 nd application: 2 nd primary apical side shoot visible 3 rd – 5 th application. Further every 21 days

13 IeCAB010, June 1 - 15, 2010 at Grapevine Stage of 2 nd application Stage of 3 rd application 3 applications: 1 st application: beginning of flowering 10% of flowers fallen. 2 nd application: Fruit set, young fruits begin to swell 3 rd application: Berries beginning to touch

14 IeCAB010, June 1 - 15, 2010 at Rice Stage of 1 st application Stage of 2 nd application 2 applications: 1 st application: 2 – 3 tiller detectable, 2 nd application: flag leaf unfolded collar regions of flag leaf and penultimate leaf aligned

15 IeCAB010, June 1 - 15, 2010 at Cotton 2 applications: 1 st application: 9 true leaves are unfolded, no side shoots are visible 2 nd application: 9 vegetative side shoots (2 nd order) are visible.

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