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"In the orchestra of a great kitchen, the sauce chef is a soloist." - Fernand Point.

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2 "In the orchestra of a great kitchen, the sauce chef is a soloist." - Fernand Point

3 What is that sauce for anyway…

4 Sauce is used to: add moisture add texture add flavor add richness to a dish enhance the appearance stimulate the appetite

5 4 Sauce Quality Factors Color Opacity Luster Taste Texture Consistency

6 5 Mother or Grand Sauces SauceLiquidThickener BéchamelMilkWhite Roux TomatoStockRoux/Reduction/Puree EspagnoleBrown StockBrown Roux HollandaiseButterEgg Yolk VeloutéWhite StockBlond Roux

7 6 Compound Sauces Compound sauces are leading sauces with other ingredients & flavors added to it

8 Compound Sauces Bechamel Cheddar cheese Espagnole Mushroom Tomato Meat Sauce Hollandaise Bearnaise Veloute Cream

9 8 Hollandaise Hollandaise will separate: Butter is added too fast Butter is too hot Egg yolk to butter ratio is incorrect ( 5 egg yolks to 1 lb. of clarified butter) Sauce gets too cold Sauce gets too hot Served on top of very hot product

10 How can you thicken a sauce? 1) Time - Reduction 2) Thickener - Flour, Cornstarch, Arrowroot, Roux 3) Puree of starchy vegetable

11 10 Thickening Agents Roux Equal parts by weight of fat and flour cooked together used to thicken liquids Butter Bread or AP flour Sift flour

12 Thickening Agents Roux White Blond Brown

13 What’s so important about Roux? Be sure that the roux and liquid temperatures are different, hot liquid and cold (room temperature) roux or cold liquid and hot roux to help prevent lumping. Add one to the other gradually and whip constantly to work out the lumps. The preferred method is to add room temperature roux to boiling liquid.

14 13 Roux types White Roux - Least amount of cooking time (3 –5 minutes) Example: Béchamel Sauce Blond Roux - Takes on a light golden color (5 –6 minutes) Example: Veloute Sauce Brown Roux - Nutty Aroma / dark brown color (15 - 20 minutes) Example: Espagnole Sauce

15 Thickening Agents Cornstarch: Equal parts cold liquid to cornstarch Blended mixture is called a slurry Add slurry to hot liquid Thickens immediately

16 Why no flour and water?

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