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Basics of Tissue Injuries. Soft Tissue Injuries Wounds, Strains, Sprains ▫Bleed, become infected, produced extra fluid Classification: Acute ▫Occurs suddenly.

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Presentation on theme: "Basics of Tissue Injuries. Soft Tissue Injuries Wounds, Strains, Sprains ▫Bleed, become infected, produced extra fluid Classification: Acute ▫Occurs suddenly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basics of Tissue Injuries

2 Soft Tissue Injuries Wounds, Strains, Sprains ▫Bleed, become infected, produced extra fluid Classification: Acute ▫Occurs suddenly as a result of a high amount of force applied to the tissue over a short time (milliseconds-seconds)

3 Wounds: ▫Injuries to the skin  Incision  Abrasion  Contusion  Laceration  Avulsion  Amputation  Puncture  Contrecoup ▫Bleed EXTERNALLY

4 Sprains ▫Bleed INTERNALLY  May cause fluid build up  Ligament (Bone to Bone) Strains ▫Bleed INTERNALLY  Tendons (Muscle to Bone)  Muscle

5 Grading Grade 1 ▫Over stretched  No decreased ROM, WBAT, ADL Grade 2 ▫Partial tear  Decreased ROM, P w/ WB, decreased ADL, Bruising Grade 3 ▫Complete rupture  NWB, No ROM, often requires surgery

6 Chronic Soft Tissue Injury Chronic is the result of lesser forces being applied over a long period of time (weeks to months) ▫Often the product of overuse Types: ▫Synovitis ▫Bursitis ▫Myositis ▫Fasciitis

7 Synovitis ▫Inflammation of the synovial joint lining  Acute injury that never healed or from repeated join injury Bursitis ▫Inflammation of the bursa sac  Tends to swell

8 Myositis ▫Chronic Inflammation of the muscle (Myo= Muscle)  Sore, tender, mild swelling, excessively sore Fasciitis ▫Inflammation of the Thick, rough connective tissue that surrounds the muscles  Thicken, swollen, painful

9 Stages of Soft-Tissue Healing Stage 1: Acute Inflammatory ▫Cells die from being ripped apart & from being cut off from food and oxygen supply  Fresh blood bring chemicals to begin healing process  Phagocytes, Leukocytes, Platelets (Vocab) ▫Acute stage lasts 48hrs

10 Stage 2: Repair ▫Injured area filled with fresh blood, cells, and chemicals to rebuild the damage.  Fibroblasts for scar tissue 6wks-3mo depending on severity Stage 3: Remodeling ▫Takes up to 1 year+

11 Factors That Slow Healing Poor Blood Supply Poor nutrition Illness/disease ▫Diabetes Medications ▫Corticosteriods  Chems made in the body to help reduce inflammation Infection

12 Bone Injuries Dislocation ▫Force displaces two ends of articulating bone causes them to seperate ▫Disloc also causes:  Avulsion fx  Strains/sprains  Disruptions of blood flow  Disruption of nerve conduction ▫Present w/ obvious deformity, P, NO ROM


14 Fractures ▫Failure point  Vary with age, bone structure, medical predisposition ▫(osteoporosis) ▫Name according to type of impact/how failure occurs  Broken/cracked/chipped/hairline fx ▫13 types of fractures


16 Stages of Bone Healing Stage 1: Acute ▫injury causes break which causes bleeding at site  Osteoclasts begin to eat the debris to absorb back in the body  Osteoblasts begin to add new layers to outside of bone  Lasts 4 days

17 Stage 2: Repair ▫Soft Callus forms internally and externally to hold fractured ends together ▫Eventually turns to hard callus ▫Process turning callus to bone begins at 3 weeks and last approx 3mo

18 Stage 3: Remodeling ▫Takes several years to complete  Callus is reabsorbed and replaced with bone  Electrical stimulation can be applied to fx that are not healing ▫Due to minerals in bone ▫Fractures can be nonunion  Only in WB bones (leg, foot, scaphoid most common sites)  Painful, loss of ROM, necrosis


20 Vocab Jigsaw worksheet

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