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Female Reproductive System Do Now. Female Reproductive System 1. An important job of the female reproductive system is to produce mature eggs 2. The ovaries.

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Presentation on theme: "Female Reproductive System Do Now. Female Reproductive System 1. An important job of the female reproductive system is to produce mature eggs 2. The ovaries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Female Reproductive System Do Now

2 Female Reproductive System 1. An important job of the female reproductive system is to produce mature eggs 2. The ovaries are female endocrine glands. 3. The ovaries release mature eggs. 4. The ovaries produce two hormones. They are: estrogenprogesterone 5. Uterus=is a pear shaped organ that nourishes and protects the developing baby.

3 Female Reproductive System Organs 6. Ovaries=produce eggs and the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. These control: Female sexual development and other reproductive organ functions 7. Fallopian tubes=carry an egg from the ovaries to the uterus. Fertilization of an egg occurs here. This is the union of egg and sperm. 8. Uterus=houses the developing egg.

4 Female Reproductive System Organs 9. Cervix=bottom of the uterus/enlarges to allow the baby to leave the uterus at the time of birth. 10. Vagina-the organ of intercourse. The menstrual flow leaves here. Semen enters here. During birth, it acts as the birth canal. 11. Labia=folds of skin that cover the opening of the vagina

5 Menstrual Cycle 12. Another term for a menstrual cycle is a period. 13. This cycle prepares the reproductive system for reproduction. 14. Most complete menstrual cycles last about 28 days. The length of a cycle may vary for many reasons. 15. During the cycle, hormones cause the uterine lining to thicken.

6 Menstrual Cycle 16. Next, the level of estrogen reaches its highest point. It causes ovulation which is the process by which a mature egg is released during a menstrual cycle. 17. The egg will then travel through the fallopian tube toward the uterus. 18. If the egg is not fertilized, the lining of the uterus will begin to break down.

7 Menstrual Cycle 19. Menstruation is the flow from the body of blood, tissues, and fluid that results from this uterine lining breakdown. It is called the menstrual period. It can last from 3 to 7 days. 20. In a 28 day menstrual cycle, the menstrual flow begins on day one. 21. Ovulation occurs around day 14.

8 Menstrual Cycle 22. Fertilization will likely occur between days 15 to 20. 23. The uterine lining will begin to break down about day 21.

9 Fertilization 24. Fertilization is the union of a male sperm cell and a female egg. 25. Fertilization takes place in the fallopian tube. 26. After fertilization, the egg develops a film which prevents more sperm from entering the egg. 27. The fertilized egg will implant itself in the lining of the uterus.

10 Female Reproductive Health Problems 1.Yeast infection=an infection of the vagina caused by changes in bacteria amounts and fungi that live in the vagina. a. Symptoms are: itching and a discharge. b. It is brought on by (3) hormonal changes, certain medicines, tight clothing. c. It can be treated with medicine.

11 Female Reproductive Health Problems 2. Vaginitis =an infection in the vagina. a. Symptoms are: (3) itching, discharge, pain b. It can be treated with medicine.

12 3. Toxic Shock Syndrome is a rare bacterial infection. a. Possible cause: using a single tampon for more than 24 hours. b. Symptoms (3): high fever, rash, vomiting c. It can be prevented. Females should change tampons every 4 to 6 hours.

13 Female Reproductive Health Problems 4. Cancer=can occur in the breasts, ovaries, uterus, and cervix. a. It is caused by: uncontrolled cell growth in the tissue of an organ. b. Prevention can occur with early detection. c. Treatment=surgery, radiation, chemotherapy

14 Female Reproductive Health Problems 5. Sterility=inability to produce children. a. It can be caused by: Untreated STDs, hormone imbalances caused by stress, diet, overexertion aging b. Infertility=a reduced ability to produce children. 6. Endometriosis=shedding of the inner lining of the uterus into other areas of the female reproductive system. It causes severe pain and possible infertility.

15 Caring for the Female Reproductive System List 5 steps a female can take to keep healthy: Monthly breast self-examination. Shower or bathe daily. Keep track of your menstrual cycle. ( Severe pain or a very heavy flow—see a doctor. It is normal to be irregular for the first year or two. ) See a doctor if you experience premenstrual syndrome

16 8. PMS stands for premenstrual syndrome. List some symptoms of PMS: headachesbreast tendernessfatigue irritabilityacneabdominal cramps 9. Gynecologist=a doctor who specializes in the female reproductive system.

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