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Interviews & Specialty Selection Centres. What are we going to cover Talk on the Specialty Recruitment Process Interviews & Selection Centres:  Purpose.

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Presentation on theme: "Interviews & Specialty Selection Centres. What are we going to cover Talk on the Specialty Recruitment Process Interviews & Selection Centres:  Purpose."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interviews & Specialty Selection Centres

2 What are we going to cover Talk on the Specialty Recruitment Process Interviews & Selection Centres:  Purpose  Overview  Preparation  Performance – STAR  Portfolios – portfolio DVD  Presentations  Simulation station  Practice exercise  Selection Centre DVD – panel interview

3 Purpose: Why interview? Simply: “interview panels main aim is to find out whether you meet the requirements of the person specification for the post for which you are applying, and to make sure that only the best candidates are selected in this highly competitive process” DoH – MMC, An applicants guide 2009

4 Overview: How panels run Will be variations between Deaneries HOWEVER: Minimum of 3 x 10 min interviews (some may have 4 – you will be made aware prior to interview) Could include stations assessing:  Clinical skills  Portfolio  Presentation skills  Patient interaction – simulation  Personal skills e.g empathy and sensitivity

5 Overview: Who’s on the panel Panels will include a mix of people and could include:  Lay chair or lay representative  Regional college adviser or nominated deputy  A university representative or nominated deputy  Training programme director or chair of specialty training committee  Consultant representation from the training programme  Senior management representative  Representation from human resources

6 Preparation: The basics You will be advised what documentation you will be required to bring to interview – will include:  Portfolio (including CV)  Original proof of identity (passport / photo-ID)  Original & photocopy of GMC certificate  Original & photocopies of qualifications on your form  Evidence of nationality / immigration status  This is not an exhaustive list – CHECK WITH THE DEANERY YOU WILL BE ATTENDING INTERVIEW

7 Preparation: The basics Date / Time / Location Get a good nights sleep the night before Eat breakfast, lunch etc Appropriate dress 55% of first impressions visual – shoes, nails, hair etc Body language important Eye contact

8 What does a Panel want to know about you? There are four basic questions : Why have you applied for this job/speciality? What can you do for us? (what skills, knowledge, intellectual ability can you offer?) What kind of person are you? (what are your attitudes, values, motivation levels? Do you have the ability to get on with others, work in a team?) What distinguishes you from all the other applications?

9 Performance: How to succeed “Fail to prepare, prepare to fail” Preparation is everything Job description / person specifications What skills are required for the specialty Evidence is the key Research crucial  Why that specialty  Have you spoken to those already training at that level?  What can you bring to that specialty  Keep up to date with current affairs in medicine

10 Performance: How to succeed Person specifications crucial Demonstrate the skills required Try to anticipate the types of questions you maybe asked – think about a variety of examples you could use to EVIDENCE that you match the person specification

11 Performance: STAR STAR – framework to answer questions S = Situation – be concise & informative T = Task – brief outline A = Action – what exactly did YOU do R = Result – what was the outcome of YOUR action

12 Portfolios CV / Portfolio interview Portfolio a vital document for your career Organised evidence of your personal / professional achievements A confidential document Is a reflection on YOU First impressions count

13 Portfolios: Layouts Many ways to structure a portfolio Common structures:  Expanded CV or  GMC Good Medical Practice Guide Make the information easily available Have a copy of CV at front (summary/full)

14 Portfolios: sell yourself What does your portfolio say about you What key skills / experiences does it highlight What was the purpose in developing it How has it helped with:  Professional performance  Skills  Knowledge  Interest

15 Portfolios: sell yourself Know your portfolio inside out Know your portfolio upside down – literally Re-read job descriptions / person specs  Awareness of what you maybe assessed against – can you evidence this in portfolio Portfolio will chart your development Provides EVIDENCE of competency and enthusiasm for specialty

16 Presentations Maybe asked to write & deliver presentation in a limited amount of time – DON’T PANIC Flip-chart / OHP / transparencies provided Will be time bound – DON’T OVERRUN Communication / pressure / structure / well thought out response – all being assessed Skills needed when dealing with patients

17 Presentations Read brief carefully Produce a rough structure Consider use of diagrams – if comfortable Use a clear structure  What will be covered  Delivery  Summary / conclusion Care with humour Speak clearly & adhere to time

18 Simulation stations: Some assessment centres use simulation Introduce yourself to those involved Polite & courteous Monitor the situation Communication is VITAL – patient / nurses Review patients condition Ask for help if / when needed Try to stay calm

19 Exercise: Interviews In group of 3 1 interviewer / 1 interviewee / 1 observer Each take a turn to be interviewee and change roles after 5 mins Observer give feedback for 2 mins Feedback

20 Selection centre DVD Produced by Peninsula Deanery /AGCAS Real candidates Real consultants Available in postgraduate centres Covers:  Structured interview  Portfolio interview  Presentation  Simulation station  Mock GP consultation

21 If you have no offers… …there are other options: Some Deaneries have an interim round Unfilled posts are released to Trusts so that service needs can be met Watch for vacancies in early summer Locum post (may be a LAT/LAS) Time for an overseas opportunity?

22 Remember: You can always apply again You can make any experience add value to your CV/portfolio and give you more to offer It is not impossible to change path if you try a specialty and it doesn’t work for you Not all training posts get filled, so opportunity can arise sooner than you think Stay employed to be employable

23 Resources The Roads to success: Caroline Elton and Joan Reid

24 Thank you & Questions GOOD LUCK

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