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Accessing Maklib’s E-resources for teaching, learning and research .

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1 Accessing Maklib’s E-resources for teaching, learning and research .
By Faith Akiteng College Librarian CEES Seminar Series CEES Boardroom, 2nd July 2013 14/04/2017 CEES Seminar series

2 Outline of presentation
Introduction Objectives Outline of available E-resources at Makerere Univ. Categories of access. Libhub interface and functionalities highlights. Challenges to access. Suggestions for improvement. Acknowledgements. 14/04/2017 CEES Seminar series

3 Introduction Teaching, learning and research are the core functions of academic institutions. As such, information resources used for learning teaching and should be evidence-based (scholarly and peer reviewed, current, relevant, etc) in order to generate more knowledge. 14/04/2017 CEES Seminar series

4 Objectives To raise members’ awareness about the different electronic resources available for teaching, learning and research at Makerere University and how they can be accessed. 14/04/2017 CEES Seminar series

5 Available E-resources
List of all the available E-resources to support teaching, learning and research at Makerere University can be found at: Viz: 1. Bibliographic databases MakULA-Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) (Authors, Titles, subject, Class No. Year of publication, Edition statement, Location, Copies, Availability) 2. Abstract databases Institutional Repository (USDL)-Some full-text 14/04/2017 CEES Seminar series

6 Available E-resources cont...
3 . Full-text databases E-journal Databases Ebscohost-Academic Search Premier, ERIC, Emerald Cambridge Journals Online Gale Cengage-Academic ASAP Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) Palgrave MacMillan Journals Sage Journals Online Wiley Online Library Project Muse 14/04/2017 CEES Seminar series

7 Available E-resources cont...
3 . Full-text databases American Institute of Physics Jstor Oxford University Press E-journals Magazine databases- Newspaper databases 4 . R4Life databases HINARI (WHO)-Health and biomedical sciences AGORA (FAO) ; CABI DIRECT- Agriculture OARE (UNEP)-Environmental sciences 14/04/2017 CEES Seminar series

8 Available E-resources cont...
5. E-books databases Ebscohost e-books Oxford Scholarship Online (Finance & Economics modules) 6. Systems LibHub : URL: 7. Document Delivery Service (DDS) A service for users to request for full-text articles when they find relevant abstracts. 8. Audio-Visual database(Podcasts) Market/Mgt. 14/04/2017 CEES Seminar series

9 Categories of access Most of the E-journals and E-books databases are accessed from Makerere network through Internet Protocol (IP) address authentication.(Only at campus) Some are accessed through logins –Usernames and passwords (Resources can be accessed outside campus). 14/04/2017 CEES Seminar series

10 LibHub functionalities
LibHub is a single interface to discover and access the institution’s subscribed to and recommended information resources. In LibHub, it is possible to integrate metadata from publishers, database providers, eprint archives and any institutional local information resources including the library catalogue into one central index. Search: Simple and advanced; Browse:A-Z and subject browsing of journals, databases and other electronic resources. 14/04/2017 CEES Seminar series

11 LibHub contd... Alerts -Notifications about new documents matching users saved query. -Notifications about new issues of the user’s favourite journals. Export citations -Export bibliographic data into reference management products such as EndNote, Refworks, etc. 14/04/2017 CEES Seminar series

12 LibHub contd... MyCollections-Personalisation
-End -users collections where they can create and save their favourite content for future use. Photocopy orders -Send a photocopy order for materials not available in full-text and issued through LibHub. 14/04/2017 CEES Seminar series

13 LibHub contd... The “Help button” is meant to guide you in using the LibHub system optimally. The “Feedback button” can be used whenever you encounter hardships or errors, etc. You will always get a response. 14/04/2017 CEES Seminar series

14 Creating Accounts on LibHub
Click on My collection link to display the form New users have to create accounts Before they can save searches to their library collection. 14/04/2017 CEES Seminar series

15 Fields with an asterix MUST be filled.
All text boxes with asterisks Must be filled. Click on submit button to finish process. 14/04/2017 CEES Seminar series

16 Log out if using public computer
My Libhub collection Log out if using public computer Add note as reminder 14/04/2017 CEES Seminar series

17 Challenges to access Inadequate ICT infrastructure (Computers, intermittent Internet, Low bandwidth, etc.) Limited skills (ICT and information literacy). Power outages. Stringent publishers policies for access (IP Vs. Usernames) . Advances in technology (Change of platforms/interfaces, etc.) Copyright issues at Makerere University 14/04/2017 CEES Seminar series

18 Challenges cont’d... Heavy costs of annual subscription to E-resources. Etc. 14/04/2017 CEES Seminar series

19 Possible solutions Makerere should improve her ICT infrastructure.
NB: The University Library has tried to improve access to computers) Mandatory training for first year students in ICT and Information literacy (University policy). Periodic training for staff (Maklib). Grant remote access to users (Maklib and DICTS). Invest in standby generators (Maklib has this in place but fuel costs are high). Makerere should develop copyright policies. 14/04/2017 CEES Seminar series

20 Usernames & Passwords 1. HINARI Database. Username: UGA003
Password: R4657L3 2. AGORA Database. Username:ag-uga002 Password:25595G 14/04/2017 CEES Seminar series

21 Usernames & Passwords 3. OARE Database. Username: UGA503
Password: 25595G 4. Gale Database. Password: weather 14/04/2017 CEES Seminar series

22 Usernames cont’d... 5. CABI DIRECT Username: makerereuniv8
Password: lib79 6. Marketing & Management Collection (Podcasts) can be used as teaching materials. Username: mak; Password: member 14/04/2017 CEES Seminar series

23 Acknowlegdements Makerere’s development partners (Sida, Carnegie, NORAD, University of Tennesse, University of Bergen , INASP, EiFL) WHO, UNEP, FAO. The Consortium of Uganda University Libraries (CUUL) 14/04/2017 CEES Seminar series

24 Thank you for listening!
14/04/2017 CEES Seminar series

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