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MERiFIC Introduction Nicolas Wallet Project Manager 13/09/2011.

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Presentation on theme: "MERiFIC Introduction Nicolas Wallet Project Manager 13/09/2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 MERiFIC Introduction Nicolas Wallet Project Manager 13/09/2011

2 MERiFIC Marine Energy in Far Peripheral and Island Communities

3 Communities Acceptation Policy Shaping Economic Development Technology Assessment Renewable Marine Energy

4 Project Outputs: Technologies o Improved understanding of marine energy resources and methods for the identification of potential sites, e.g. to inform developers of the opportunities o Cross-comparison and evaluation of marine energy development policies and development of policies/protocols to be applied across the regions

5 Project Outputs: Communities o Joint events, to include conferences and training/capacity building workshops o Integrated marine energy development guidelines and toolkits for island and mainland communities

6 Project Outputs: Policy Strategy o Strategies for the sustainable development of marine energy potential across the two regions o Integrating Regional, National and European level to the policy shaping strategy

7 IFREME R Bretagne Développent Innovation Conseil Général du Finistère Exeter University Plymouth University Cornwall Council Cornwall Marine Network Technopole Brest Iroise Pôle Mer Bretagne Le Parc Naturel Marin D’Iroise

8 Work Packages Technology support Policy issues Sustainable economic development Stakeholder engagement


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