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1 Chapter 3 Library Maggie Irene Howard Rachelle.

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1 1 Chapter 3 Library Maggie Irene Howard Rachelle

2 2  3a--- Layout of the library  3b--- Organization of the library Contents

3 3 The background of Library WWhat ’ s the difference of library between the past and now to catalog and organize their collections?

4 4 In the past LLibrary used Card catalogs which is made up of index cards to describe the library’s collection.

5 5 Card catalogs index cards

6 6 Today MMost libraries use computers to catalog and organize their collections

7 7 Databases vs. Index Some databases cover many years information Index only include recent information, generally over ten years. Full-text databases provide entire articles that can be printed out Index provide only abstract—summaries of articles

8 8 TThe most useful databases offer the full text of an article or book. DDifferent libraries subscribe to different databases, so your first order of business as a researcher is to find out which databases are available in your school library

9 9 MMost college and university libraries have networked their database so that they can accessed from student’s dorms or homes

10 10

11 11

12 12

13 13

14 14

15 15 Online full-text databases 1.HighWire Press 2. Merlot: Multimedia Educational Research for Learning and Online Teaching 3. Project Gutenberg Electronic Public Library.

16 16 It contains 1066 journals and about four million full text articles from over 130 scholarly publishers.

17 17 Find online teaching and learning materials.

18 18

19 19

20 20 Stacks  The stacks are the shelves on which books and periodicals are stored in the library.  Open stacks- you can roam the shelves and handle the books.  Closed stacks- you must obtain books from a clerk by listing the title of each book, authors.

21 21 Reference room or shelf  You can get information by searching Encyclopedias, indexes, gazetteers in a room or on the reference shelf.  They are available for use only in the library.  They cannot be checked out.

22 22 Main desk  It means information center or checkout counter for books.  Librarians and clerks are trained to help a researcher find material or difficult sources.  The reference librarian can be the researcher’s best resource.

23 23 Reserve desk  Reserve books are kept at the reserve desk.  Books on reserve are available for use only in the library and only for a limited time.  When the demand for a book exceeds the supply, the book is placed in the reserve collection.

24 24 Audiovisual room  Cassettes, tapes, music CDs, DVDs, picture slides, filmstrips are stored in an audiovisual room.  Students can listen to tapes or watch a film.  Some libraries replete with extensive new audiovisual hardware and call media centers instead of libraries.

25 25 Microform room  Microfilm- material stored on filmstrips(rolls)  Microfiche- material photographically mounted on frames(film cards)  Periodical material is stored economically in microscopic form and read with magnifying equipment.

26 26 Microfilm

27 27 Microfiche

28 28 Newspaper racks  Typical newspapers found in these racks :Taipei Times, China Post, Taiwan news, and so on.  A useful Internet source for online newspapers is the Internet Public Library.

29 29 Copy room  Photocopy machines are available in most libraries.  A room that doing the product of copying, the duplication of information or an artifact

30 30 Computer room  Computer equipment is available in most libraries, either free or at a reasonable rental rate.  Software has been installed for word processing and Internet access.

31 31 Carrels  Carrels are small enclosed desks equipped with bookshelves and designed to provide students with a quiet, insulated nook for reading or researching.  Some libraries impose fines on students caught misusing this area.

32 32 3b Organization of the library  Nowadays, there are two major classification systems now used by libraries in the world.

33 33 The two organization of the library  The Dewey Decimal System  The Library Of Congress Classification System.

34 34 The Dewey Decimal System  In 1873, Melvil Dewey devised this organization system and put to use in the library of Amherst.  This system divides all knowledge into ten general categories except fiction and biography.

35 35 The Dewey Decimal System

36 36 By alphabet

37 37 classification

38 38 The method of Dewey Decimal System 800-809General Works 810-819American Literature 820-829English Literature 830-839German Literature 840-849French Literature 850-859Italian Literature 860-869Spanish Literature 870-879Latin Literature 880-889Greek and Classical Literature 890-899Literature of other language

39 39 The method of Dewey Decimal System 820English Literature 821Poetry 822Drama 823Fiction 824Essays 825Speeches 826Letters 827Satire and Humor 828Miscellany 829 Minor and related literature

40 40 NTU Library Databases

41 41 3b-2 The Cutter/Sanborn Author Marks

42 42 The Cutter/Sanborn Author Marks

43 43 The Library of Congress Classification System

44 44 Founded in 1800  The Library of congress System at first Simply shelved its books by size. However, the nation’s collection of books had increased fabulously day after day.  Therefore, in 1904, the System itself has grown immensely in popularity and now it has been widely used in the globe.

45 45 The use of the system  It has divided the main branches of knowledge with 21 letters of the alphabet.  AGeneral Works  BLaw  CEducation  MMusic  ……..  Z Numerous minute subdivision are possible.

46 46 For example:  “ Music ”(designated “M”) is subdivided into other categories, among them the following:  MMusic  MALatin Music  MBBlue’s Music  MCCountry Music  MDMetal Music  The classification proceeds from the general to the specific, with longer numbers assigned to more- specialized books. Moreover, it uses an author number to differentiate books shelved within a specific category.

47 47 LCSH  Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) is the titled for people track down the books from the Library. These books use subject heading to group materials on the same or a similar topic under one term.

48 48 Which it fits Our Country The system widely used in our country can be divided into the following method: 1) Books name (journal) by key words 2) Books name (journal) by alphabet 3) By Authors name 4) By Topic/Key word 5) By Topic alphabet 6) By Library's Key word 7) By publisher's Key word 8) classify by directory(Chinese) 9) classify by directory(English) 10) By ISBN/ISSN 11) By Dynix bibliographic 12) By Library-code

49 49 Isu

50 50 Can be subdivided 1) Applied Science & Technology Full Text 2) Art Full Text 3) Education Full Text 4) General Science Full Text 5) Humanities Full Text 6) Index to Legal Periodicals Full Text 7) Library Literature & Information Science full text. 8) Readers' Guide Full Text 9) Social Sciences Full Text

51 51 Classification of periodicals  It has classified differently from books. Current issues usually are shelved alphabetically by title and free to the public. In addition, the way to look up the online periodicals through Library’s online service are usually the same way with which checking books in the library.

52 52 However, there is a little different as the following: 1) Applied Science & Technology Full Text 2) Art Full Text 3) Education Full Text 4) General Science Full Text 5) Humanities Full Text 6) Index to Legal Periodicals Full Text 7) Library Literature & Information Science full text 8) Readers ' Guide Full Text 9) Social Sciences Full Text

53 53  No matter it has bound in book form or reproduced on microfilm, they usually are stored in special section where public may or may not to look up.

54 54 Classification of nonbooks  nonbooks ~ materials includes - films, recordings, sheet music, slides, and so on.  There are no hard-and-fast rule exist for classifying this kind of material. Therefore, when you try to find these materials, you will have to ask the librarian for help.

55 55 The end~ Thank you !

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