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Welcome to the University Library Service. Getting into the library Use your University ID/ Smartcard.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the University Library Service. Getting into the library Use your University ID/ Smartcard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the University Library Service

2 Getting into the library Use your University ID/ Smartcard

3 Finding what’s available in the library Use WebCat or TDNet

4 How to find your resources Touch screens

5 How to find your resources Floor plans

6 Where your resources are kept

7 Where are my resources kept? Level 1: Print journals Arranged alphabetically within the sequence Per Q Also  newspapers  microfilms  maps

8 Where are my resources kept? Level 3: Books/Conferences  Computer Science  Electronics  Engineering  Mathematics  Physical sciences Classmarks beginning Q and T

9 Borrowing and returning items Loans Desk

10 Borrowing and returning items Self-issue/ return units

11 Borrowing and returning items  Borrow or Return using Self Issue/Return machines  Return books in the Red Book Containers

12 Printing and copying Self-service photocopying and printing

13 Printing and copying Self-service copying and printing.

14 Printing and copying Moneyloaders

15 Workspaces in the library

16 Level 2 iSolutions workstations

17 Workspaces in the library Levels 1, 2, 3 and 5 Group Study Rooms

18 Using the Internet in the library  Laptop and wireless access  Network plug-in points  iSolutions work stations

19 Where to go for help Reception Desk  basic library queries  book Group Study rooms

20 Where to go for help Level 3 Subject Enquiry desk

21 Eating and Drinking Levels 1 – 3:  covered drinks  cold food Levels 4-5:  bottled water only Sit down to eat or drink

22 22

23 Using the library website  Library users  Catalogues  Accessing resources  Subject pages

24 Using the Library Website -  Library website – ILLs – Electronic resources  Subject pages  Faculty infoskills

25 25 Then 'Getting Started'


27 Select the ‘services’ tab

28 28 Scroll down

29 29

30 ILL allocations

31 31 Select the ‘Subject Support' tab

32 32 Select the appropriate subject page

33 Details of librarian responsible for your subject

34 34 Select the 'Resources' tab

35 Finding what’s available …  WebCat – on-line catalogue of books, journals etc  TDNet – the library’s electronic journals management system  Databases and Websites  COPAC – combined catalogue of major UK university libraries

36 To find material on WebCat:  subject search using keywords  author/title search  e-books  journal holdings by title  log in to access full range of WebCat features using Uni ID/password

37 To find material on TDNet  Search for the title of the journal you require  Check the online coverage and access  Check print holdings if there is no online access

38 Accessing electronic resources  Institutional login (your University username and password) – Used to access many resources from off- campus locations and some from on campus

39 VPN  Virtual Private Network  Link to University network  When connected your computer appears to be ‘on campus’  Instructions on iSolutions web pages at:


41 Copyright regulations ……. We have a legal requirement NOT to photocopy, print or download more than:  One chapter or 5% of a book whichever is more  1 article per issue of a journal These limits apply per work per course

42 Further Help   Fiona Nichols Subject Enquiry Desk  Detailed sessions to follow

43 Further Help   Fiona Nichols ext 22791  Library enquiries:

44 What next?  Complete the tasks given in the ‘Getting started in the Library’ handout.  Note: you will need to go to the library as well as access the library web pages to complete the task  Now submit your answers electronically …

45 To find the quiz link  cs/ cs/ – Information skills – PGT Masters – Link to Library Quiz Please complete by Wednesday October 3!

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