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2010 Group Quarters Enumeration (GQE) SDC Conference 2/23/2010 Group Quarters Branch Branch Chief, Louis Avenilla.

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Presentation on theme: "2010 Group Quarters Enumeration (GQE) SDC Conference 2/23/2010 Group Quarters Branch Branch Chief, Louis Avenilla."— Presentation transcript:

1 2010 Group Quarters Enumeration (GQE) SDC Conference 2/23/2010 Group Quarters Branch Branch Chief, Louis Avenilla

2 2 2010 Group Quarters Enumeration Overview of GQE Overview of SBE Schedule Training GQE Examples of Group Quarters Forms and Materials Challenges

3 3 Overview of Group Quarters Enumeration Enumeration of people living or staying in group quarters Includes Service-Based Enumeration which is designed to count people who are experiencing homelessness Conducted out of the LCOs Individual Census Reports (ICRs) will be used for GQ and SBE locations Military Census Reports (MCRs) will be used for military group quarters

4 4 Overview of GQE SBE is from March 29, 2010 to March 31, 2010 GQE is from April 1, 2010 to May 14, 2010 This includes Military Enumeration. ICRs/MCRs will be linked to their associated GQs once checked in through the Operations Control System (OCS)

5 5 Overview of GQE ICRs/MCRs will be shipped to the National Processing Center for data capture Local Census Offices (LCOs) may add Group Quarters to workload after checking that the address is not already listed

6 6 Service-Based Enumeration Census operation to count people who are experiencing homelessness. Three-day operation, 3/29 to 3/31/2010 Four GQ types and designated dates: Emergency/transitional shelters- 3/29/10 Soup Kitchens & Regularly Scheduled Mobile Food Vans – 3/30/10 Target Nonsheltered Outdoor Locations – 3/31/10 Note: SBE facilities may choose one of the 3 days for enumeration, except for TNSOL

7 7 Emphasis on team enumeration for coverage and safety. Enumerators will use the ICRs to conduct interviews of clients. ICR Packets may be given to clients at shelters to complete on their own. Enumerators may count people by sight, especially at TNSOLs. Service-Base Enumeration

8 8 SBE - Logistics AMFO and GQS will coordinate SBE schedule to ensure coverage and staffing at each GQ during SBE Assign Lead Enumerators at designated team enumeration locations

9 9 SBE- Targeted Nonsheltered Outdoor Locations (TNSOLs) Conducted 3/31/09 between hours of 12 am and 7 am. Enumerators must wear safety vests, carry flashlights. Safety first, Enumerators are never to wake up sleeping person(s). Count by sight and Enumerators writing, “Person 1, Person 2” on ICR Enumerators must travel in teams, never alone or in pairs.

10 10 SBE- Targeted Nonsheltered Outdoor Locations (TNSOLs) TNSOLs will include car, RV and tent encampments. These encampments are “ad hoc” locations where people have no usual home elsewhere and are not paying to stay. Examples can be cars and RVs in large department store and municipal parking lots as well as tent encampments on open lots and undeveloped land. We stress that the focus of these TNSOL sites are encampments. These encampments do not include RV parks and campgrounds which are covered by Enumeration of Transitory Locations. These TNSOL sites may be enumerated earlier in the evening of 3/30 or 3/31/2010.

11 11 Schedule ActivityStartEnd Train Enumerators for Service- Based Enumeration (SBE) and Group Quarters Enumeration (GQE) 3/24/103/26/10 Conduct SBE3/29/103/31/10 Conduct GQE4/01/105/21/10 Ship ICRs/MCRs to National Processing Center (NPC) 4/01/105/24/10

12 12 GQE Examples of Group Quarters College Dormitories & Residence Halls Adult Group Homes Military Barracks Nursing Homes Prisons

13 13 Training Operational training for field staff Crew Leaders train Enumerators for SBE and GQE at the same time. Include a video for TNSOL Enumeration Addresses issues such as: Access to encampments Safety Confidentiality of information Do no awaken people who are sleeping Enumerate by observation if needed

14 14 GQE Procedures Coordinate with facility contact on access and other logistics. This will help in planning for enumeration. Conduct personal interviews at facilities if they are less than 10 clients/residents or less If not doing personal interviews, hand out ICRs with ICR envelopes to residents and come back to the facility on agreed time to collect completed forms. Use administrative records to obtain missing information if needed with help of facility contact. At prisons and hospitals, Census allows for self-enumeration. Facility will administer questionnaire to the residents and Census will return to the facility to collect ICRs. At military installations, Crew Leader will coordinate self-enumeration with Military Point of Contact.

15 15 Forms and Materials Enumerators will have: Individual Census Reports (ICRs) each has a unique barcode, never use copies for enumeration. AA Locator, AA Map, and block maps, previously used during GQV & GQAV Crew Leaders will use MCRs for the military enumeration. These also have unique barcodes. Enumeration Records (ERs), D-352.1, one per GQ case for information about each facility and contact.

16 16 Forms and Materials - ER ERs will have 6 versions that covers both SBE and GQE: Shelters, D-352.1, SH (SBE) Soup Kitchens, D-352.1 SK(SBE) Regularly Scheduled Mobile Food Vans, D- 352.1 MFV(SBE) Targeted Nonsheltered Outdoor Locations, D- 352.1 TNSOL (SBE) Military, D-352.1 MIL(GQE) Group Quarters, D-352.1 GQ(GQE) Collect date of enumeration, number of ICRs/MCRs and reason if zero population.

17 17 Forms and Materials - ICRs Enumerators will use the Individual Census Reports (ICRs) for SBE and GQE Single page, single version 7 questions on: Name, Sex, Age/DOB, Hispanic/Latino/Spanish Origin, Race, Live/stay most of time, Usual Home Elsewhere address Each ICR has unique barcode, never photocopy for enumeration.

18 18 Forms and Materials - ICR

19 19 Forms and Materials – MCR

20 20 Challenges Access to colleges and university housing concerned about Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Regulation (FERPA). Access to health care facilities concerned about the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Use access letters addressing both issues. Review college and university schedules. Ensuring coverage at all SBE locations Safety and security during enumeration at TNSOL sites.

21 21 Challenges, cont’d Self-enumeration is offered to: Hospitals Prisons Self-enumerating facilities will need to have staff sworn in by crew leader and materials prepared for GQE. Military installations are self-enumerating. CLs will train Military Point of Contacts on procedures.

22 22 Challenges, cont’d Enumerators may encounter language barriers. Identify these during Group Quarters Advance Visit (GQAV). Access to facilities Military Point of Contact may have changed since Group Quarters Advance Visit

23 23 Thank you Group Quarters

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