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Presentation on theme: "THE PERIODIC TABLE 2º ESO NATURAL SCIENCES."— Presentation transcript:


2 Introduction…… The periodic table represents all of the known elements arranged in groups according to similar properties. Elements are arranged in the table in order of their atomic number. Each box contains the symbol, for the element, the name of the element and it´s atomic number. The atomic number of the element is the number of protons and the number of electrons in the atoms of the element. ¡REMEMBER! The periodic table contains all of the naturally occuring and man-made elements

3 Hydrogen is a Non-Metal

4 Most Reactive Least Reactive

5 Alkaline Earth Metals Boron Elements Carbon Elements Oxygen Elements Nitrogen Elements

6 Hydrogen (Example 1) Hydrogen is the lightest element and can be used as a lifting agent in balloons. Since Hydrogen gas is highly inflammable, it can be dangerous to use. This property and others make Hydrogen suitable for use as a fuel. The most common use of Hydrogen is in chemical processes and reactions.

7 Alkaline Metals Alkaline Metals have the following properties in common: They have low melting and boiling points compared to most other metals. They are very soft and can be cut easily with a knife. They have low densities (lithium, sodium and potassium will float on water) They react quickly with water, producing hydroxides and hydrogen gas. Their hydroxides and oxides dissolve in water to form alkaline solutions.

8 Potassium Alkaline - Expample 2 Properties Soft Reacts with air
Fun fact..... Potassium chloride is used in the lethal injections that kill death row prisoners in the USA. Properties Soft Reacts with air Stored in oil Silver in colour Melting point 63.38ºc Boiling point 759ºc

9 The Transition Elements
The Transition Metals have the following properties in common: They form coloured compounds They are good conductors of heat and electricity They can be hammered or bent into shape easily They are less reactive than alkali metals such as sodium They are usually hard and tough They have high densities They have high melting points-but mercury is a liquid at room temperature

10 All the gold in the world
Transition Elements – Example 3 Properties Soft for a metal Can be polished to a high shine Resistant to corrosion Good conductor of electricity Good conductor of heat Melting point ºc Boiling point 2856ºc Fun fact.. All the gold in the world has a value of $5,681,937,512,522!

11 Halogen Elements The Halogen elements have the following properties in common: The halogens have similar properties They all have seven electrons in the outer shell. They all react very vigorously with alkali metals to form salts. Halogen means salt giver

12 Chlorine Halogen Elements – Example 4 Properties
Discovered in 1774 by Carl Wilhelm Scheele, who mistakenly thought it contained oxygen. Obtained from common salt Melting point ºC Boiling point ºC Fun fact..... Chlorine has killed lives and saved them! In World War I & II it was used to kill people with the fumes. It is also used to purify water.

13 The Noble Gases The Noble Gases have the following properties in common: The noble gases are quite unreactive They have low boiling points They are gases at room temperature You can also find small amounts of the Noble gases in the atmosphere. Helium, neon and argon form no known compounds.

14 Helium Noble Gases – Example 5 Properties
Helium has no taste, colour or smell The gas is produced in massive stars like the sun where 4 hydrogen atoms fuse together. Melting point ºC Boiling point – ºC 2nd lightest elemenet

15 Activity Photocopy




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