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St. Mary’s Holy Faith Ms. Rita McCabe, Principal.

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2 St. Mary’s Holy Faith Ms. Rita McCabe, Principal

3  CAO : Central Applications Office – an organisation that process college applications each year on behalf of colleges and universities.  HEIs : Higher Education Institutes – Universities, Colleges of Education and Institutes of Technology.  NFQ : National Framework of Qualifications – a body that recognises all education and training in Ireland. There are 10 Levels.  Undergraduate : a student in a university or college who has not received a bachelor’s degree.  Post-graduate : a student with a primary degree who is going onto further study.

4  Level 6 Advanced/Higher Certificate: 1-2 years in a HEI. Opportunity to move up to next level of framework on completion – ‘ladder system’ e.g. Certificate in Business Studies.  Level 7 Ordinary Bachelor Degree: 3 years in a HEI e.g. Bachelor Degree in Human Resource Management.  Level 8 Honours Bachelor Degree: 3 – 4 years in a HEI e.g. Honours Bachelor Degree in Nursing (B.Sc)


6  Introduction to the CAO.  Applicants’ Responsibilities.  Entry Requirements and the Points System.  Making an Application.  How places are allocated by the CAO.  What happens after you submit an application.  Other options.  Questions.

7  It is the applicant’s responsibility to research thoroughly all the courses for which he/she is making application.  The applicant must be familiar with all aspects of the CAO application system for these courses, i.e. dates, fees, entry requirements, course requirements etc.

8  Publications ◦ College Prospectuses - 2012 Entry ◦ Student Yearbook and Career Directory Part 2, 2012  Newspapers ◦ The Irish Times – Education Supplement on Tuesdays and CAO Supplement – College Options – published in January before first CAO deadline on 1 st February. See also for latest news on college options and helpful ◦ Irish Independent – - dedicated ‘Going to College’

9  Websites ◦ CAO: – contains links to course ◦ Qualifax: – database of Irish ◦ Careersportal: – Career Guidance ◦ College websites e.g. (addresses on CAO website under HEI Contact Details)  People ◦ School Guidance Counsellor ◦ Past Pupils ◦ Admissions or Academic staff at the college/university ◦ Parents/Relatives

10  The CAO processes applications for 43 third-level institutes in Ireland including 5 fee-paying colleges.  Each 6 th Year should have a CAO pack at this stage however all documentation is available online. Applying online is cheaper and prevents many of the errors associated with a paper application.  See for an online handbook and All fees are Non-refundable. FEECLOSING DATE Normal application (online or paper) €40 1 Feb 2011 (5:15 pm) Online discounted rate€30 20 Jan 2011 (5:15 pm) Late online application€60 1 May 2011 (5:15 pm) Late paper application €80 1 May 2011 (5:15 pm) Change of Mind Nil1 July 2011 (5:15 pm) FEECLOSING DATE (online or paper) €40 1 Feb 2011 (5:15 pm) Online discounted rate€30 20 Jan 2011 (5:15 pm) Late online application€60 1 May 2011 (5:15 pm) Late paper application €80 1 May 2011 (5:15 pm) Change of Mind Nil1 July 2011 (5:15 pm) FEECLOSING DATE (online or paper) €40 €30 20 Jan 2011 (5:15 pm) Late online application€60 1 May 2011 (5:15 pm) Late paper application €80 1 May 2011 (5:15 pm) Nil1 July 2011 (5:15 pm) ApplicationFeeClosing Date Paper Application€401 st Feb 5.15 p.m Online Discounted Rate€3020 th Jan 5.14 p.m Fees and dates correct as of 2011

11  Through the CAO, you can choose 10 Certificate/Ordinary Degree courses and 10 Honours Degree courses.  These courses are clearly labelled in the CAO handbook. Level 6 & 7 CoursesLevel 8 Courses Ordinary Degrees (7) Higher Certificates (6) Honours Degrees (8) Up to 10 Course Choices

12 Completion of higher certificates/bachelor degrees can lead to further study and qualifications. N.B Restricted courses have different requirements/closing dates in the CAO system.  Honours Bachelor Degrees - Level 8 DT023 Manufacturing and Design Engineering DT025 Engineering DT205 Mathematical Sciences DT211 Computing DT220 Industrial Mathematics DT222 Physics Technology DT223 Human Nutrition and Dietetics DT224 Optometry DT023 DT025 DT205 DT211 DT220 DT222 DT223 DT224  DT501 Music (Restricted) DT504 Film and Broadcasting DT533 Visual and Critical Studies DT546 Fine Art (Restricted ) DT501 DT504 DT533 DT546  Ordinary Bachelor Degrees/Higher Certificates - Level 7/Level 6  DT002 Engineering Systems Maintenance DT003 Automation Engineering DT004 Civil Engineering DT005 Building Services Engineering DT006 Mechanical Engineering DT007 Automotive Management and Technology DT008 Electronics and Communications Engineering DT002 DT003 DT004 DT005 DT006 DT007 DT008

13 1. College Entry Requirements For example, to attend NUI Maynooth, you need a minimum of 2 subjects at Higher Level Grade C3 and 4 at Ordinary or Higher Level Grade D3. 2. Course Requirements To study Nursing in DCU, you need OD3 or HD3 in Mathematics PLUS OD3 or HD3 in one of Physics, Chemistry, Biology. To study Engineering in UCD, you need HC3 in Maths. 3. Points Each course has a minimum points requirement. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO RESEARCH THE COLLEGE ENTRY REQUIREMENTS AND COURSE REQUIREMENTS. ONLY WHEN YOU HAVE SATISFIED THESE WILL YOUR POINTS BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION.

14  Care must be taken with courses marked ‘Restricted’ e.g. Art, Music, Drama, Medicine, some Nursing courses.  The courses are clearly labelled in the CAO Handbook  These courses cannot be applied for after February 1 st due to extra assessment procedures e.g. Interview, portfolio assessment.  You cannot apply for these courses through Late Application or the Change of Mind facility.  However, if you made a mistake/omission on your CAO, you can amend it before 1 st March(€10 fee applies)

15  Generally they are more applicants than college places.  Points rise in accordance with spaces and demand. So the more limited the spaces or the more popular the course, the higher the points.  Points are calculated from ONE sitting of the Leaving Certificate only.  The Points total is calculated from the 6 best subjects.  Bonus points are awarded for Honours Maths, 25 extra points for students sitting the exam in 2012.

16 GradeHonoursOrdinary A110060 A29050 B18545 B28040 B37535 C17030 C26525 C36020 D15515 D25010 D3455 LCVP Points Distinction 70 Merit50 Pass30 25 Bonus Points for Maths 2012

17 1. Go to the CAO website, click on your chosen course codes for links to the college website and more information. 2. Find out whether the course is included in the ‘Free Fees Scheme’ or whether fees are payable. 3. Apply for courses in your GENUINE ORDER OF PREFERENCE – this is VERY IMPORTANT. 4. Application fees can be paid by Credit Card/Debit/Laser. 5. Keep records. Print off or save the Receipt of Online Application. Your CAO Application number will appear on this receipt. Save or print your course choices.

18 1. Fill out your course choices carefully and photocopy your application before post it. 2. Use the Application Fee Payment Form to pay the fee through a bank. The bank will retain Part Three of the Payment Form and return Parts One and Two to you. 3. Staple Part One to your application. 4. If posting an application, photocopy your course choices and get a Certificate of Post. 5. You will receive a Statement of Course Choices and your CAO number. Check your course choices are correct.

19 ApplicationFeeClosing Date Paper Application€401 st Feb 5.15 pm Online (Discounted Rate) €3020 th Jan 5.15 pm Late Paper Application€801 st May 5.15 pm Late Online Application€601 st May 5.15 pm Change of MindNil1 st July 5.15 pm N.B Restricted Courses cannot be applied for after 1 st Feb or through the Change of Mind facility. Dates and fees correct as of 2011

20  It is very important that you choose the courses you really want in order of preference.  Put the course you would like the most as your number one choice regardless of points or predicted points.  Choose the rest of your courses in the same way.  If you accept a college place in Round 1 of the CAO offers, you can still be offered a place in Round 2 from higher up on your list of courses.  Remember you can go up but you can’t go down so choose wisely.  You are under no obligation to accept any offers in Round 2 should you not wish to.

21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 So – what is the best way to fill in the courses? Dream Courses Realistic Courses Safety Net

22  The CAO system endeavours to be as fair as possible to all students.  Therefore, where two or more candidates are on the same points...  A random number is given to each application.  The highest random number gets the place shown by an asterisk*.  For example 370* means not every candidate with 370 points got a place but everyone with 375 would have.

23 Science – UCD 100 places to be offered Science – Maynooth 100 places to be offered Course Cut Off Points = 330Course Cut Off Points = 335*  Random Selection to be used  Last place to be filled Applicant Position Points Score 1560 2535 3525 4520 5510 6 7505 8500 9490 -- 15455 16445 17440 18435 19420 20410 21405 -- 98345 99340 100335 101335 102335 103315 104310 105305 -- 182265 Applicant Position Points Score 1560 2535 3525 4520 5510 6 7505 8500 9490 -- 15455 16445 17440 18435 19420 20410 21405 -- 98340 99335 100330 101325 102315 103310 104305 105295 -- 182265 Course Merit Lists

24 NO YES NO A Students Course Preferences - Example Students Points Total = 445 Cut Off Points for Course All Lower Preference Courses Disappear From Students’ Preferences

25  Last place to be filled - Round 1  Last place to be filled – Round 1  Last place to be filled - Round 2  Last place to be filled - Round 2 ROUND 2 7 round one places not accepted 3 round one places not accepted Round 2 cut off points - 455Round 2 cut off points - 460

26  You will receive your CAO number and Statement of Course Choices by post or you will be able to view these online under ‘My Application’.  The Change of Mind facility becomes available – use sparingly and carefully, available until 1 st July.  Leaving Certificate Results are sent to CAO.  Places are allocated and offered by post and online in mid- August – 1 st round of offers.  Students accept, reject or defer offered places.  Further rounds of offers are made until all course places are filled.

27  The same procedure takes place for both lists on the CAO form, so it’s possible to get 2 college offers in August – one from each list. You may accept only one.  You should think carefully about not accepting one of these offers, as you may not receive any further offers.  Regardless of whether or not you accept a course in round 1, you will still be offered a higher preference course in subsequent rounds if you become entitled to one.

28  Post Leaving Certificate Courses (PLCs) ◦ FETAC links scheme  Apprenticeships  Defence Forces  An Garda Síochána  Fáilte Ireland  Teagasc  Job Bridge – National Internship Scheme  FAS – Training & Employment Authority  Directly to Employment

29 Thank You!

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