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Does Your Organization Have a Learning Disability?

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Presentation on theme: "Does Your Organization Have a Learning Disability?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Does Your Organization Have a Learning Disability?

2 Extraordinary Organizations…
Are those that engage people’s commitment and capacity to learn at all levels in the organization Will recognize that the only truly sustainable competitive advantage is the rate at which organizations learn Nothing compares to the exhilaration that comes from working within learning orgs.

3 Ordinary Organizations….
Learn slowly if at all Characterize an organization that you are aware of…..

4 Disciplines of the Learning Organization
Systems Thinking Personal Mastery Mental Models Shared Vision Team Learning

5 Systems Thinking All human endeavors are systems

6 Personal Mastery Continually clarifying and deepening our personal vision

7 Mental Models Deeply engrained assumptions, generalizations

8 Shared Vision Where there is genuine vision, people excel
“Where there is no vision the people perish”

9 Team Learning The synergy of teams is the ultimate exhilaration
Some people, having experienced it once, spend the rest of their lives looking for it

Subsumes and permeates all of the other disciplines By enhancing the other disciplines, it continually reminds us that the whole can exceel the sum of its parts But ST also needs the other four disciplines to realize its full potential

11 Metanoia--A shift of Mind
The recreation of ourselves through learning Becoming able to do something we never were able to do Re-perceiving the world and our relation to it Extending our capacity to create There is within each one of us a deep hunger for this type of learning

12 Putting the Ideas into Practice
SENGE: The greatest societal problem facing us today is the increased complexity of our systems FORRESTER: Systems are counterintuitive. Consequently, naïve policy makers implement policies that have just the opposite of their intended effect

13 Senge’s Metanoia Originally, he was interested only in public sector problems But then corporate leaders came to him for help These were thoughtful people, deeply aware of the inadequacies of their own organizations All shared a commitment and capacity to innovate that was lacking in the public sector

14 Who were these people??? William O’Brien of Hanover Insurance
Edward Simon from Herman Miller Ray Stata, CEO of Analog Devices Trammel Crow Arie De Geus of Shell Oil Co Leaders from Apple, Ford, Polaroid, 4000 Managers who attended the Innovations Associates workshops over eleven years

15 “I am my Position” We are trained to be loyal to our jobs—so much so that we confuse our job with our personal identity. Most people see themselves within a system over which they can exercise little control There is a kind of myopia in American organizations that causes individual workers to focus only on they small part rather than on the larger system as a whole APICS is trying to address this problem We need to see ourselves in the context of the larger system

16 “The Enemy is out There”
Generally, we tend to see the problem as outside us “no one catch a ball in that darn field…” “Thou shalt always find an external agent to blame” Marketing blames manufacturing—quality is poor, due dates are missed, etc. Manufacturing blames Engineering Engineering blames Marketing

17 The Enemy is out there is actually…
A byproduct of “I am my position…” Because of the nonsystemic ways of looking at the world that it fosters When we focus only on our position, we do not see how our actions extend beyond the boundary of that position When those actions have consequences that go beyond our position, they come back to hurt us

18 The Enemy is out there manifests itself with statements like..
the Japanese are killing us The labor unions are killing us The government regulators are killing us But this is always an incomplete story that fails to recognize that “out there” and “in here” are parts of the SAME SYSTEM

19 The Illusion of Taking Charge
Being proactive is in vogue Just ask Steven Covey This means face up to difficult problems, stop waiting for someone else to do something, solve problems before they grow into crises, etc. We have a hooked on heroics culture—one that always looks for leadership from the top

20 The Illusion of Taking Charge
All too often pro-activeness is re-activeness in disguise True proactiveness comes from seeing how we contribute to our own problems

21 The Fixation of Events We are conditioned to see life as a sequence of events The situation unfolding in Kashmir is viewed as a sequence of escalating events The situation in Israel/Palestine again is seen as a situation involving events which can be used to justify the position of either side

22 The Fixation of Events The media reinforces the fixation on events
That is what they report It is part of our programming Distracts us from seeing the longer term patterns of change that underlie events and from understanding the causes that underlie the patterns

23 Today, the primary threats to our survival…\
Stem not from events but from slow gradual processes The environment The erosion of public education Generative thinking cannot be sustained if people are focused on events

24 The Parable of the Boiled Frog
What is it???

25 The Delusion of Learning from Experience

26 The Myth of the Management Team

27 Disabilities and Disciplines

28 Prisoners of the System, or Prisoners of our own Thinking


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