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Unit 4 Module 1 continued. What kind of manager would you expect to say these things if you said you needed some help on a project? Manager 1: Look, I’m.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4 Module 1 continued. What kind of manager would you expect to say these things if you said you needed some help on a project? Manager 1: Look, I’m."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 4 Module 1 continued

2 What kind of manager would you expect to say these things if you said you needed some help on a project? Manager 1: Look, I’m really busy right now - could you ask someone else to help you? Manager 2: I can’t help you right now but let’s fix a time to sit down together and go through the problem. Manager 3: Give me the file and I’ll see if I can sort it out for you. Manager 4: Well, that’s what you’re paid for! You sort it out yourself and tell me when you’ve found a solution.

3 Refresh your memory: Match with synonyms: 1 cutting edgeA persuade by flattery 2 procrastinateB disappear, disintegrate 3 cajoleC section, one-fourth 4 perishD state of the art, the highest 5 impoverishedlevel of development 6 quadrantE sketch, draft 7 to plotF delay, put off doing a positionG depleted, poor, exhausted → Listening, p 444 Listen and match

4 Refresh your memory: Match with synonyms: 1 cutting edgeA persuade by flattery 2 procrastinateB disappear, disintegrate 3 cajoleC section, one-fourth 4 perishD state of the art, the highest 5 impoverishedlevel of development 6 quadrantE sketch, draft 7 to plotF delay, put off doing a positionG depleted, poor, exhausted → Listening, p 444 Listen and match 5 Listen and label

5 Management and conflict styles 1 cae bd

6 Management and conflict styles (Blake & Mouton) concern for people concern for product country clubteam middle-of-the-road impoverishedproduce or perish

7 Management and conflict styles (Bolton & Bolton) responsiveness assertiveness amiableexpressive analyticaldriver

8 Management and conflict styles (McGregor) y x

9 Management and conflict styles (Kilmann) accommodatingcollaborating compromising avoidingcompeting

10 Management and conflict styles (Hersey & Blanchard) participating/ supporting selling/ coaching delegating/ observing telling/ directing

11 4.1.6. Discussion Team work: Discuss 1, 2 and 5 – make notes or Discuss 3, 4 and 5 – make notes Use the script if necessary!

12 4.2. Grammar: Conjunctions...... join two parts of a sentence: Coordinators and subordinators Coordinators join two clauses of the same quality and type (and, but, or) Subordinators join clauses which add supporting detail to the main clause → 4.2.1.

13 Check 4.2.1. 1 Though 2 and 3 while 4 unless 5 provided 6 As 7whereas, as if 8 but 9 so10 in case 11 or12 Supposing

14 → 4.2.2. 1 so that, in order that 2 since, because 3 once, as soon as 4 provided, as long as 5 as though, as if 6 whereas, while 7 as soon as, the minute 8 whenever, when 9 because, since10 Just as, Like → 4.2.3. – start now (team work), complete for hw (individually)

15 → 4.2.3. – HW check Section 2 When the boss is in the room they seem to get on well, _______ / ________ in private they appear suspicious to each other. ________ / ________ / ________ Jasmine is an outgoing person, Lee seems to be a rather private person. Jasmine’s key idea is to focus on persuasive “hearts and minds” stratey to organically grow sales, ______ / ______ / ______ / ________ Lee’s plan involves an “in your face” TV-led campaign aimed at growing sales fast, _______ Jasmine argues would be prohibitively expensive and too unsubtle.

16 → 4.2.3. – hw check Section 2 When the boss is in the room they seem to get on well, BUT / ALTHOUGH in private they appear suspicious to each other. WHILE / WHEREAS / ALTHOUGH Jasmine is an outgoing person, Lee seems to be a rather private person. Jasmine’s key idea is to focus on persuasive “hearts and minds” stratey to organically grow sales, AND / BUT / WHILE/ WHEREAS Lee’s plan involves an “in your face” TV- led campaign aimed at growing sales fast, WHICH Jasmine argues would be prohibitively expensive and too unsubtle.

17 Section 3 Halfway through the first week, communication has apparently broken down ___ / ______ / ________ the two employees cannot find any common ground to move forward. Jasmine insists on discussing their differences, ______ /______ / _______ / ____ Lee is more concerned with the deadline. He wants to quickly get on with the task itself, ____ they agree to work independently on separate plans. Section 4 Things come to a head in the middle of the second week ______ / ______ Jasmine argues that Lee is being too secretive and not sharing his ideas, _____ Lee responds by accusing Jasmine of trying to control him all the time.

18 Section 3 Halfway through the first week, communication has apparently broken down AS / SINCE / BECAUSE the two employees cannot find any common ground to move forward. Jasmine insists on discussing their differences, WHILE / WHEREAS/ ALTHOUGH / BUT Lee is more concerned with the deadline. He wants to quickly get on with the task itself, SO they agree to work independently on separate plans. Section 4 Things come to a head in the middle of the second week WHEN / AS Jasmine argues that Lee is being too secretive and not sharing his ideas, BUT Lee responds by accusing Jasmine of trying to control him all the time.

19 Section 5 Lee, meanwhile, argues that Jasmine’s plans will not work ________ to build brand recognition organically through local initiatives would take too long, ______ her plans probably wouldn’t work. Eventually, Lee persuades Jasmine to go with his plan. Section 6 ______ / _____ the day of the deadline comes Lee realizes their plan is actually quite weak. The television network is too fragmented ____ the advertisements would not easily reach the target consumers, ____ / _______ it is too late to change anything.

20 Section 5 Lee, meanwhile, argues that Jasmine’s plans will not work BECAUSE to build brand recognition organically through local initiatives would take too long, SO her plans probably wouldn’t work. Eventually, Lee persuades Jasmine to go with his plan. Section 6 WHEN / AS the day of the deadline comes Lee realizes their plan is actually quite weak. The television network is too fragmented AND the advertisements would not easily reach the target consumers, BUT / ALTHOUGH it is too late to change anything.

21 Section 7 The marketing director arrives _____ ______ she takes one look at the plan she realizes it is nowhere near read. She blames both participans. Section 8 _____ / _________ / _______ / ______ the marketing director leaves the room, the participans launch into a heated argument over who is to blame. The marketing director returns to collect her papers _____ witnesses the employees shouting at each other, _____ she gives them each a written warning.

22 Section 7 The marketing director arrives AND WHEN she takes one look at the plan she realizes it is nowhere near read. She blames both participans. Section 8 AS SOON AS / ONCE / WHEN / THE MINUTE the marketing director leaves the room, the participans launch into a heated argument over who is to blame. The marketing director returns to collect her papers AND witnesses the employees shouting at each other, SO she gives them each a written warning.

23 4.3. Vocabulary Discussion 4.3.1. avoid conflictspark conflictdefuse conflict resolve conflictescalate conflict Rank from least to most desirable

24 4.3. Vocabulary Discussion 4.3.1. avoid conflictspark conflictdefuse conflict resolve conflictescalate conflict Rank from least to most desirable: –escalate –spark –avoid –defuse –resolve

25 4.3. Vocabulary – cont. Keep books closed and listen – note down the problem in each case ( 1 – 8) Match idiomatic expressions with meaning: 1 to get someone’s back up A to make a bad start 2 to get off on the wrong foot B to annoy sb 3 to fly off the handleC to lose one’s temper → 4.3.2 – answer from memory, listen again → 4.3.3

26 4.3.3. check 1 ballisticPavel 2 tetherEd 3 wayDave 4 strawJo 5 fussyNisha 6 voiceDave 7 wordKatrina 8 cheeseLiz and Nisha 9 blinkeredMr. Jarlberg 10 sickJo

27 Close the books, please! Can you explain the meaning of the following conflict management strategies? Competing Collaborating Compromising Accommodating Avoiding

28 Close the books, please! Can you explain the meaning of the following conflict management strategies? Competing Collaborating (working together) Compromising (accepting you cannot have it all your way) Accommodating (changing your attitudes and behaviour in order to deal with a new situation) Avoiding

29 Please explain for the rest of the class 1 Are they going to get away with it? 2 Stand up for yourself! 3 It will soon blow over. 4 It’s best to throw in the towel. 5 I need to mull it over. 6 Face up to the consequences of our actions. 7 Don’t take it lying down. 4.3.4. → Read pieces of advice from a) to j) and sort them into conflict management strategies: COMPETING, COLLABORATING, COMPROMISING, ACCOMMODATING, AVOIDING

30 HW P 49: 4.3.5 4.3.7 4.3.8 Not to forget: Practise conjunctions p 47 Optional: Grammar section, pp 124-125 Additional tasks: DVD-Rom & MacMillan website

31 4.4. Management skills: Assertiveness Discussion (4.4.1. – 4.4.3.) Listening (4.4.4. - 4.4.6) Speaking (4.4.7) – Pick one dialogue, reformulate it with your partner and continue the conversations more assertively.

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