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CLASS 1B – INCIRANO PRIMARY SCHOOL – ITALY WORKING IN THE STYLE OF… We, first classes' pupils, painted using the style of BAJ, CAMPIGLI, and CAPOGROSSI,

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Presentation on theme: "CLASS 1B – INCIRANO PRIMARY SCHOOL – ITALY WORKING IN THE STYLE OF… We, first classes' pupils, painted using the style of BAJ, CAMPIGLI, and CAPOGROSSI,"— Presentation transcript:

1 CLASS 1B – INCIRANO PRIMARY SCHOOL – ITALY WORKING IN THE STYLE OF… We, first classes' pupils, painted using the style of BAJ, CAMPIGLI, and CAPOGROSSI, three Italian modern painters MASSIMO CAMPIGLI ENRICO BAJ Do you like these painters? GIUSEPPE CAPOGROSSI

2 After having watched the exhibition of the three authors' works (reproductions, not the original paintings)… Some information on our work… … each of us has chosen his favourite artist and then has painted the picture that fascinated him the most.


4 I chose BAJ because he... - is fantastic of fantasy - is original

5 I chose BAJ because he... - uses many colours - uses strange materials Then we created a picture, painting as if we were the chosen artist... painting or working "in the style of..."

6 I liked the style of BAJ’s painting because: I enjoyed myself I searched and used many different materials



9 - uses shaded colours - draws in a simple way I chose CAMPIGLI because he...

10 Massimo Campigli - Ritratto di Germana - 1960

11 Massimo Campigli Maternità - 1949 Massimo Campigli - La collana -1962

12 Then we created a picture, painting as if we were the chosen artist... painting or working "in the style of..."

13 I liked the style CAMPIGLI’s painting: -because I used tempera and brushes

14 I chose CAPOGROSSI because he is... abstract, original, merry, full of shapes, full of colours, free


16 Then we created a picture, painting as if we were the chosen artist... painting or working "in the style of.."

17 I liked the style CAPOGROSSI’s painting …

18 because I enjoyed to look for new shapes…

19 ... and colours

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