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University of Notre Dame Alliance for Catholic Education Superintendents Academy.

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1 University of Notre Dame Alliance for Catholic Education Superintendents Academy

2 Charting a Course for Excellence “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

3 School Year 2012-13  The National Standards and Benchmarks are adopted in Florida as the basis for our elementary school accreditation program.  This becomes base for planning efforts.

4 Preparation – Data Collection School Data  Enrollment Trends  Financial Information  State Scholarship Funding  Feeder Parish Data  Iowa Assessment Profiles Parish Data o Baptisms o First Communion o Parish Households  History of Schools – Diocese of Palm Beach  School Year 2012-13 Enrollment by grade by school  Diocese of Palm Beach – Three-Year Enrollment Trend  Diocese of Palm Beach – School Year 2012-13 Feeder Parish Data  Catholic Schools in Florida – Statistics for 2012-13 School Year – Diocese of Palm Beach – Two Year History (provided by FCC)  Catholic Schools in Florida – Statistics for 2012-13 School Year – Comparison of 7 (Arch)Dioceses  FCC Secondary Enrollment 2005-2011  Financial Data – Diocese of Palm Beach by school (Specific Costs)  Financial Data – Diocese of Palm Beach by school (Average Costs)  Participation in State Scholarship Programs by Florida Catholic Schools – Two Year History – Diocese of Palm Beach  Participation in State Scholarship Programs by Florida Catholic Schools – Comparison of 7 (Arch)Dioceses for 2012-13  Dollar Value to Catholic Schools in Florida Participating in State Education Programs 2011-12 -Comparison of 7 (Arch)Dioceses  Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Students Served/Catholic Students Served - 5 Year History for State  McKay Scholarship Students Served/Catholic Students Served - 5 Year History for State  Iowa Assessments Group Profile for Diocese of Palm Beach, Grades 6 and 8  Iowa Assessments Group Profile for (Catholic) Province of Florida, Grades 6 and 8  Survey of Catholic School Parents on Defining Characteristics of Catholic Schools and School Environment and Involvement - Diocese of Palm Beach 

5 OCS and Bishop Barbarito  Our office worked with the Bishop to develop “Guiding Principles” for a Leadership Summit on Catholic Education to develop a broader vision for schools through 2020

6 ACE Consulting  In the Fall of 2013 ACE Consulting was engaged and assisted the OCS in structuring additional input and the format for the Leadership Summit on Catholic Schools

7 Survey Monkey for broad input Parents  Over 1000 responses from about 4000 families Pastors and Priests  Good responses from pastors/priests from parishes with schools and those that do not have schools

8 School Administrators Meetings  The National Standards Rubrics were used by principals to rate our schools for each standard based on Levels 1 to 4. Principals focused on Governance and Leadership and Operational Vitality  The same rubrics are now being used as part of our accreditation process.

9 Three Day Leadership Summit on Catholic Schools DAY ONE Teachers focused on two Standards  Mission and Catholic Identity  Academic Excellence (and Technology)  Three Speakers followed by breakout sessions by each school to rate individual schools on the rubrics from the National Standards for these two areas.

10 Speakers – Days One and Two Mission and Catholic Identity: Leland Nagel Academic Excellence: Sr. Mary Frances Taymans, SND Technology: Federico Padovan

11 Day Two of the Summit

12 120 diocesan, parish, school, community, academic and student leaders gathered from across the diocese

13 Three Additional Speakers  Most Reverend Joseph P. McFadden, Keynote  Sr. Carol Cimino, SSJ, Governance and Leadership  Richard Burke, Operational Vitality The six presenters provided White Papers in advance of the Summit and the papers were distributed to participants.

14 Speakers interacted by giving short summary presentations on their White Papers and then providing feedback to one another.

15 Participants were assigned one of the four topics for additional discussion and input in small groups chaired by teams of principals. A recorder preserved the ideas shared. Mary Jo Higgins-WPB ND Club Bill Fenton – Boca ND Club

16 DAY THREE… A Superintendent’s Planning Team was formed consisting of diocesan leadership, principals who chaired the 4 breakouts, priests and lay leaders. ACE consultants directed the work of the planning team to refine Goals and then develop Objectives for the Goals. Bishop Barbarito was present all three days of the Summit and worked with the Planning Team to develop the Goals and Objectives.

17  The days of the summit were truly a work experience, but filled with wisdom, dedication and great hope. We have begun a process that will strengthen our schools and our diocese in an essential service to our most valuable treasure — our young people. Let us continue to support this effort most especially by our prayers. - Bishop Barbarito

18  A core group of principals have worked to refine the Strategic Vision 2020 and to develop a timeline for implementation of the goals and objectives over the next several years. The vision document and the white papers are available online.

19 Corporate Sponsors Our Summit Sponsors  William H. Sadlier, Inc  FACTS, A nelnet COMPANY  Catholic School Management, Inc  Catapult Learning, LLC  Houghton Mifflin Harcourt  E-Rate, LLC  Moya Photography  Carpet MD

20 Special thanks to Sr. Kathleen, Steve and Brandy (not pictured) from ACE Consulting, to our own Bishop and to the late Bishop McFadden for his inspiring words.


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