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F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH Being Firm in the Foundations of the Christian Faith.

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Presentation on theme: "F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH Being Firm in the Foundations of the Christian Faith."— Presentation transcript:

1 F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH Being Firm in the Foundations of the Christian Faith


3 F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH Gripping The SwordThe Bible- GWMar Proofs & -ismsThe Trinity- GWApl Abba FatherGod The Father- AGMay Saviour not Super-starGod the Son- GWJune Who ? not What?God the Spirit- GWJuly In The BeginningCreation- MFSept God's Image SmudgedMan- AGOct Missing the MarkSin- GWNov God’s Plus SignThe Cross- AGJan God's Image SalvagedSalvationFeb God's People TogetherThe Church- GWMar Jesus ReturnsThe 2 nd Coming- AGApr Know Who You Believe……………… ………………Know What You Believe F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH


5 F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH  Dead in your trespasses and sins (2:1)  God made us alive together with Christ (2:5)  Once walked according to the course of this world (2.2)  Now Raised up with Him (2:6)  Were by nature children of wrath (2:3)  Now seated with Him in the heavenly places in Christ (2:6)  All Received by Faith= resting on it as a fact because God promised it Ephesians Before & After....



8 F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH 1.Repentance - Change of Mind - there are 2 Greek words: metanoia  ( Acts 2.38. Rom 2.4) which means a different mental attitude to the sin metamelia  ( Mt 27.3 2Cor 7.9,10) which means a different physical action against it. Looks Back and Away from Past

9 F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH 2.Faith - Change of Trust the scriptures know this as not merely a set of beliefs but a trust, a dependance, a resting on the truth of and confidence in the Words and Work of the Lord James 2.17 Acts 16.31 Looks Ahead and Finds New Acceptance

10 F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH 3.Regeneration - Change of Nature The Gospel is all about people being changed and given a renewed character. Jn 3:3 Rom8.11; 1Jn 5.11 2 Cor 5.17-19 Looks In and Finds New Life

11 F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH 4.Justification -Change of State "The process by which sinful human beings are made acceptable to a holy God. Christianity is unique because of its teaching of justification by grace. Justification is God's declaration that the demands of His Law have been fulfilled in the righteousness of His Son. The basis for this justification is the death of Christ." Nelson's Bible Dictionary The justified believer has been declared by the Judge Himself to have nothing laid to his charge. Rom 3.31 Rom 8.1. God treats us as if we had never sinned in Christ and through faith. Rom 5.1 Looks Up and Receives Pardon

12 F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH 5.Adoption - Change of Family. Once we were in the family of the devil now we are in God's family through faith in Christ. In Ephesians, Paul's emphasis was that our adoption rests with God, who "predestined us to adoption as sons". In his letter to the Romans, Paul used the term to describe Israel's place of honour in God's plan. However, Gentile believers have also been given the "Spirit of adoption," which allows them to cry, "Abba, Father". Looks Around and is Loved

13 F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH 6.Redemption - Change of Ownership -Once we were enslaved by sin -Jn8.34 Rom 6.12 Christ's Death was the ransom price to free us 1Ptr 1.18 Looks Out and is Free

14 F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH A Christian is Sought by the Love of God to be Enjoyed Bought by the Blood of Christ to be Free Thought by the Mercy of God to be Innocent

15 F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH * deliverance from danger <Jer. 15:20>, * deliverance of the weak from an oppressor <Ps. 35:9,10> * healing of sickness <Is. 38:20> * deliverance from blood guilt and consequences <Ps.51:14> * national deliverance from military threat <Ex. 14:13> * release from captivity <Ps. 14:7>. * poetry books salvation = blessedness * prophetical books increasing understanding of concept

16 F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH Salvation is God's Answer to mankind's problem. " The heart of the human problem is the problem of the human heart“ It is in Christ that the need is met fully and the solution offered freely.

17 F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH John 3.16 "For God so loved the world that he gave.. The Father Decrees..his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him.. The Son Procures...shall not perish but have eternal life." The Spirit Applies

18 F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH The Plan of Salvation is the Majesty, Mercy, Mystery and Might of God in Action It is God's Rescue Plan for all ages for all men Ephesians 2.1-8 Man is savedrescued, delivered, released. By GraceGod's free undeserved favour Through faithtrust, believe, receive

19 F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH We Are Heirs We are heirs of the Father We are joint-heirs with the Son. We are children of His Kingdom We are family, we are one. We are washed, We are sanctified. We are cleansed by His blood. We are born of the Spirit We are children of the Lord. We are members of His body.We are objects of His love. We’re partakers of His holiness We are citizens of heaven above. We’re partakers of His suffering; We’re partakers of His grace. We shall meet Him to be like Him We shall see Him face to face. We are longing for His coming We are looking to the skies; We are watching, we are waiting, We shall dwell with Him, we shall rise. We shall reign with Him forever; Men and angels shout and sing. For dominion has been given To the family of the King.


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