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Love Insights into Grace, Image, Vision, and Eternity.

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1 Love Insights into Grace, Image, Vision, and Eternity

2 1. What is LOVE?  Love is a relationship Love

3 1. What is LOVE?  It is more blessed to give than to receive Acts 20:35  Love is a relationship  Love is a giving (act) Love

4 1. What is LOVE?  Love is a relationship  Love is a giving (act)  Love’s ingredients ( GIVE ):  G race– kindness, that’s freely given  I mage – God’s image = God’s nature of love  V ision – hope, view of great future  E ternity – time which never ends Love

5 2. Who is perfect LOVE?  God is merciful! He is kind and patient, and his love never fails. God’s Nature  Nobody has seen God, but Jesus shows us who God is, and what God is like God’s Image  Jesus is perfect love, God’s one and only son dwelling among us full of grace and truthGod’s Beloved Love

6 3. Where does perfect LOVE come from?  God gives perfect love through Jesus Christ for free, so we should receive it without hesitation Love When Jesus died on the cross, HE fulfilled perfect LOVE from God

7 4. LOVE is in practice at International Home Love Jesus, Son of God, our savior Love people from the heart Hospitality shows LOVE Enabling & Encouraging each other demonstrates: “Love one another” Enabling & Encouraging each other demonstrates: “Love one another” Personal illustration & practice

8 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him will not perish, but have eternal life (John 3:16) Love Perfect LOVE is freely given through Jesus through Jesus

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