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Integral Mission. This is me David, Minu and Ellie Youth worker Church planter Tearfund Church since 3 years old.

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Presentation on theme: "Integral Mission. This is me David, Minu and Ellie Youth worker Church planter Tearfund Church since 3 years old."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integral Mission

2 This is me David, Minu and Ellie Youth worker Church planter Tearfund Church since 3 years old

3 My integral mission journey The God of the incarnation is always personal Five key Sunday school verses that have defined my discipleship You must be born again

4 Stuck on the fridge For God so loved David that he gave His only son that David would not perish but have everlasting life I have never left this place because I do a lot of perishing and need a saviour

5 My integral mission journey You must be born again Be holy as I am holy-discipleship for transformation

6 My integral mission journey You must be born again Be holy as I am holy-discipleship for transformation Be being filled with the Holy Spirit

7 My integral mission journey You must be born again Be holy as I am holy-discipleship for transformation Be being filled with the Holy Spirit Go into all the world and preach the good news

8 ‘Christian programmes for justice and compassion severed from their proper roots in the life of the local congregation lose their character as signs of the presence of Christ and they risk becoming mere crusades fuelled by a moralism that can become self-righteous. And the life of the worshipping congregation severed from its proper expression in compassionate service in the secular community around it risks becoming a self-centred existence serving only the needs and desires of its own members.’ Lesslie Newbigin The Open Secret: An Introduction to the Theology of Mission (1995)

9 My integral mission journey You must be born again Be holy as I am holy-discipleship for transformation Be being filled with the Holy Spirit Go into all the world and preach the good news Remember the poor

10 Jesus never asked us to serve the poor He commanded us to seek the Kingdom You can serve the poor without seeking the Kingdom You cannot seek the Kingdom without serving the poor

11 The mission Jesus gave us What is more important- prayer or Bible Study? What is more important- evangelism or social action?

12 The mission Jesus gave us Primary need is for relationship with Jesus Priority of need (and action) determined by: ◦Relationship ◦Context ◦Holy Spirit

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