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I NTERNET T ECHNOLOGIES National 4/5 Computing Science.

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1 I NTERNET T ECHNOLOGIES National 4/5 Computing Science

2 L ESSON AIMS By the end of this lesson you will be able to:  Describe what an ISP is  Describe the difference between the WWW and the Internet  Discuss the technologies that are used by ISP’s to allow internet access

3 ISP An ISP is an Internet Service Provider They are a company which provide you ( the customer) with access to the internet. You will be connecting to their servers which then allows you access

4 I NTERNET AND WWW The internet is a collection of computers ( and networks) that are connected together The World Wide Web is hosted (stored) on the internet.


6 M Y WEB IS SLOW … You won’t always get the advertised maximum speed! Factors such as: Time of Day Day of Week Your distance from your phone exchange How many people in your area Will all effect your connection speed


8 M AIN T ECHNOLOGIES WE WILL LOOK AT 1. ADSL (Broadband) 2. Fibre Optic 3. Mobile Internet

9 U PLOADING AND D OWNLOADING Can you think when you would be downloading from the web? Likewise can you think when you would be uploading a file from your computer to the web? Which are you more likely to do more often?

10 B ROADBAND The minimum service commitment for broadband is 2Mbps 2 Megabits per second download rate With the upper limit of 24Mbps This is usually achieved by using ADSL

11 ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) This means your download speed is usually much higher than your download limits ADSL works by the signal being transmitted down your phone line Can still talk and surf at the same time

12 S UPERFAST BROADBAND The EU defines superfast broadband as: “broadband services at an access (download) speed of more than 24 Mbps” This is usually achieved by using fibre optic networks.

13 F IBRE OPTIC NETWORKS These cables are made up of glass and plastic, This allows data to move much faster than along the copper wire used by ADSL broadband. Fastest current rate is a download rate of 100Mbps (Nov 12) Not available to everyone!

14 M OBILE I NTERNET Similar to the technology used in mobile phones Uses the mobile (usually 3G) network to allow communication Will usually require a USB dongle

15 M OBILE I NTERNET  Requires mobile network coverage  Download/upload speeds can be quite slow.  Can be expensive as we are becoming very data hungry!

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