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IMPLICIT VS EXPLICIT Explicit meaning is when the words tell you exactly what the situation is. These are things like rules, the weather on a specific.

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Presentation on theme: "IMPLICIT VS EXPLICIT Explicit meaning is when the words tell you exactly what the situation is. These are things like rules, the weather on a specific."— Presentation transcript:

1 IMPLICIT VS EXPLICIT Explicit meaning is when the words tell you exactly what the situation is. These are things like rules, the weather on a specific day and other concepts that are very specific and not open to interpretation. Implicit is something you understand from the choice of words or otherwise figure out from your own experience. For instance, if you are reading a book written by Stephen King and you read about it being a dark and rainy will feel it from your own experiences with rainy nights. You know that you have limited visibility, will not get a suntan that night and other subjective information The words “explicit” and “implicit” are antonyms, or words that express directly opposite meanings.

2 According to the American Heritage Dictionary, an idea that is explicit is “fully and completely expressed.” It does not require the reader to guess or to infer meaning. For example, “Shut the window” is an explicit statement since there is no doubt as to the meaning. In contrast, if someone sitting in a room with an open window says, “It is cold in here,” the implied meaning is that the window should be shut. If a husband reaches for his car keys wearing a dirty shirt and his wife says, “Are you sure that you’re ready to go to dinner?” she may be implying that he needs to change his shirt. However, he may infer that she is in a hurry to leave because they could be late to dinner. Thus, we see that “a statement can have different meanings, which are inferenced by the reader”

3 Explicit statements are necessary in scientific and legal writing because their purpose is to express facts and explain events clearly. A writer does not want to take the chance that anything gets misinterpretation. However, even when the writing is less formal, it still must contain explicit statements to give information clearly. Giving directions, comparing and contrasting, explaining the parts of a device, giving the definition of a term, explaining causes and effects, or telling how to solve a problem, all require explicit language.

4 Researchers at the University of Waterloo in Ontario asked volunteers to press a button when prompted by a computer screen. They were also instructed not to press it if a red light also appeared. Those who were given alcohol were more likely to press the button in spite of the red light, just as a drunk is more likely to punch someone even if told to stop. However, when drinkers were offered a small reward, they performed as well as sober volunteers. What is the implicit idea in the following paragraph? The researchers conclude that people who have been drinking can control their behavior if they want to.

5 What are the implicit and explicit ideas in the following paragraph? The reaction time of all people who use cell phones when driving slows dramatically and increases the risk of a car accident. "If you put a 20-year-old driver behind the wheel with a cell phone, their reaction times are the same as a 70- year-old driver who is not using a cell phone," said University of Utah psychology professor David Strayer. "It's like instantly aging a large number of drivers." When young adults use cell phones while driving, they're as bad as old people. Implicit Explicit

6 What are the implicit and explicit ideas in the following paragraph? Listening to music when studying is good for some people, but bad for other people. The issue whether the use of music while studying is good or not is inconclusive despite of so many and researches about the effect of music while people are studying. Perhaps this is because our learning capabilities are varied: some are auditory learners, while others are visual or spatial learners and so, the impacts of music to us are likewise different. Explicit

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