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Finding the Trends that have been discovered and Discussing the Controversies that have arisen By Daniel Jay Sacbibit.

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2 Finding the Trends that have been discovered and Discussing the Controversies that have arisen By Daniel Jay Sacbibit

3 Discoveries Scientist had discovered that there are two regions in DNA that are related to the performance in IQ testing. These are found in chromosomes II and VI Identical twins were found to score closer in IQ than non- identical twins. Likewise, children of no relation scored with even more variation. <

4 IQ grows with age Robert Plomin of King’s College in London concluded through data of six separate studies that IQ rises with age. The studies were conducted in the US, the UK, Australia and the Netherlands. In total it involved 11,000 pairs of twins! People assume that the genetic influence on a person’s IQ decreases with age because of the environmental differences that may increase in life.

5 Environmental Factors Robert Jensen claimed that environmental factors affect a person’s IQ. Environmental factors would include people’s social situation in life as well as their influences, such as their parents and peers. < Before Jensen had come to this more reasonable conclusion, he had stirred up quite a noticeable commotion, as he theorized the trends of low IQ’s in certain minorities to be the case of genetic inheritance.

6 Sir Cyril Burt Sir Cyril Burt was one of the most respected and honoured psychologists of his time. However, Burt had, before Jensen, come up with the same controversial theory that certain minorities had lower IQ due to genetics. < 9909/cyril_burt.htm The Controversy

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