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Paolo LINZI Safety, Environment and Quality VP Eni E&P Division
Recovery of Associated Gas for independent power generation The Kwale – Okpai Project Nigeria Paolo LINZI Safety, Environment and Quality VP Eni E&P Division
Background: Flaring down in Nigeria The Kwale - Okpai Project overview
Agenda Background: Flaring down in Nigeria The Kwale - Okpai Project overview
Eni‘s Action Plan on Kyoto Protocol
Eni Action Plan for Flaring / Venting reduction R&D activities: CCS Project and GTL pilot project Development of a sustainable energy model and definition of the transition path Eni has approved a corporate Action Plan on Kyoto Protocol. The paln aims at: Accounting and certificate Eni’s ghg emissions Being compliant whith Emissions Trading Identifying CDM and JI opportunities Developing a Corporate Carbon Managemet Strategy Working groups on specific issues have been ideitified. Moreover a R&D programme on Carbon Sequestration has been implemented as wall as actions related to improvement of efficiency CDM an JI projects identification and a flaring down programme.
Flaring Down in Nigeria
View of Nigerian flares as seen from the satellite An unusual brightness in the dark of the African continent Nigeria produces 2.3 M Bopd of oil and 6 BScf/day of associated gas. About 45% of produced gas is presently flared. Gas reserves in the country are estimated to be 180 Tcf The government through fiscal incentives has opened new markets The exportation of liquefied natural gas (N-LNG) started in 1999 Flaring is a main issue in Nigeria. Currently huge amounts of gas are flared (about 45%) though the government has introduced fiscal incentives for reducing this practive.
History of Eni in Nigeria (1)
Establishment of “Nigerian Agip Oil Company” NAOC starts exploration activities First jv with Nigerian government (60% NNPC) Electric power supply to Brass community 1980 Establishment of AENR ltd Gas re-injection in Obiafu-Obrikon plant NAOC acquires 5% of the Shell assets (increase of about 60,000 bopd equity) 1989 Establishment of Nigeria LNG ltd (Agip 10.4%)
History of Eni in Nigeria (1)
1994 First NGL supply to Eleme petrochemical 1996 Establishment of NAE Ltd 1997 Renewal of NOAC jv OMLs until year 2027 1999 NAOC provides first gas for N-LNG plant 2000 NAOC defines a plan to reach “zero flaring” 2001 NAOC signs the first electric power sale agreement for the IPP at Okpai 2003 Start up of Abo field (first off-shore deep water in Nigeria) 2003 Establishment of “Brass LNG Ltd” (Eni 17 %) 2005 Start-up of Okpai IPP (first IPP in Nigeria)
Relationship With Local Communities
Social and Environmental commitment 1976: 1st social project – Power supply to Brass Community 1985: Reducing gas flaring through gas re-injection 1987: Green River social project 2000: Start of “zero gas flaring” project 2001: Social projects - Roll-back malaria, Burma Rice <5% 2009 Target
Nigerian Zero Flaring Gas Master Plan
GAS SUPPLIES (existing and planned) to N-LNG: - Trains 1 & 2 - Train 3 - Trains 4 & 5 - Train 6 to Brass LNG to IPP: - Okpai – Phase 1 - Okpai – Phase 2 (planned) to Rivers State Gov. Power Plant to Eleme Petrochemical: - Fuel Gas - NGL GAS INJECTION - Kwale field - Ob/Ob field INTERNAL CONSUMPTIONS Fuel Gas - power generation - gas turbines drivers Eni has approved a Nigerian Zero Flaring Master Plan. The Plan comprises several measures, both internal end exeternal: External measures: N-LNG trasportation improvement, Power Generation, transportation to Eleme Petrochemical Plant Internal measures: gas reinjection, power generation fueling Equity shares in the projects: N-LNG Trains: NNPC (60%), NAOC (20%); Phillips Oil Company Nigeria (20%); Train 3 for about ~ 4 mln Ton CO2/year; Trains for about ~ 7 mln Ton CO2/year Okpai IPP project: NNPC (60%), NAOC (20%); Phillips Oil Company Nigeria (20%)
NAOC Gas Configuration Land & Swamp Area
IPP project IPP NAOC Gas Configuration Land & Swamp Area AKRI KWALE EBOCHA IRRI/ISOKO OB/ OB SAMABRI IDU FORCADOS TUOMO OSHIE ELEME ROW GTS - 1 (N-LNG) BENIBOYE NAOC’s ROW (OB/OB-Brass) T6 P/ HARCOURT OGBAINBIRI SPDC’s ROW (Nun river-Kolo creek-Rumuekpe) Rumuji The Kwale Oil-Gas Processing Plant is operated by NAOC and it is situated in the Oil Mining Lease area 60 (OML60), delta State, Nigeria. The Okpai Power Plant, as already said, is 14 km far from Kwale. TIE-IN POINT NAOC/NLNG GTS Legend: CLOUGH CREEK OBAMA Oil Terminal ROW GTS -4 (N-LNG) LNG Terminal TEBIDABA Raw Gas BRASS Gas Line to Bonny NGL BONNY Gas Parallel Line Flowstation Upgrading New pipelines
Background: Flaring down in Nigeria The Kwale - Okpai Project overview
Agenda Background: Flaring down in Nigeria The Kwale - Okpai Project overview
The Project Concept PURPOSE/ACTIVITY Utilization of previously flared associated gas produced in the Kwale Oil-Gas Processing plant Transportation of the gas through a 14 km long pipeline Use as fuel in plant and in ad hoc built Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Independent Power Plant The project consists of taking medium and low pressure associated gas trains from the Kwale Oil-Gas Processing Plant which were (in absence of any economically viable, commercial outlet) previously flared after separation from oil, and transporting the gas along a pipeline for use in power generation at a high efficiency Combined Cycle Independent Power Plant located at Okpai (it is a 480 MW combined cycle gas turbine)
On-grid energy installed capacity in Nigeria
The project concept results from the analysis of the power genertion and distribution system in Nigeria. The generation plants and the distribution grid are mainly obsolete and often suffer of a lack of maintenance. Hence losses can reach some 40% of the generated electricity.
Project Description IPP PROJECT PARTNERS NNPC (60%); NAOC (20%); PONL (20%) TECHNOLOGY Gas dehydration, taking up ullage at the existing Kwale OGPP; Gas compression 14 km pipeline inter-connector from the Kwale OGPP to the IPP at Okpai A 480 MW combined cycle gas turbine power plant The project involves the use of the following technologies: gas dehydration unit, gas compression unit and a 14 km pipeline inter-connector from the Kwale OGPP to the IPP at Okpai. The participants are the same subject forming the joint venture of the Production Sharing agreement
Approved Methodology AM0009 version 02
Methodology Overview Approved Methodology AM0009 version 02 Recovery and utilization of gas from oil wells that would otherwise be flared The Methodology ued is AM0009 version 02, the “Rang Dong” (Vietnam) project Methodology. The Methodolody is applicable to flaring down projects under the conditions listed in the slide. Among them it is important to point out the third one: the recovered gas must substitute fuels with equal or higher carbon content. This is the case of the Kwale – Okpai project as in Nigeria the natural gas as a major share in the power generation fuel mix and, moreover, the national strategy to expand power generation outlitnes an increase of gas usage Gas at oil wells is recovered and transported via pipelines to a process plant where dry gas, LPG and condensate are produced; Energy required for transport and processing of the recovered gas is generated by using the recovered gas; The products will substitute only the same types of fuels or fuels with a higher carbon content – current electricity generating mix in Nigeria is oil: 6.3%, natural gas: 56.9%; Hydro: 36.8%, and the Nigerian government’s energy strategy outlines plans to increase the use of natural gas in power generation; The substitution of fuels due to the project activity is unlikely to lead to an increase of fuel consumption in the respective market; In the absence of the project activity, the gas is mainly flared.
Baseline and Monitoring Plan
CO2 equivalent emissions from flaring of associated gas, less: Volume of dry gas exported from Kwale plant to OB/OB gas plant Volume of dry gas used for reinjection at OML 60 MONITORING Ex post monitoring of various carbon flows across the gas recovery, processing, export, and emergency relief (flares) systems, plus any accidental releases through plant or pipeline failure The Project Baseline is the scenario that reasonably represents the anthropogenic emissions by sources of GHG that would occur in the absence of the proposed project. The Baseline it is equal to the emissions deriving from flaring of the amount of gas recovered from the oil wells, reduced of the dry gas exported from Kwale OGPP to Ob/Ob GPP and the dry gas exported for reinjection at OML 60. Monitoring Plan: It involves the application of ex post monitoring of various carbon flows across the gas recovery, processing, export, and emergency relief (flares) systems, plus any accidental releases through plant or pipeline failure.
Boundaries and Crediting Period
The project boundaries are the Kwale Oil-Gas Processing Plant and the pipeline inter-connector between Kwale OGPP and the IPP CREDITING PERIOD A crediting period of 10 years ( ) has been chosen OVERALL CREDITS 14.97 Miln tones CO2eq The Boundaries are the estimated margin around the project, within which the project’s impact (in terms of GHG emission reductions) will be assessed. The CREDITING PERIOD defines the period over which emission reductions of the project can be claimed
Additionality assessment
In the Project Design Document the additionality demonstration is schematically explained with this table: Because of legal or economic barriers, in the baseline scenario flaring would have been the only option for using such a big amount of gas like the one used to feul the IPP (Independent Power Plant)
Emission Reductions over the crediting period:
Project Emissions Emissions from the Kwale gas processing plant that are attributable to the gas trains exporting to the Okpai IPP Fugitive and accidental emissions from the transportation of gas to the Okpai IPP Emissions related to the flaring of blow down from the IPP pipeline The Emissions Reductions are equal to the emissions related to the recovered gas less the project emissions In the Project Design Document three contribution to emissions are deemed to occur: 1. Emissions from the Kwale Processing Plant related to the gas transportation 2. Fugitive Emissions that can accidentally occur along the pipeline 3. Flaring of blow down from the Okpai IPP pipeline Emissions reductions are given by the emissions corrensponding to the recovered gas less the 3 contribution due to the Project Emission Reductions over the crediting period: 14,969,337 tonnes CO2eq
Project Emissions In the Project Design Document three contribution to emissions are deemed to occur: 1. Emissions from the Kwale Processing Plant related to the gas transportation 2. Fugitive Emissions that can accidentally occur along the pipeline 3. Flaring of blow down from the Okpai IPP pipeline Emissions reductions are given by the emissions corrensponding to the recovered gas less the 3 contribution due to the Project
The Clean Development Mechanism
Conclusions The Clean Development Mechanism A help for the Oil &Gas sector in the economic efforts to: Cut flaring and venting emission Deploy Efficient Technologies in developing countries The Kwale – Okpai Project A contribution to sustainable development. Its benefits: A significant step to Eni "Zero Gas Flaring" Plan Climate change mitigation Deployment of sustainable technology in Nigeria Boosting CDM projects development in Nigeria New opportunities to implement flaring down projects worldwide The CDM can offer significant opportunities to cut the costs related to flaring down programmes. At the same time it can be a tool for deploying new generation technologies in developing countries. The Kwale Project is an example of how to use the opportunities coming from the Clean Development Mechanism for reducing flaring emissions and creating environmentaly friendly development in needy areas like African Countries
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