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Welcome to the CUBL Section Meeting “Beyond Borders” SLA Annual Conference June 9, 2014 Vancouver, BC.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the CUBL Section Meeting “Beyond Borders” SLA Annual Conference June 9, 2014 Vancouver, BC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the CUBL Section Meeting “Beyond Borders” SLA Annual Conference June 9, 2014 Vancouver, BC

2 Today’s Agenda 8:00 – 8:20 Report on Section Activities 8:20 – 9:00 Formal Presentations 9:00 – 9:30 Facilitated Roundtable Discussions

3 What is the CUBL Section? CUBL = College & University Business Libraries: A section of the Business & Finance (B&F) Division 190 members (as of June 1, 2014) Benefits of CUBL Section membership: Network with fellow CUBL members via the B&F Division’s LinkedIn Group & other venues Participate in CUBL Committees Eligible to win the CUBL Achievement in Academic Business Librarianship Award

4 Award Committee, 2013-2014 Eve Wider, Chair Mark Bodnar Mihoko Hosoi Kara Moore (2013 Award Recipient) Pete Pietraszewski Kim Stymest The 2014 CUBL Achievement in Academic Business Librarianship Award recipient is Aleha McCauley (Community Engagement Librarian for the Small Business Accelerator at the University of Business Columbia)

5 Business Instructional Materials Committee, 2013-2014 Kara Moore, co-Chair Jennifer Zimmer, co-Chair Colleen Hailey Holly Inglis Teresa Wilkins Sally Ziph Now accepting submissions of tutorials or other instructional material for the BIM Collection’s wordpress site.

6 Core Competencies, 2013-2014 Joint project with ALA’s Business Reference and Services Section (BRASS) Scope: identify core research competencies for business students Working Group CUBL: Rahn Huber, Amy Jansen, Hal Kirkwood, Michael M. Smith BRASS: Charles Allen (Chair), Annette Buckley, Ann Fiegen, Shana Gass, Ed Hahn, Stan Lyle.

7 Membership Committee, 2013-2014 Kendra Spahr, Chair Angela Horne, Incoming Chair, 2014-2015. Kathy Berger Carol A. Doyle PK Jain Rajiv Johal Rhonda McGinnis Breezy Silver Recent Activities: Member spotlights: Trip Wyckoff, Amy Jansen; CUBL Conference Programming Survey

8 Formal Presentations Making Entrepreneurship Local for Foreign Students at US Colleges Jack Cahill (Babson College) A Global Reach: Supporting International Research, Academics, & Working Abroad Holly Inglis (University of Toronto) Stephanie Perpick (University of Toronto Scarborough)

9 Facilitated Roundtable Discussions Career Resources Hana Field (Chicago Booth) & Kara Moore (Northwestern) Finance & Trading Labs and Libraries Harold Gee (Baruch College, CUNY), Stephanie Perpick (U of Toronto Scarbourough) & Holly Inglis (U of Toronto) Financial Literacy Lauren Reiter (Penn State) Research/Reference Services Angela Horne (UCLA) Strategies for One-Shot and Online Instruction Afra Bolefski (Wilfred Laurier) & Lisa Shen (Sam Houston State) Strategies for Working with Faculty Carol Doyle (Northwestern)

10 Help Plan the 2015 CUBL Meeting! Wanted: 2 CUBL members to join an ad- hoc planning committee Our first deadline is Mid-August 2014 Please contact the CUBL Chair, Linda Lowry (, if you are interested

11 Contact CUBL CUBL Chair: Linda Lowry Email: CUBL Section Website Presentations and Roundtable Discussion Notes will be posted online shortly


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