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INSTRUMENTS OF THE ORCHESTRA CONCEPTS. CONCEPTDEFINITION String FamilyFamily of stringed instruments including violin, viola, cello, double bass and harp.

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2 CONCEPTDEFINITION String FamilyFamily of stringed instruments including violin, viola, cello, double bass and harp. ViolinSmallest and highest pitched instrument in the string family. ViolaSlightly bigger and sounds a bit lower than the violin. CelloSlightly smaller and higher in pitch than the double bass. Double BassLargest and lowest instrument in the string family. HarpHas 47 strings, played with both hands. PluckingPlucking the strings with your fingers. Bowing (Arco)Playing the strings with the bow.

3 CONCEPTDEFINITION Woodwind Family Instruments which are played by blowing. Includes flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon and saxophone. FluteUsually made of metal rather than wood, has no reed. ClarinetUses a single reed attached to a mouthpiece. OboeUses a double reed played between your lips. BassoonLargest of the woodwind instruments, also uses a double reed like the oboe. SaxophoneUsually made of brass but uses a single reed like a clarinet. Blowing - Woodwind The sound is produced by blowing into or across a mouthpiece.

4 CONCEPTDEFINITION Brass FamilyFamily of instruments made of metal, played by blowing a raspberry through the mouthpiece. Includes trumpet, trombone, horn and tuba. TrumpetThe smallest and highest pitched instrument in the brass family. TromboneUses a slide instead of valves to play notes. French HornMade of a long piece of tubing curled round many times with a large bell on the end. TubaLargest and lowest pitched instrument in the brass family. Blowing - Brass Sound is produced by vibrating the lips through the mouthpiece. ValvesButtons pressed down in different combinations to play different notes.

5 CONCEPTDEFINITION Percussion Family Instruments that are played by hitting, striking, shaking or scraping them. Tuned Percussion Percussion that can play different notes to make a melody. Includes xylophone, glockenspiel and timpani drums. Un-tuned Percussion Percussion that only makes one sound or note when played. Includes triangle, tambourine, snare drum and cymbals. Striking/ Hitting Sound is produced by striking or hitting the instrument using a beater, mallet or hands.

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