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Big Question: What unexpected influence do we have on those around us? Author: Debbie A. Taylor Genre: Realistic Fiction.

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Presentation on theme: "Big Question: What unexpected influence do we have on those around us? Author: Debbie A. Taylor Genre: Realistic Fiction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Question: What unexpected influence do we have on those around us? Author: Debbie A. Taylor Genre: Realistic Fiction


3 Review Games  Story Sort Story Sort Story Sort VocabularyWords Vocabulary Words:  Arcade Games Arcade Games Arcade Games  Study Stack Study Stack Study Stack  Spelling City: Vocabulary Spelling City: Vocabulary Spelling City: Vocabulary  Spelling City: Spelling Words Spelling City: Spelling Words Spelling City: Spelling Words

4 Spelling Words Easily Confused Words

5 quiet quite finely finally except accept than then since sense affect effect from form later latter adapt adopt medal metal personal personnel proceeding preceding immigrate emigrate


7 Vocabulary Words  bass  clarinet  fidgety  forgetful  jammed  nighttime  secondhand  onstage  vibraphone  waitress  celebrity  inspired  wealth Vocabulary Words More Words to Know

8 Monday Question of the Day What unexpected influence do we have on those around us?

9 Today we will learn about:  Build Concepts  Sequence  Prior Knowledge  Build Background  Vocabulary  Fluency: Phrasing  Grammar: Punctuation  Spelling: Easily Confused Words  Influences

10 Fluency Phrasing

11 Fluency: Phrasing  Listen as I read “Dorothea Lange.”  As I read, notice how I group words together, rather than read word by word, to replicate the natural flow of spoken language.  Be ready to answer questions after I finish.

12 Fluency: Phrasing  What was the first thing Genthe asked Dorothea to do after he hired her?  What conclusions can you draw about Dorothea Lange?

13 Concept Vocabulary  celebrity – condition of being well known or famous  inspired – filled with a thought or feeling; influenced  wealth – many valuable possessions; property; riches

14 Concept Vocabulary (To add information to the graphic organizer, click on end show, type in your new information, and save your changes.)

15 People Things Influences

16 Sequence, Prior Knowledge Turn to Page 726 - 727.

17 Prior Knowledge What do you know about jazz music? K (What do you know?) W (What would you like to learn?) L (What did you learn?)

18 Build Background  This week’s audio explores jazz music. After you listen, we will discuss what you found out and what surprised you about jazz music.

19 Vocabulary Words

20  bass – the largest, lowest- sounding stringed instrument in an orchestra or band  clarinet – woodwind instrument, having a single mouthpiece with a reed and played with holes and keysclarinet  fidgety – restless; uneasy

21 Vocabulary Words  forgetful – apt to forget; having a poor memory  jammed – made music with other musicians without having practiced  nighttime – time between evening and morning  secondhand – not new; already used by someone else

22 More Words to Know  onstage – on the part of a stage that the audience can see onstage  vibraphone – musical instrument similar to the xylophone, with metal bars and artificially increased vibrationvibraphone

23 More Words to Know  waitress – woman who serves or brings food to people in a restaurantwaitress  (Next Slide) (Next Slide)





28 GrammarPunctuation

29  “the photographer will arrive at 1130 and im not quiet ready”  “The photographer will arrive at 11:30, and I’m not quite ready.”  we finely got everyone together accept uncle bob  We finally got everyone together except Uncle Bob.

30 Punctuation  “That photographer from Highnote magazine will be out front in an hour.”  The title of a magazine or book is set in italics or underlined to set it off. (Titles of short stories, poems, and songs are enclosed in quotation marks.)

31 Punctuation  A colon ( : ) is used to separate hours and minutes in expressions of time. It is also used after the salutation in a business letter.  12:00 p.m.  9:35 a. m.  Dear Mr. Smith:  Sir:

32 Punctuation  A hyphen ( - ) is used in some compound words. Two common uses are numbers from twenty- one to ninety-nine and compound words that are thought of as one word.  a ten-year-old rider  thirty-five  a high-class club

33 Punctuation  A semicolon ( ; ) can be used to join two independent clauses instead of a comma and a conjunction.  Ben practiced piano every day; he soon became an excellent player.

34 Punctuation  Italics or underlining is used for titles of books, newspapers, magazines, and works of art. Because you cannot write italics, underline titles in your writing.  a newspaper: the Los Angeles Times or the Los Angeles Times  a magazine: Junior Scholastic or Junior Scholastic

35 Punctuation  A dash (--) sets off information or a comment that interrupts the flow of a sentence.  The shiny horn—the only new thing he had ever had—took his breath away.

36 Punctuation Punctuation Add the missing punctuation marks.  The letter began, “Dear Ms. Verbic Your appointment is at 130 P.M.”  The letter began: “Dear Ms. Verbic: Your appointment is at 1:30 P.M.”

37 Punctuation Punctuation Add the missing punctuation marks.  Uncle Pete expected his New York Times to be delivered at 815 A.M.  Uncle Pete expected his New York Times to be delivered at 8:15 A.M.

38 Punctuation Punctuation Add the missing punctuation marks.  The party it was for Grandma’s sixty first birthday was to begin at 700 P.M.  The party—it was for Grandma’s sixty-first birthday—was to begin at 7:00 P.M.

39 Punctuation Punctuation Add the missing punctuation marks.  Quentin was a well liked jazz musician he always played to large crowds.  Quentin was a well-liked jazz musician; he always played to large crowds.

40 Punctuation Punctuation Add the missing punctuation marks.  A review of the best selling novel, The Jazzman, appeared in the Daily News.

41 Spelling Words Easily Confused Words

42 quiet quite finely finally except accept than then since sense affect effect from form later latter adapt adopt medal metal personal personnel proceeding preceding immigrate emigrate

43 Tuesday Question of the Day How has Uncle Click influenced C.J.?

44 Today we will learn about:  Context Clues  Sequence  Prior Knowledge  Draw Conclusions  Vocabulary  Fluency: Echo Reading  Grammar: Punctuation  Spelling: Easily Confused Words  Social Studies: Harlem Renaissance  Musical Instruments  Influences

45 Vocabulary Strategy: Homographs Turn to Page 728 - 729.

46 Sweet Music in Harlem Turn to Page 730 - 739.

47 Fluency Echo Reading

48 Fluency: Echo Reading  Turn to page 733, paragraphs 1 and 2.  As I read, notice how I take breaths at appropriate times so I don’t run out of breath on long sentences.  We will practice as a class doing three echo readings.

49 GrammarPunctuation

50  time magazine published a article about louis armstrong  Time magazine published an article about Louis Armstrong.  by the 1920s many of the best known jazz players has move to chicago  By the 1920s many of the best- known jazz players had moved to Chicago.

51 Punctuation  A colon (:) is used to separate hours and minutes and after the salutation in a business letter.  A hyphen is used in some compound words.  A semicolon (;) can be used to join two independent clauses.

52 Punctuation  Italics or underlining is used for titles of publications and works of art.  A dash sets off information that interrupts the flow of a sentence.

53 Spelling Words Easily Confused Words

54 quiet quite finely finally except accept than then since sense affect effect from form later latter adapt adopt medal metal personal personnel proceeding preceding immigrate emigrate

55 Wednesday Question of the Day What is the significance of many of Uncle Click’s fellow neighbors and musicians being part of the photo?

56 Today we will learn about:  Sequence  Prior Knowledge  Context Clues  Vocabulary  Fluency: Phrasing  Grammar: Punctuation  Spelling: Easily Confused Words  Social Studies: Apollo Theater  Photography  Influences

57 Sweet Music in Harlem Turn to Page 740 - 748.

58 Fluency Phrasing

59 Fluency: Phrasing  Turn to page 739.  As I read, notice how I use a sentence’s punctuation to guide my phrasing.  Now we will practice together as a class by doing three echo readings.

60 GrammarPunctuation

61  the trumpet is made of medal. Hats why its called a brass instrument  The trumpet is made of metal. That’s why it’s called a brass instrument.  the clarinets sound is more softer than the trumpet’s  The clarinet’s sound is softer than the trumpet’s.

62 Punctuation  A colon (:) is used to separate hours and minutes and after the salutation in a business letter.  A hyphen is used in some compound words.  A semicolon (;) can be used to join two independent clauses.

63 Punctuation  Italics or underlining is used for titles of publications and works of art.  A dash sets off information that interrupts the flow of a sentence.

64 Punctuation  Writers use punctuation to signal information to readers.  A dash says, “I’m putting in this extra information, and then I’ll get back to my original idea.”  A semicolon can say, “Notice that these two sentences are closely connected in meaning.”

65 Punctuation  A colon says, “I’m introducing a list at the end of this sentence.”  Review something you have written to see if you can improve it by adding punctuation.

66 Spelling Words Easily Confused Words

67 quiet quite finely finally except accept than then since sense affect effect from form later latter adapt adopt medal metal personal personnel proceeding preceding immigrate emigrate

68 Thursday Question of the Day Has a book ever left you wanting to ask the author for more information?

69 Today we will learn about:  Author’s Note/Text Features  Reading Across Texts  Content-Area Vocabulary  Fluency: Partner Reading  Grammar: Punctuation  Spelling: Easily Confused Words  Social Studies: Locate Harlem

70 “Sweet Music in Harlem: Author’s Note” Turn to Page 750 - 753.

71 Fluency Partner Reading

72 Fluency: Partner Reading  Turn to page 739.  Read this three times with a partner. Be sure to read with appropriate phrasing and offer each other feedback.

73 GrammarPunctuation

74  the tuba trumpet and trombone are the goodest instruments  The tuba, trumpet, and trombone are the best instruments.  nick asked, Isn’t these saxophone a brass instrument  Nick asked, “Isn’t this saxophone a brass instrument?”

75 Punctuation  A colon (:) is used to separate hours and minutes and after the salutation in a business letter.  A hyphen is used in some compound words.  A semicolon (;) can be used to join two independent clauses.

76 Punctuation  Italics or underlining is used for titles of publications and works of art.  A dash sets off information that interrupts the flow of a sentence.

77 Punctuation  Test Tip: Two related independent clauses can be combined with a comma and a conjunction, or they can be combined with a semicolon.

78 Punctuation  Example: Jazz grew out of the African American experience, and its roots lie in tribal rhythms, gospel music, and work songs.  Jazz grew out of the African American experience; its roots lie in tribal rhythms, gospel music, and work songs.

79 Spelling Words Easily Confused Words

80 quiet quite finely finally except accept than then since sense affect effect from form later latter adapt adopt medal metal personal personnel proceeding preceding immigrate emigrate

81 Friday Question of the Day What unexpected influence do we have on those around us?

82 Today we will learn about:  Build Concept Vocabulary  Sequence  Context Clues  Grammar: Punctuation  Spelling: Easily Confused Words  Poster/Announcement  Influences

83 Sequence  Sequence is the order of events in a selection. Dates and times of day or clue words such as first, next, and then can help you follow the sequence of events.  Clue words such as meanwhile or during signal events happening at the same time.

84 Imagery  Imagery, or sensory language, is the use of words to help readers experience the way things look, sound, smell, taste, or feel.  An image is any detail that stimulates any of your five senses or your imagination.

85 Imagery  Writers use imagery to make characters and setting seem real.  Imagery can create a style that sets the mood (the atmosphere or feeling of a selection) and tone (the writer’s attitude toward the subject or audience) of a written work.

86 Homographs  Context clues can help you figure out the meanings of homographs, words that are spelled the same but have different meanings and histories.  This is different than a homophone, where two or more words sound the same but have different meanings and spellings.

87 Homographs  Use context clues to define these homographs from Sweet Music in Harlem and then verify their meanings using a dictionary.

88 Homographs HomographContext CluesMeaningDictionary Definition sweet left cane

89  Where might you find out the date, time, and place that a musician like Uncle Click is performing?  A poster, flyer, or announcement announces events.  They use type size and color to emphasize information.

90 Poster/Announcement  They usually answer the questions Who? What? When? Where? Why? and How?  Photographs or illustrations may be used to give information or to grab people attention.


92 GrammarPunctuation

93  louis armstrong was a grate jazz musician. Who started out in new orleans  Louis Armstrong was a great jazz musician who started out in New Orleans.  he were a trumpet player and he became famous  He was a trumpet player, and he became famous.

94 Punctuation  A colon (:) is used to separate hours and minutes and after the salutation in a business letter.  A hyphen is used in some compound words.  A semicolon (;) can be used to join two independent clauses.

95 Punctuation  Italics or underlining is used for titles of publications and works of art.  A dash sets off information that interrupts the flow of a sentence.

96 Spelling Words Easily Confused Words

97 quiet quite finely finally except accept than then since sense affect effect from form later latter adapt adopt medal metal personal personnel proceeding preceding immigrate emigrate

98 Story test Classroom webpage, Reading Test AR Other Reading Quizzes Quiz #

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