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Bon Lundi! Unit Assessment dates: March 17th- March 20th HW Stamps due March 20th Café Français: due to the snow days, new date is Tuesday, March 17th.

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Presentation on theme: "Bon Lundi! Unit Assessment dates: March 17th- March 20th HW Stamps due March 20th Café Français: due to the snow days, new date is Tuesday, March 17th."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bon Lundi! Unit Assessment dates: March 17th- March 20th HW Stamps due March 20th Café Français: due to the snow days, new date is Tuesday, March 17th. Let me know ASAP if that changes your guest’s availability.

2 Restaurant Dialogue Bonjour! Take some time to read over the following slides that show typical restaurant dialogue. This information IS NOT in your guided notes packet. You will get a second packet with this info. Merci and bon jour de neige!

3 Au restaurant

4 D’abord… Combien de personnes? How many people are there?

5 Nous sommes 5, 4, 3, etc. We have 5, 4, 3…. Literally we are saying “we are” but the meaning is how many people are in your party

6 Puis… Vous avez choisi? Vous désirez? Have you decided? What would you like?

7 Oui, je voudrais, je veux…s.v.p. I would like OR I want…

8 Ensuite… Bon appetit! You may have heard this saying Before! It means “enjoy your meal” and is said frequently at French meals

9 Plus tard… Encore de l’eau, du pain…s.v.p. “Encore” means more. Think about at a concert when there’s an “encore.” The band comes back out and plays more.

10 Excusez-moi, Monsieur, Madame, Mademoiselle. Il me faut… une fourchetteune serviette une cuillere un couteau

11 Après le repas… L’addition, s’il vous plait. “l’addition” is the bill. Typically in the U.S. the bill is brought out when the waitor or waitress thinks we’re finishing up the meal. You will always ask for the bill in France. It is considered rude to bring the bill early.

12 If you are missing Café Francais please put your name and brief reason why you will be absent ex: Tyrion Lannister- KUNA If you need to modify your guest RSVP please put your name and the modification ex: Jamie Lannister now bringing Cersei Lannister ex: Arya Stark no longer bringing the Hound

13 Time to create your own skit… Spend the first half of class writing your skit (see handout for further details on requirements) Record your skit in the second half of class. Use a phone from a member in your group Submit to me through email: Or Edmodo

14 Skit Requirements 3-4 group members At least 2 people dining; 1 person being the waiter or waitress AND host or hostess; 1 person filming (this person will have more than one job) Your skit must: – Include opening scene with host or hostess identifying how many people are in your party – Ordering of food and drinks – Some “small talk” while waiting for your food – How does the food taste? Delicious? Too salty? Too cold? Too hot? – At least one problem – Asking for the check/announcing how much the meal cost – Closing

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