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Daniel. Prophecy is history Written in advance. Background ● New Assyrian Empire has taken control of all of Mesopotamia ● Under Sargon II Conquer and.

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Presentation on theme: "Daniel. Prophecy is history Written in advance. Background ● New Assyrian Empire has taken control of all of Mesopotamia ● Under Sargon II Conquer and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daniel

2 Prophecy is history Written in advance.

3 Background ● New Assyrian Empire has taken control of all of Mesopotamia ● Under Sargon II Conquer and deport the northern 10 tribes in 721 BC (or 722) ● Sennacherib brings his armies down and destroys Babylon ● In a strange twist of events, his son rebuilds Babylon ● Eventually, a Chaldean Nabopollasar is sent down to be Viceroy – he rebels declaring himself king and eventually conquers the Assyrian Empire

4 Battle of carchemish Babylon throws off Assyrian rule. Pharoah-Necho of Egypt sees what Babylon is doing to Assyria and thinks “opportunity” Necho enters Palestine, slays king Josiah at Armageddon Marches armies North to Carchemish to join Assyrians armies and destroy Babylon – Egypt will control Western Asia … Nabopolassar, aging and ailing, sends son Nebuchadnezzar to confront Egyptians and he crushes them. Egypt is never a world power again.

5 Daniel 1:1

6 605 bc Nebuchadnezzar begins deportation into Babylonian exile (including Daniel) Why? Lord’s judgment on the people. JEREMIAH 25:9; 27:6; 43:10 – NEBUCHADNEZZAR IS GOD’S SERVANT JEREMIAH 27:2-11 : RESISTANCE IS FUTILE Noble peoples and vessels of temple taken now. Destruction of temple and burning of Jerusalem in 586 BC.


8 Christianity Vs. popular culture Example of Daniel How did he so effectively navigate the Babylonian system of government without compromising his faith?

9 The Sweep of human history Daniel 2:31-33 The golden empire of Babylon (70 years) The two-armed silver kingdom of the Medes and Persians (200 years) The brass kingdom of Greece (130 years) The iron legs of Rome (500 years in undivided state – lasted until 1453 in its divided state when the Turks overwhelmed Constantinople) Stone cut without hands?

10 Kingdoms

11 A Chronology of the Kings of the Neo-babylonian Empire 562 b.c. - Nebuchadnezzar dies after reigning 40 years 560 b.c. – Evil-Merodach (Nebucadnezzar’s son) is assassinated by his brother-in-law Neriglissar after reigning two years. 556 b.c. Neriglissar dies after reigning four years and leaves kingdom to his infant son Labashi-Marduk 556 b.c. – Labashi-Marduk deposed after nine months by a priestly revolution. Nabonidus made king.

12 (Cont.) 539 b.c. – Nabonidus, the last Babylonian king, rules for 17 years before being taken captive by Cyrus as the Persians conquer the Empire. Nabonidus the last king????!!!! What about Belshazzar????!!!!

13 Belshazzar was nabonidus son and served as a co-ruler with Nabonidus Belshazzar was Nabonidus’ eldest son (and Nebuchadnezzar’s grandson) Nabonidus was an academic, a religionist, archeaologist, and builder – he wasn’t that interested in affairs of state and was happier letting Belshazzar take care of them. Daniel 5:16,29 – “third ruler”

14 (continued) The Annalistic Tablet of Cyrus indicates that the night Babylon fell “the king’s son died.” Nabonidus captured four months later.

15 Persian empire Goes Greek The two-armed silver kingdom of the Medes and Persians (200 years) Massive, rich, and strong Conflict with the Greeks – Asia Minor [starting the Greeks next class period] Marathon Thermopylae Athens vs. Sparta Alexander the Great

16 The brass kingdom of Greece (130 years) Alexander, his four generals Conflict amongst the Greeks leads to Romans being invited in by some influential Greek leaders and city/states.

17 Third section of semester The iron legs of Rome (500 years in undivided state – lasted until 1453 in its divided state when the Turks overwhelmed Constantinople) We will cover up through Constantine (4 th Century AD). Church and Empires backs up to the apostolic period and covers through the High Middle Ages. Focus is upon …

18 Stone cut without hands? Kingdom of Jesus Christ and its relationship to the institutions of this world. Persecution Legitimation Institutionalization Conflict with Islam Civilizing of Barbarian Europe Etc,etc.etc.

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