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Some problems of transferring the ideological world of the texts of dystopian genre while translating them (studying “Fahrenheit 451” as an example) School:

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Presentation on theme: "Some problems of transferring the ideological world of the texts of dystopian genre while translating them (studying “Fahrenheit 451” as an example) School:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Some problems of transferring the ideological world of the texts of dystopian genre while translating them (studying “Fahrenheit 451” as an example) School: Academic Language Grammar School #61 Student: Koroliova Barbara, 9c form Assisting teacher: Pin O.L.


3 the aim of the research is to study “Fahrenheit 451”, the peculiarities of its ideological world and language and the problems of its translation.

4 objectives: study the text of “Fahrenheit 451” study the concept of translation, its types and its criteria get to know the concept of the ideological world of the text analyse the ideological world of “Fahrenheit 451” analyse the peculiarities of the language of “Fahrenheit 451” and the main difficulties of its translation study the excisting translations of “Fahrenheit 451” compare and access them

5 So, the object of my research is the English-Russian translation of “Fahranheit 451º” The subject of my research is transferring the ideological world of the novel during the process of its translation.

6 THE PLAN OF THE RESEARCH: The concept of translation. Criteria of translation and common mistakes. The ideological world of the text. Dystopia as a literary genre “Fahrenheit 451”: its history and contents Ideological world of “Fahrenheit 451” The language of “Fahrenheit 451”, its peculiarities The main problems of translation “Fahrenheit 451”. Translations of “Fahrenheit 451”: comparative analysis. Conclusion.

7 “ Translation is the com- munication of the mea- ning of a source-language text by means of an equi- valent target-language text” /Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia/

8 Genre-and-stylistic classification TRANSLATION an artistic (literary) translation prosepoetrydrama informative (special) translation

9 Levels of translation Translation word for word veritable free

10 three main conditions of the equivalence of translation: semantic-structural similarity communicative - functional equivalence transforming the text moderately

11 Translation criteria equivalent text compliance with the style of original text fidelity of translation conformity with standards of Russian language

12 the ideological world of the text the topic, the problem, the idea, the pathos of the text, the author's ideal and the author's estimations of the characters

13 dystopia δυσ- τόπος, δυσ- τόπος, ="bad, hard” ="place, landscape” ="bad, hard” ="place, landscape” Also called cacotopia or anti-utopia.

14 The Main characters: Guy Montag is the protagonist and fireman who presents the dystopia through the eyes of a worker loyal to it, a man in conflict about it, and one resolved to be free of it. Through most of the book, Montag lacks knowledge and believes what he hears. Clarisse McClellan is an unusual sort of person in the bookless society: outgoing, naturally cheerful, unorthodox, and intuitive. She is unpopular among peers and disliked by teachers for asking "why" instead of "how' and focusing on nature rather than on technology. Mildred Montag is Guy Montag's wife. She is a drug addict, absorbed in the shallow dramas played on her "parlor walls" (television) and indifferent to the oppressive society around her. Captain Beatty is Montag's boss and the fire chief. Once an avid reader, he has come to hate books as a result of life's tragedies and of the fact that books contradict and refute each other. In a scene written years later by Bradbury for the Fahrenheit 451 play, Beatty invites Montag to his house where he shows him walls of books left to molder on their shelves. Faber is a former English professor. He has spent years regretting that he did not defend books when he saw the moves to ban them. Montag turns to him for guidance, remembering him from a chance meeting in a park some time earlier. Bradbury notes in his afterword that Faber is part of the name of a German manufacturer of pencils, Faber-Castell. Mrs. Bowles and Mrs. Phelps are friends of Mildred. During a social visit to Montag's house, they brag about removing all possible sources of unhappiness in their lives. Yet, as Montag demonstrates with a poetry reading, their happiness is only a facade. Granger is the leader of a group of wandering intellectual exiles who memorize books in order to preserve their contents. Stoneman and Black are other firemen that are mentioned in the novel, but do not have a large impact on the story. The main conflict of the book is the one between the person, who can and wants to preserve his/her unique identity, estimations, thoughts, ideas, etc and the human who feels quite satisfied by simply repeating the ideas s/he has been taught, who can`t and doesn`t want to question him/herself. It is represented in the images of Clarissa and Montag at first, and later on – Montag and his wife, his boss and other people around him.

15 The ideological world of “Fahrehheit 451”. The topic of the novel is books` and mass media`s influence over the human consciousness and over the society. The topic of the novel is books` and mass media`s influence over the human consciousness and over the society. The problem: people, who don`t read, are more easily controlled The problem: people, who don`t read, are more easily controlled The idea: You should read a lot of true literature of high standard in order to enable yourself to have your own opinion and to be unique. The idea: You should read a lot of true literature of high standard in order to enable yourself to have your own opinion and to be unique. Pathos of the “Fahreheit 451” is dramatic. Pathos of the “Fahreheit 451” is dramatic. The author's estimation of heroes is ambiguous. The author's estimation of heroes is ambiguous.

16 the peculiarities of Bradbury`s language it`s metaphorical it`s multi-genre it`s multi-stylic it`s free from following strict grammar rules it`s got a few writer`s own words

17 the main problems of translating transferring sentence structure conveying the means of artistic expressiveness feeling each character and expressing this feeling using Russian language


19 Comparison of the translations CriteriaShinkar`Amateur tr. Fidelity+-++ Compliance with original style ++- Conformity with Russian +- Equivalence+-

20 OriginalShinkar`Amateur “With the brass nozzle in his fists, with this great python spitting its venomous kerosene upon the world, the blood pounded in his head, and his hands were the hands of some amazing conductor playing all the symphonies of blazing and burning to bring down the tatters and charcoal ruins of history” “медный наконечник брандспойта зажат в кулаках, громадный питон изрыгает на мир ядовитую струю керосина, кровь стучит в висках, а руки кажутся руками диковинного дирижера,исполняю щего симфонию огня и разрушения, превращая в пепел изорванные,обуглив шиеся страницы истории” “С медным краном пожарного рукава в руках, с этим огромным питоном, плюющимся ядовитым керосином на весь мир, кровь пульсировала у него в голове, он, словно выдающийся дирижёр, управлял симфонией пламени и огня, чтобы сбить клочья и обугленные развалины истории


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