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History of the Computer and the Internet By: Andrew 5 th Pd.

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Presentation on theme: "History of the Computer and the Internet By: Andrew 5 th Pd."— Presentation transcript:

1 History of the Computer and the Internet By: Andrew 5 th Pd.

2 First Computer The first computer was called the Z1 Created by the German Konrad Zuse Made between 1936-1938

3 Debug the History A moth was found In a relay The lady that found it was Grace Hopper

4 Internet History Internet was created in 1957 by the soviets It was for Sputnik 1

5 Analytical Engine It’s a mechanical digital computer Its a massive brass steam powered general purpose mechanical computer

6 Tabulating Machine Record Information Tally results Reduced a ten year job to three months

7 ENIAC It was built in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Used in World War II It was used for calculating firing tablets Calculator

8 Program Specific set of ordered operations for a computer to perform The program is put into a storage area of the computer It’s a special kind of data that tell how to operate on application or user data

9 Benefit of Transistor Replacing Vacuum Tubes Less expensive Size tubes were big Tubes got hot

10 Microcomputer Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs The Creators of Apple It was built in their Garage It was bought by 600 hobbyist who knew how to wire program and set up the machine

11 Binary System Its a numeric system which uses two numerals to represent all real numbers Binary uses only 0 and 1 The first digit on the right represents the 0th power the second represents the 1st power the third represents the 2nd power and so on

12 References http://www.anomalies- http://www.anomalies-,,sid92_g ci212834,00.html,,sid92_g ci212834,00.html invented-first-personal-computer invented-first-personal-computer

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