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Transforming Rehabilitation NOMS VCSE Grant Funding 2014/15.

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Presentation on theme: "Transforming Rehabilitation NOMS VCSE Grant Funding 2014/15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transforming Rehabilitation NOMS VCSE Grant Funding 2014/15

2 2 What is Transforming Rehabilitation? In “Transforming Rehabilitation: A Strategy for Reform”, the Secretary of State for Justice set out plans to introduce a new system for the management and rehabilitation of offenders in the community across England and Wales. The reforms comprise: Opening up of the market – creation of Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs) A new public sector National Probation Service (NPS) The extension of supervision after release (approx 50,000 short sentenced prisoners (<12mths)) A national “through the prison gate” resettlement service

3 Opening up of the Market –21 Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRC’s) to be established –Each CRC will provide services in it’s Contract Package Area (CPA) –CRC’s will: be owned and run by successful bidders in the present competition deliver services under contract to National Offender Management Service (NOMS) manage the medium and low risk offenders in the community deliver innovative rehabilitative support to offenders.

4 CPA Map

5 New Organisations

6 Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRC’s) They will: Deliver the sentence of the court Seek to rehabilitate offenders and reduce re-offending. Engage with offenders before their release Be responsible for managing and supervising offenders allocated to them throughout their licence/ supervision period Have the freedom to design the services that they believe will be most effective in reducing re-offending. Achieve best results by working in partnership

7 National Probation Service NPS - new organisation focusing on the exercise of public interest decisions and issues of public protection NPS will: –Provide advice to court on sentencing –Conduct risk assessments at the outset –Determine the allocation of cases to the CRCS to manage and which will be retained by the NPS –Directly manage offenders who pose a high risk of serious harm to the public –Directly manage those offenders released from custody who have committed the most serious offences –Respond to potential escalations in risk

8 Partnership Working Providers to engage with statutory and non-statutory partnerships Commitment to ensuring that new providers integrate with effective existing structures, networks and partnerships Police and Crime Commissioners have a crucial role in tackling crime and supporting victims – a key partner Partner collaboration - engage through local forums such as Community Safety Partnerships and IOM NOMS account management function

9 Ways of Working

10 Which offenders are included within TR? –All adult offenders sentenced to a Community Order or Suspended Sentence Order –All adult offenders released on licence from custodial sentences of more than one day At least 12 months (either on licence or on a combination of licence and a new top-up supervision period) –Offenders sentenced as juveniles who subsequently transition from the youth to the adult system –Offenders who transfer in from another jurisdiction

11 Extension of Supervision –Offender Rehabilitation Bill Currently going through the House of Commons - Royal Assent expected May 2014 –Supervision to be introduced for all adult offenders (approx 50,000) released from custodial sentences of more than one day –New Rehabilitation Activity Requirement for CO’s and SSO’s –Deliver rehabilitation to more (and often prolific) offenders

12 “Through the prison gate” –CRC engage with offenders before their release “Through the gate (TTG)” support facilitated by the introduction of resettlement prisons in some areas –These resettlement prisons will wherever possible be located close to the CPA the offender is due to be released into –CRC’s will work in these prisons in their CPA to deliver a resettlement service for medium and low risk offenders before release –Allows the same provider working with the offenders in the community to work with them before release and prisons will facilitate this –Alternative arrangements will be made where this isn’t achievable

13 Through the Gate: Needs screening in custody Resettlement plans created by CRCs to address: –any immediate resettlement needs resulting from reception into custody; –assistance with retaining employment; –accommodation needs; –financial needs; and –other support including what is appropriate to address the needs of those offenders who have previously been sex workers or victims of domestic violence or sexual violence. Resettlement plans could also signpost prisoners to relevant services offered by other service providers both in custody and in the community post-release e.g. other mainstream/co-commissioned services such as those addressing health needs, substance misuse, employment, education and training.

14 Resettlement Prisons –Majority of offenders will be located in prisons designated for resettlement purposes in their home location for the final 3 months of their time in custody. –The resettlement prison model will aim to release at least 80% of adult male offenders from a resettlement prison designated to their ‘home’ CPA –Designated resettlement prisons have been identified for each CPA as follows: all adult male local prisons all adult male open prisons in addition all CPA’s will be allocated one or more category C prison(s) The creation of resettlement prisons will present opportunities to create better continuity of service for offenders

15 Co-commissioning It is estimated that half the services that are key to rehabilitation are commissioned and funded from outside the CJS including –Accommodation –Health –Drugs and alcohol –Employment and Training The Transforming Rehabilitation Programme will not take over commissioning and funding of projects or programmes that are currently funded by non-MoJ organisations

16 Where are we at, where do we go?

17 TR - Progress to date Competition Launched – September 2013 PQQ short listing – December 2013 30 diverse organisations Invitation to Negotiate – 31 st January 2014 Bidders refresh by CPA Local competition team events Bidder dialogues Negotiation/Evaluation – Spring/Summer 2014 Award and mobilisation – Autumn 2014

18 The role of VCSEs Tier 2/3s in competition Diverse supply chain and stewardship principles Capacity building – NOMS/MoJ grants through ACEVO and Clinks NOMS grants to support new CRCs and NPS – building on local knowledge and expertise Understand current and changing environment Challenges – a lot of change and uncertainty Opportunity – make a real difference to NOMS, MoJ, offenders, victims and citizens

19 Contacting Local Competition Teams 1. North East (CPA 1, 3) Team Leader: Chris Dixon, 3. Yorkshire, Humberside and Lincolnshire (CPA 4, 5, 8) Team Leader: Jonathan Martin, 7. Eastern (CPA 17, 18, 19) Team Leader: Hilary Collyer, 10. London (CPA 20) Team Leader: Martin Blake, martin.blake@justice, martin.blake@justice, 9. South East (CPA 15, 16, 21) Team Leader: Karen Brady, 8. South West (CPA 13, 14) Team Leader: Ruth Roberts, 6. Wales (CPA 11) Team Leader: Sue O’Leary, Susan.O’ Susan.O’ 5. Midlands (CPA 9, 10, 12) Team Leader: Caroline Morrison, 4. Cheshire, Manchester and Merseyside (CPA 6, 7) Team Leader: Patrick Connelly, 2. North West (CPA 2) Team Leader: Andrea Bennett, Last updated Nov 2013

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