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(562) 951-7716.  Academic Interventions (2.7.4)  Addresses Guidance and Counseling (2.7.5)  Emphasizes College and Career.

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Presentation on theme: "(562) 951-7716.  Academic Interventions (2.7.4)  Addresses Guidance and Counseling (2.7.5)  Emphasizes College and Career."— Presentation transcript:

1 (562) 951-7716




5  Academic Interventions (2.7.4)  Addresses Guidance and Counseling (2.7.5)  Emphasizes College and Career Planning (2.7.6)  Culture of High Expectations and Support (2.7.1)  Academic Interventions  Addresses Guidance and Counseling  Emphasizes College and Career Planning  Culture of High Expectations and Support



8 Direct School Services Direct Student Services Indirect School Services Indirect Student Services SBCC Advocacy and Guidance Curriculum Collab./Coord./Ref. and Responsive Services Leadership and Individual Planning Systemic Change and Support Advocacy Teaming and Collaboration Counseling and Coordination Leadership School Based Community Counseling

9  Community Counseling Theory (Lewis, Lewis, Daniels, and D’Andrea, 2003)  Theoretical Framework of intervention strategies and services  Four Major Service Domains  Direct Student  Direct School  Indirect Student  Indirect School

10  School Based Community Counseling Conceptual Framework  Community Counseling Theory (CCT)  ASCA themes  ASCA delivery systems  TSCI scope of work

11  American School Counselor Association Themes (ASCA, 2012)  Advocacy  Collaboration/Coordination/Referrals  Systemic Change  Leadership

12  American School Counselor Association Delivery Systems (ASCA, 2012)  Guidance Curriculum  Individual Student Planning  Responsive Services  Systems Support

13  Transforming School Counseling Initiative (NTSCI, 2009)  Advocacy  Teaming and Collaboration  Counseling and Coordination  Leadership

14  Lens One  Direct School Services  Advocacy (ASCA)  School Guidance Curriculum  Advocacy (TSCI)

15  Lens Two  Indirect Student Services  Collaboration/Coordination /Ref.  Responsive Services  Teaming and Collaboration

16  Lens Three  Indirect School  Systemic Change  Systems Support  Counseling and Coordination

17  Lens Four  Direct Student Services  Leadership (ASCA)  Individual Student Planning  Leadership

18 Expectations and Support Advocate School Guidance Curriculum Advocacy Skills Identify and Intervene Collaborator Responsive Services Teaming and Collaboration skills College and Career Guidance Leader Individual Student Planning Leadership Skills Pathway students and program Systems Change Agent Systems Support Counseling and Coordination skills


20 School Psychologist Mental Health Providers Teachers Social Workers Counseling Colleagues Parents

21  Role as Advocate  Role as Collaborator  Role as Systems Change Agent  Role as Leader

22  ASCA National Standards  Counseling Duties  Caseload Size  California Partnership Academy

23  Counselor knowledge of ASCA standards for professional practice varies among professionals. Counselors should be well versed in the ASCA standards. This will be important as counselors support the common core implementation.  Counselors can provide and assume significant leadership roles as a system change agent that can support and improve transitions to CPA. High Schools moving toward CPA will be well served to utilize counselors in this endeavor.

24  Professional development for practicing counselors in CPA and ASCA National Standards  CPA certification for graduate students  Professional development for administration as to the role of counselor in CPA  Counselor accountability

25  Reduce caseload size 1:250 Counselors average 1:500  Decrease in non-counseling related duties Counselors acting as quasi-administrators, and assessment coordinators  Job descriptions based on standards Written, followed, evaluated

26  American School Counselors Association  CPA and ASCA Roles  Service Delivery Models  Direct vs Indirect  Three Domains  Impediments

27  Communicate  Utilize  Appreciate  Recognize

28  Plus/Delta/Plan Chart  Three Questions: What can we do to support you as you support our CPA?  Thank you cards

29 (562) 951-7716

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