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Metrics, Metrics, Metrics (and tips) 2014 JobG8 Josh Gampel President Recruitics June 11, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Metrics, Metrics, Metrics (and tips) 2014 JobG8 Josh Gampel President Recruitics June 11, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Metrics, Metrics, Metrics (and tips) 2014 JobG8 Josh Gampel President Recruitics June 11, 2014

2 What We Do We make it easy for recruitment teams to optimize the ROI on their recruitment advertising spend. Our Services Recruitment marketing analytics PPC bid automation Recruitment marketing agency

3 About Me

4 Last Night!!!

5 About Me - Really 10 + years in staffing and recruitment marketing Many years speaking on search marketing and leveraging marketing to build great teams Oversee the marketing and client service team at Recruitics. –2+ million jobs / day –20+ million applies / month

6 Agenda Market Landscape Recruitment Marketing Analytics –Five Critical Reports Current Noteworthy Trends Areas of opportunity Checklist to take home

7 Source: Lambay Advisors


9 65% of all digital ad spending in the first half of 2013 used a performance-based pricing model.

10 Source: Lambay Advisors



13 Dice Holdings: Niche Boards in Action

14 Rise of the Aggregators Source: Lambay Advisors

15 Following the Money

16 In Summary $6 Billion Online Recruitment Ad Spend in the US 65% of media is bought on a performance basis 2018 Proj.= $11.4 Billion or $7 Billion Online My view… that’s a lot of money!

17 Analytics!!!!!!

18 Job Postings are your honeypot.

19 What’s Measured Is Managed Conversion Metrics Job Views Applicants Conversion Rate (CR) ROI Metrics Cost per Applicant Cost per Hire – Can you provide this for your clients?

20 Five critical reports you need to create 1. Job Level Analytics 2. Conversion Buckets 3. Company Spend and Performance 4. Source Tracking 5. Trending Reports

21 Source Tracking

22 Monthly

23 Daily

24 Details

25 82% of recruitment marketing dollars… Was spent on 49% of the jobs… which only drove 2% of total applicants. Recruitment Marketing In Action (Before)

26 Recruitment Marketing In Action (After) 151% increase in applicants 33% decrease in CPA

27 #2: Generalist job boards aren’t dead, but.. Current Trends

28 Job seekers are going mobile.

29 Source:

30 Source:

31 95% of Fortune 500 companies do not have mobile- optimized website. Source: Imomentous, Corporate Mobile Readiness Report, 2014

32 Indeed This week Acquisition of Mobolt to break down corporate apply barrier. Data they shared… –50% of job searches are mobile (double YOY) –2.2 million sponsored jobs on the site –275k on mobile. (Supply/Demand Mismatch)

33 Social Media Recruiting has grown up


35 Proprietary and Confidential - Not for distribution without the express permission of Recruitics, Inc.



38 Areas of opportunity

39 Get Smarter about your email marketing

40 Retargeting

41 Real Time Bidding

42 Cross Platform

43 1.$6 Billion Dollar Market and Growing 2.65% of digital media is performance based 3.What’s measured is managed. Get proper data in place. 4.Key Reports: Job Detail Conversion Buckets Company Performance Source Tracking Trending Analysis 5.Mobile is the future, plan for it now 6.Social is Strong – Leverage Existing Channels 7.Follow the digital world – it’s a look into the future 8.Areas of Opportunity Email Marketing Retargeting Real Time Bidding Cross Platform Tracking and Advertising Takeaways

44 Josh Gampel President Recruitics 203-210-1411

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