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MICE CM Berkeley 9-12 Feb. 05 11 February 2005 Edda Gschwendtner 1 Parameter List Edda Gschwendtner Introduction Parameter list for sub-systems of MICE.

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Presentation on theme: "MICE CM Berkeley 9-12 Feb. 05 11 February 2005 Edda Gschwendtner 1 Parameter List Edda Gschwendtner Introduction Parameter list for sub-systems of MICE."— Presentation transcript:

1 MICE CM Berkeley 9-12 Feb. 05 11 February 2005 Edda Gschwendtner 1 Parameter List Edda Gschwendtner Introduction Parameter list for sub-systems of MICE Implementation in DAQ

2 MICE CM Berkeley 9-12 Feb. 05 11 February 2005 Edda Gschwendtner 2 Introduction What parameters at the entire MICE experiment needs to be controlled. Precision needed. Present a parameter list to the simulation team with a challenge to look at the sensitivities by the collaboration meeting in Italy summer 2005.  Stated goal of MICE: ε out / ε in of 10 -3

3 MICE CM Berkeley 9-12 Feb. 05 11 February 2005 Edda Gschwendtner 3 So far… the required monitoring should consist of: -- Ampermeter for each coil -- Magnetic field measurement -- monitor position of probes and coil assemblies (with ref. to an absolute coordinate system) -- E RF (t) (gradient and phase of each cavity) -- absorber density (i.e. T & P) and thickness. -- Beams -- Cryo MA Cummings CM8, CERN April 2004

4 MICE CM Berkeley 9-12 Feb. 05 11 February 2005 Edda Gschwendtner 4 Survey on Controls, Instrumentation and DAQ 1.PHYSICS PARAMETERS: Which parameters might it be important to include in the data analysis of the experiment? 2.CONTROL/MONITORING: Which additional parameters are needed for control or monitoring? 3.How do you see these parameters being recorded and controlled? 4.What need do you have for stand-alone operation as opposed to integrated operation in MICE at RAL?

5 MICE CM Berkeley 9-12 Feb. 05 11 February 2005 Edda Gschwendtner 5 Terminology Physics Parameters = Detector performance parameters  Beam related  From detector analysis Control/Monitoring (CM) Parameter  Not beam related  Not from analysis of detectors  Industrial standards e.g.: T, P, currents… e.g.: pedestal, gain,…

6 MICE CM Berkeley 9-12 Feb. 05 11 February 2005 Edda Gschwendtner 6 Beam & Target (Drumm) CM Parameters  For all magnets Qs(9), Ds(2), decay solenoid: Current Volts Temperature, Cryogenics, Vacuum  Target: ISIS Machine start ISIS clock Insertion depth (read every 0.1ms to adapt drive currents and timing) Insertion time  Operational monitors: 8 temperature measurements/cycle Extra needs @ RAL  Beam line independent from MICE  Target testing away from RAL Local integrated System for beam Line and target. PC/VME/PLC EPICS/LabView To TDC ? Useful for trigger

7 MICE CM Berkeley 9-12 Feb. 05 11 February 2005 Edda Gschwendtner 7 Cooling Channel - Absorber CM parameters  Temperature (Cryocooler, Absorber, temperature systems)  Liquid level  Buffer vacuum pressure  Pressure at key points in H2 system  Valve status in H2 system  Heater currents  Window location (?) CM parameters (from TRD)  H2 gas system and He gas system Pressure gauge (capacitance-type); 1 each Pirani gauge; 1 each  LH2 reservoir at 1 st stage of Cryocooler 2 Thermometers 1 Level sensor (capacitance-type) 2 Heater (1 for spare)  Hydrogen absorber 8 Thermometer 1 Level sensor  Absorber windows 1 Thermometer Heater; 1 each (to warm up)  Safety windows Thermometer; 1 each  Absorber vacuum and Safety vacuum Pressure gauge (capacitance type); 1 each Pirani & cold cathode gauge; 1 each Mass spectrometer; 1 each

8 MICE CM Berkeley 9-12 Feb. 05 11 February 2005 Edda Gschwendtner 8 Cooling Channel - RF Cavities (Virostek) CM parameters  Cavity position and alignment with respect to solenoid  Cavity temperature  Sensing loop signal from each of the 8 cavities  Vacuum roughing pump control (2each)  Vacuum roughing valve control and status (2each)  Cryo pump ion gages (4 total)  Vacuum manifold thermocouple and ion gages (4 each total)  Vacuum vessel ion gages (2 per vessel, 4 total)  Cavity ion gages (8total)  Cryo pump compressor control (2 each)  Gate valve control and status (4 each)  Cavity body temperature thermocouple (2 per cavity, 16 total)  Cavity cooling fluid temperature in (8 total)  Cavity cooling fluid temperature out (8 total)  Cavity cooling fluid pressure in (1 per cavity pair, 4 total)  Cavity cooling fluid pressure out (1 per cavity pair, 4 total)  Cavity cooling flow rate (8 total)  Tuner hydraulic reservoir pressure (8 each)  Tuner hydraulic reservoir pressure control (8 each) [feedback & control from cavity frequency] ~1 Hz recording rate Goes to primary control system

9 MICE CM Berkeley 9-12 Feb. 05 11 February 2005 Edda Gschwendtner 9 Cooling Channel - Magnets CM parameters:  Current in each individual supply  Magnetic field at external probes (4 probes/coil)  Temperatures (cryocooler and coil)  Quench protection (?)

10 MICE CM Berkeley 9-12 Feb. 05 11 February 2005 Edda Gschwendtner 10 CKOV1 (Cremaldi) Physics parameters  Noise levels-pedestal  Random pedestal trigger  Photoelectron count- 4 channel + 1 spare  Single electron photo-peak  Muon bunch structure  Device efficiency vs. muon position  Laser pulse system trigger (shared with CKOV2) CM parameters  PM Tube HV – 4 channels + 1 spare  CAEN/Lecroy HV Alarm System  Box temperature  PLC (slow control)  Purge gas flow  visual  Freon level  ?? Extra needs@ RAL  Oscilloscope  ADC card + PC  External trigger line  Radioactive source trigger + logic  Trigger paddles + logic for muon response survey DAQ

11 MICE CM Berkeley 9-12 Feb. 05 11 February 2005 Edda Gschwendtner 11 CKOV2 (Gregoire) Physics parameters  8 responses of PMs to light pulses Pedestal, gain  1 digital output for triggering light pulser  8 TDC outputs CM parameters  8 HV  Temperature probe  He pressure  Humidity

12 MICE CM Berkeley 9-12 Feb. 05 11 February 2005 Edda Gschwendtner 12 TOF (Bonesini) Physics parameters  Pedestal CM Parameters  HV  Temperature  Magnetic field

13 MICE CM Berkeley 9-12 Feb. 05 11 February 2005 Edda Gschwendtner 13 EmCAL (Tortora) Physics parameters  Pedestals CM parameters  HV of PMs (  CAEN SY 527, CAENNET VME Controller V288 for remote control)  Residual B field  Global Time Offset ( Trigger formation time with respect to ISIS bunch warning) Extra needs @ RAL  Stand-alone readout system  Cosmic rays run for E, t, calibration

14 MICE CM Berkeley 9-12 Feb. 05 11 February 2005 Edda Gschwendtner 14 SciFi (Bross) Physics parameters  Pedestal  Gain  Discriminator threshold CM Parameters  72 Temperature  64 Bias Extra needs @ RAL  Separate calibration runs Via FE electronics board, stored via MICE slow control system. 8 temperatures for cryostat, interfaced differently. DAQ

15 MICE CM Berkeley 9-12 Feb. 05 11 February 2005 Edda Gschwendtner 15 Two Approaches 1.‘Want to record a full configuration of the experiment at every possible event. Controls data are part of each data event.’ (MACC, CM8, CERN April 2004)  Consequence: equipment @ 3 MHz ? 2.2 individual acquisitions  Data events @ 3MHz (mainly physics parameters)  Slow control @ ~Hz  Are there any parameters which have to be read out at 3 MHz?  Analysis software can put them together  Faster access to conditions data

16 MICE CM Berkeley 9-12 Feb. 05 11 February 2005 Edda Gschwendtner 16 DAQ (TRD)

17 MICE CM Berkeley 9-12 Feb. 05 11 February 2005 Edda Gschwendtner 17 How to Handle these Parameters in the DAQ Define tolerances  From Slow Control: alarm if value out of certain range…  From detector performance: warnings/alarms/dumps.. Define monitors of parameters  Plots from Slow Control stream  Plots from DAQ Calibration runs  Stand-alone operation of all different sub-systems !!  Different configurations of cooling channel component and the beam. (RF, no RF, beam, no beam,….)  Cosmics Calibration data during the run (out-of spill triggers)  Continuously monitoring during run!

18 MICE CM Berkeley 9-12 Feb. 05 11 February 2005 Edda Gschwendtner 18 Detector DAQ expert’s terminology Running conditions  HV, T, P, mixture, alignment, dead channel, (detector configuration). Either: Slow control Come from special analysis from data Special events (calibration events)  Empty events (computing pedestal)  Triggers (Cosmics, sources)  pulsers (auto-induced by DAQ) Pulsing the electronics (e.g. gives gain-curve)  Laser, LED, muons… Monitoring parameters (on-line)  Basic, timing distribution, pulse-height distribution Needs special trigger Not beam related. Beam off, or in-between. Need Slow Control Basic analysis

19 MICE CM Berkeley 9-12 Feb. 05 11 February 2005 Edda Gschwendtner 19 Summary Parameter list already quite advanced.  Lack of clarity of different categories of parameters- different meanings…  Develop common language  What’s the frequency needed to read the parameters out?  Are there any parameters which must be synchronized with the beam? Parameters that will give main changes in performance:  Vacuum, absorber, magnetic field, alignments, gains, noise in detectors…  These parameters are of interest for simulations.

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