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CBI Platform Introduction: filter development and integration Jingxin Nie Medical Image Computing Lab Center for Biological Informatics The Methodist Hospital.

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Presentation on theme: "CBI Platform Introduction: filter development and integration Jingxin Nie Medical Image Computing Lab Center for Biological Informatics The Methodist Hospital."— Presentation transcript:

1 CBI Platform Introduction: filter development and integration Jingxin Nie Medical Image Computing Lab Center for Biological Informatics The Methodist Hospital Research Institute Weill Medical College of Cornell University

2 Filter Types Static and Dynamic Filter Both type of libraries are supported in our platform. Function and Object Only function style filter are supported in the current version platform. Object-based Filter will be supported in next version.

3 Filter Development Though static library could be supported in our platform, dynamic library is highly recommended for filter develop: 1. Static library with different compiler have certain problems when integrate with other filters. 2. Dynamic call other dynamic library from static library is not well supported.

4 Filter Development Filter Development is similar to dynamic library development, after which we can get: *.h header files of the filter *.lib library link of the filter *.dll binary dynamic library of filter

5 MinGW or MSVC Dll created by MinGW and then called by MSVC or vice versa can be well supported only if it’s a standard C dll. C++ type dll could be compatible to our system if it’s compiled by both MinGW and MSVC.

6 Filter Integration (1) For each filter function which has been “export” in dynamic library, add it to Database.xml E.g. filter: char * cbiChangeImageFormat(const char* imageName, const char* imageFormat) Could be added into database as:

7 - Change image Format. cbiUtility.h cbiUtility.lib char* 1 - Source image. const char* static - Image format. const char* static

8 Database Entry - Function Item Name Filter name Describe Filter description HeaderFile.h file that includes the filter define. LibFile.lib files that the filter used, multi-.lib file could be separated by “,” ReturnType Return value type OwnerID preserved for the filter developer’s ID. 1 is preserved for OpenCV. Parameter Parameter sets used by filter

9 Database Entry - Parameter ItemValueItemValue Name Parameter name InitialType program/static Describe Parameter description Input Is the parameter a input (1/0) IsInFlow could the parameter be drag-and-drop in flow. (1/0) Output Is the parameter a output (1/0) VarType Parameter type DefaultValue Default value of the parameter CanBeNull Could the parameter be left as NULL (1/0)

10 Filter Integration (2) Copy *.h and *.lib file to {app}/include/ and {app}/lib respectively. Copy *.dll file to {app}/dll. Copy the new “Database.xml” to {app}/, replacing the original “Database.xml”. Here {app} means the CBI Platform installation root directory. Now Integration is done.

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