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CONDITIONALS =FRASI IPOTETICHE. ZERO CONDITIONAL If water reaches 100 degrees, it boils. If babies are hungry, they cry. Frase subordinata SIMPLE PRESENT.

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Presentation on theme: "CONDITIONALS =FRASI IPOTETICHE. ZERO CONDITIONAL If water reaches 100 degrees, it boils. If babies are hungry, they cry. Frase subordinata SIMPLE PRESENT."— Presentation transcript:


2 ZERO CONDITIONAL If water reaches 100 degrees, it boils. If babies are hungry, they cry. Frase subordinata SIMPLE PRESENT Frase principale SIMPLE PRESENT si usa per parlare di cose che sono sempre vere - fatti scientifici, verità generali, ecc.

3 FIRST CONDITIONAL If you will study, you will pass the exam easily. Frase subordinata SIMPLE PRESENT Frase principale WILL + VERB si usa per parlare di ipotesi che si possono verificare nel futuro. Se studierai, passerai l’esame facilmente. NO! If you study, you will pass the exam easily. You will pass the exam easily if you study.

4 Se sarò in Italia la prossima settimana, ti telefonerò. If I am in Italy next week, I will call you. Mary perderà il treno se non correrà. Mary will miss the train if she doesn’t run. Non incontrerai Joe se andrai in discoteca sabato. You won’t meet Joe if you go to the club on Saturday. Non andrò al concerto se non trovo un biglietto. I won’t go to the concert if I don’t find a ticket.

5 (=a meno che non, se non) Frase subordinata SIMPLE PRESENT Frase principale WILL + VERB Anche nelle frasi introdotte da: UNLESS Unless you are very lucky, you will never win anything at the slot machines. A meno che tu non sia molto fortunato, non vincerai mai nulla alle slot machine. WHEN (=quando) PROVIDED (THAT) AS LONG AS (=ammesso che, a patto che) IN CASE (=se per caso)

6 When you (study), you (pass) the test. We (not swim) unless the weather (get) better. Where (Tom / go) next summer if he (not go) to Scotland with his parents? I (not come) with you unless you (bring) Neil! I (bring) some snacks in case restaurants (be) closed. I (go) with her provided she (not talk) all the time. studywill pass won’t swimgets will Tom go doesn’t go won’t come bring ‘ll bringare ‘ll go doesn’t talk

7 SECOND CONDITIONAL Frase subordinata SIMPLE PAST Frase principale WOULD + BASE FORM si usa per parlare di situazioni IMPROBABILI o IMPOSSIBILI nel PRESENTE o nel FUTURO. Se vincessi alla lotteria, comprerei una Porsche. If I won the lottery, I would buy a Porsche. Se fossi alto 2 metri, giocherei a basket. If I was 2 metres tall, I would play basketball. improbabile impossibile

8 Con il verbo essere (TO BE) abbiamo due possibilità : was If I was were If you were was If he / she / it was were If we were were If you were were If they were were If I were were If you were were If he / she / it were were If we were were If you were were If they were

9 would I would would You would would He / She / It would would We would would You would would They would buy d I’d buy d You’d buy d He / She / It’d buy d We’dbuy d You’d buy d They’dbuy WOULD è UN VERBO MODALE

10 would not I would not buy would not You would not buy would not He / She / It would not buy would not We would not buy would not You would not buy would not They would not buy Would Would I buy? Would Would you buy? Would Would he / she / it buy? Would Would we buy? Would Would you buy? Would Would they buy? wouldn’t I wouldn’t buy wouldn’t You wouldn’t buy wouldn’t He / She / It wouldn’t buy wouldn’t We wouldn’t buy wouldn’t You wouldn’t buy wouldn’t They wouldn’t buy

11 If we (live) in Rome, Paola (visit) us. If Peter and Jim (be) older, they (play) in our team. If he (be) my friend, I (invite) him to my birthday. Jason (be) better at school if he (study) harder. If they (earn) more money, they (not live) in that flat. If I (not speak) English, I (not have) this job. What (you / do) if you (win) 1,000,000 euro? lived were was / were studied earned didn’t speak won would visit would play would invite would be wouldn’t live wouldn’t have would you do

12 THIRD CONDITIONAL Frase subordinata PAST PERFECT Frase principale WOULD + HAVE + PAST PARTICIPLE Si usa per parlare di situazioni IRREALIZZABILI perché riferite al PASSATO. Si usa spesso per esprimere RIMPIANTI. Se avessi studiato di più, avrei passato l’esame. If I had studied more, I would have passed the exam. Se fosse piovuto, saremmo rimasti a casa. If it had rained, we would have stayed at home.

13 would I would would You would would He / She / It would would We would would You would would They would have passed d I’d d You’d d He / She / It’d d We’d d You’d d They’d have passed

14 would not I would not have passed would not You would not have passed would not He / She / It would not have passed would not We would not have passed would not You would not have passed would not They would not have passed Would Would I have passed? Would Would you have passed? Would Would he / she / it have passed? Would Would we have passed? Would Would you have passed? Would Would they have passed? wouldn’t I wouldn’t have passed wouldn’t You wouldn’t have passed wouldn’t He / She / It wouldn’t have passed wouldn’t We wouldn’t have passed wouldn’t You wouldn’t have passed wouldn’t They wouldn’t have passed

15 had beenwould have played If the weather (be) nice, they (play) football. If we (go) to a good restaurant, we (not have) a terrible dinner like this. The boys (arrive) on time if they (take) the bus. If the teacher (explain) the homework, I (do) it. They (see) the pop star if they (wait) for another 10 minutes. If the police (come) earlier, the burglar (not run) away. If I (invite) you, (you/come) to the party? Claire (understand) him if he (not speak) so fast. had gonewouldn’t have had had taken would have arrived had explained would have done would have seen had waited had come wouldn’t have run had invitedwould you have come would have understood hadn’t spoken

16 SECOND CONDITIONAL Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Usa il SECOND CONDITIONAL. 1. Jim has a bike so he doesn’t have to walk to school. 2. If Jim to school. didn’t have a bike, he would have to walk 1. I’m always late. That’s why my boss gets angry. 2. If I angry. wasn’t / weren’t always late, my boss wouldn’t get 2. If Sara to Paris. had time, she would go 1. Sara wants to go to Paris, but she doesn’t have time.

17 THIRD CONDITIONAL Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia un significato simile alla prima. Usa il THIRD CONDITIONAL. 1. It wasn’t warm so we didn’t have a picnic. 2. If it a picnic. had been warm, we would have had 1. Tim didn’t leave at 8 a.m. so he missed his train. 2. If Tim his train. had left at 8 a.m., he wouldn’t have missed 1. I didn’t notice Sally. That’s why I didn’t say hello. 2. If I hello. had noticed Sally, I would have said

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