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Rice Production Course

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1 Rice Production Course
Land Preparation By JF Rickman and Tom P. Clemeno Ag. Engineering & Experiment Station IRRI

2 IRRI: Rice Production Course
Learning Objectives Clarify the need for plowing Describe primary tillage and its implementation Describe secondary tillage and its implementation Clarify the need for puddling Present different plowing patterns IRRI: Rice Production Course

3 Can anyone explain the use of plowing?
IRRI: Rice Production Course

4 IRRI: Rice Production Course
Why plow? Create seedbed Kill weeds/pest Incorporate fertilizer Water control (in/out) Change clod size Incorporate residues IRRI: Rice Production Course

5 Fallow Field (Starting Point)
IRRI: Rice Production Course

6 What is primary tillage and what should be achieved?
IRRI: Rice Production Course

7 IRRI: Rice Production Course
Primary Tillage First working after harvest Most aggressive Cuts and shatters soil Burying crop residues Highest power requirement Leaves rough surface Done either wet or dry IRRI: Rice Production Course

8 Primary tillage operations
IRRI: Rice Production Course

9 Field after first plowing
IRRI: Rice Production Course

10 Primary Tillage Implements Moldboard and Disc Plow
IRRI: Rice Production Course

11 Primary Tillage Implements Offset and Chisel plow
IRRI: Rice Production Course

12 Primary Tillage Implements Rotovator
IRRI: Rice Production Course

13 What is secondary tillage and what is to be achieved ?
IRRI: Rice Production Course

14 IRRI: Rice Production Course
Secondary tillage Follow primary tillage Normally shallower working depth Provide additional soil pulverization/puddling Level soil surface Control weeds IRRI: Rice Production Course

15 Secondary tillage operations
IRRI: Rice Production Course

16 After secondary working
IRRI: Rice Production Course

17 Secondary Tillage Implements Tandem Disc
IRRI: Rice Production Course

18 Secondary Tillage Implements Tine cultivator
IRRI: Rice Production Course

19 After final dry working
IRRI: Rice Production Course

20 Zero tilled field-chemical tillage
IRRI: Rice Production Course

21 Can anyone explain “puddling”?
Why do farmers puddle the soil? IRRI: Rice Production Course

22 IRRI: Rice Production Course
Puddling Create hard pan to reduce deep water percolation Kill emerging weeds prior to planting Level fields Softens soil for transplanting IRRI: Rice Production Course

23 Puddling using 4wd tractor
IRRI: Rice Production Course

24 Puddling using a Hydro tiller
IRRI: Rice Production Course

25 Puddled field prior to planting
IRRI: Rice Production Course

26 Why do we use different plowing patterns?
IRRI: Rice Production Course

27 IRRI: Rice Production Course
Plowing patterns Determined by implement (one-way plow can only throws soil in one direction) Determined by desired field levelness-headland most level Determined by field shape-long narrow fields Determines efficiency (headland pattern most efficient) IRRI: Rice Production Course

28 Circuitous Plowing Patterns Starts at outside and leaves a furrow in the middle of field

29 Headland Pattern Starts at one end and leaves flat even field

30 Land Plow System Starts In middle and leaves a level field

31 IRRI: Rice Production Course
Conclusion Poorly prepared fields will cause management problems through the following crop. Symptoms include: Poor plant establishment Excessive pest / weed burdens Uneven crop growth and maturity Poor water use efficiency  “You reap what you sow” IRRI: Rice Production Course

32 IRRI: Rice Production Course
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