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HORIZON 2020 Work Programme 2016-2017
NMBP Draft list of topics
Topic list - summary TRL 74 topics 3-5 – 5 topics (RIA)
(2016: : 38) 36 topics RIA (17+19) 22 topics IA (10+12) 13 topics CSA (7+6) 3 topics ERANET (2+1) 3-5 – 5 topics (RIA) 4-6 – 31 topics (RIA) 5-7 – 22 topics (IA) ETPs, cPPP Partnership boards Gap analysis of WP Following scoping paper structure
(a) The Factories of the Future cPPP (FoF)
Year Topic Title Instrument TRL Comments 2016 New product functionalities through advanced surface manufacturing processes for mass production RIA 4-6 SME supportive Novel hybrid approaches for additive and subtractive manufacturing machines Machinery and robot systems in dynamic shop floor environments using novel embedded cognitive functions IA 5-7 SSH Zero defect strategies at system level for multi-stage manufacturing in production lines New technologies and life cycle management for reconfigurable and reusable customized products Intl. cooperation
(a) The Factories of the Future cPPP (FoF)
Year Topic Title Instrument TRL Comments 2017 Integration of non-conventional technologies for multi-material processing into manufacturing systems RIA 4-6 SME supportive In-line measurement and control for micro-/nano-enabled high-volume manufacturing for enhanced reliability IA 5-7 Novel design and predictive maintenance technologies for increased operating life of production systems Intl. cooperation Continuous adaptation of work environments with changing levels of automation in evolving production systems SSH supportive
(b) The Sustainable Process Industries cPPP (SPIRE)
Year Topic Title Instrument TRL Comments 2016 Systematic approaches for resource-efficient water management systems in process industries IA 5-7 Plant-wide monitoring and control of data-intensive processes RIA 4-6 Industrial technologies for the valorisation of European bio-resources into high added value process streams SME relevant New industrial furnace design addressing energy efficiency Potential use of CO2 and non-conventional fossil natural resources in Europe as feedstock for the process industry CSA (one project) Business models for flexible and delocalised approaches for intensified processing
(b) The Sustainable Process Industries cPPP (SPIRE)
Year Topic Title Instrument TRL Comments 2017 Integrated approach to process optimisation for raw material resources efficiency, excluding recovery technologies IA 5-7 CO2 Utilisation to produce high added value chemicals Pilot lines based on process Intensification: More flexible and scalable processes allowing production at a container scale SME supportive New electrochemical solutions for industrial processing, which contribute to a reduction of CO2 emissions RIA 4-6 Support for the enhancement of the impact of SPIRE PPP projects CSA Assessment of standardisation needs and ways to overcome regulatory bottlenecks in the process industry (one project)
(c) The Energy-efficient Buildings cPPP (EeB)
Year Topic Title Instrument TRL Comments 2016 Smart Insulation materials with improved properties including durability IA 5-7 Performance indicators and monitoring techniques for energy-efficiency and indoor quality at building and district level. CSA Integration of advanced technologies for heating and cooling at building and district level New technologies and strategies for the development of prefabricated elements through the reuse and recycling of construction materials and structures RIA 4-6
(c) The Energy-efficient Buildings cPPP (EeB)
Year Topic Title Instrument TRL Comments 2017 Development of Near Zero Energy building Renovation IA 5-7 Highly efficient Hybrid Storage Solutions for Power and Heat in residential buildings and district areas, balancing the supply and demand conditions. RIA 4-6 Integration of Energy harvesting for residential/ commercial buildings New business models for Energy -efficient Buildings through adaptable refurbishment solutions CSA
(d) Advanced materials and nanotechnologies for high added value products and process industries
Year Topic Title Instrument TRL Comments 2016 Novel (covalently cross-linked hybrid) materials for the use in heterogeneous catalysis RIA 4-6 Materials for power electronics International cooperation; Coord. call to be discussed with DG CNECT Innovative and sustainable materials solutions for the substitution of critical raw materials in the electric power system To be discussed with DG GROWTH re. Raw materials. Possible support for international cooperation Affordable weight reduction of high-volume vehicles and components taking into account the entire life-cycle (Green vehicles)
(d) Advanced materials and nanotechnologies for high added value products and process industries
Year Topic Title Instrument TRL Comments 2017 Architectured /Advanced material concepts for intelligent bulk structures RIA 4-6 Creative Industries: Design-driven advanced materials for high added value innovative products IA 5-7 SME supportive + SSH Improved materials durability Multisectoral, including Blue Growth support Characterisation platform of laboratories with test facilities and experimental protocols for materials, including model validation To be discussed with infrastructures programme (one project)
(e) Key enabling technologies for societal challenges - healthcare
Year Topic Title Instrument TRL Comments 2016 Biomaterials for treatment and prevention of multiple sclerosis RIA 4-6 Nanoformulation of biologicals 2017 Reference methods for managing the risk of engineered Biomaterials Upscaling of the production of nanopharmaceuticals SME supportive Nanotechnologies for imaging cellular transplants and regenerative processes in vivo Mobilising the European nano-biomedical ecosystem CSA ERA-NET on Nanomedicine (Call 2017) Eranet
(e) Key enabling technologies for societal challenges – energy / other
Year Topic Title Instrument TRL Comments 2016 Advanced materials solutions and architectures for high efficiency solar energy harvesting RIA 4-6 Advanced materials enabling the integration of storage technologies in the electricity grid IA 5-7 2017 Cost-effective materials for "power to chemical" technologies High-performance materials for optimising CO2 capture Year Topic Title Instrument TRL Comments 2016 National / Regional programmes supporting manufacturing SMEs in a global competition Eranet Eranet 2017 Business models and industrial strategies supporting novel supply chains for innovative product-services RIA 4-6 SSH
(f) Knowledge-based nanotechnologies and advanced materials for industrial value chains
Year Topic Title Instrument TRL Comments 2016 Pilot lines for manufacturing of materials with customized thermal/electrical conductivity properties IA 5-7 SME supportive; cross-cutting KETs Reactive/In Situ /In process generation of nano-features Open access Pilot Lines for advanced nanosurfaces and surface functionalization technologies enabling breakthrough applications RIA 4-6
(f) Knowledge-based nanotechnologies and advanced materials for industrial value chains
Year Topic Title Instrument TRL Comments 2017 Enhanced performance of functional nanocoatings IA 5-7 SME supportive; cross-cutting KETs Open access Pilot Lines for 3D printed and/or injection moulded polymeric microfluidic MEMS RIA 4-6 Paper electronics / Bio-based Packaging/New generation bio-based materials (working title)
(g) Biotechnology Year Topic Title Instrument TRL Comments 2016
ERA-Net Cofund KET Biotechnology Eranet 3-7 Bioconversion of non-agricultural waste into biomolecules for industrial applications RIA 3-5 Microbial chassis platforms with optimized metabolic pathways for industrial innovations through systems biology KET Biotechnology foresight identifying high-value opportunities for the EU industry CSA 1 project only, 12 months duration
(g) Biotechnology Year Topic Title Instrument TRL Comments 2017
Microbial platforms for CO2-reuse processes in the low-carbon economy RIA 3-5 Optimisation of biocatalysis and downstream processing for the sustainable production of high value-added platform chemicals IA 5-7 New Plant Breeding Techniques (NPBT) in molecular farming: Multipurpose crops for industrial bioproducts Support for demonstrating the potential of biotechnological applications CSA SSH
(h) Actions to support developments in, and acceptance of, nanotechnologies, advanced materials and biotechnology - modelling Year Topic Title Instrument TRL Comments 2016 Advancing the integration of Materials Modelling in Business Processes to enhance effective industrial decision making and increase competitiveness RIA 4-6 Network to capitalise on strong European position in materials modelling and to allow industry to reap the benefits CSA 2017 Next generation system integrating tangible and intangible materials model components to support innovation in industry IA 5-7
(h) – innovative and responsible governance
(h)- science-based risk assessment and management Year Topic Title Instrument TRL Comments 2016 Analytical tools in support of nanosafety risk assessment RIA 4-6 Relevant for International Cooperation Promoting safe innovation through consolidation and networking of nanosafety centres CSA 2017 Framework and strategies for nanomaterial characterisation, classification, grouping and read-across for risk analysis Relevant for International Cooperation (one project) Advanced and realistic models for nanomaterial toxicity testing Relevant for International Cooperation (one large project) (h) – innovative and responsible governance Year Topic Title Instrument TRL Comments 2016 Improving nanotechnology (KETs) skills by involving multiple stakeholders CSA SSH 2017 Governing innovation of nanotechnology through enhanced societal engagement Innovative solutions for the conservation and preservation of (contemporary) cultural heritage RIA 4-6
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