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XBRL GL Data Definition File (DDF) Providing “XBRL GL-Colored Glasses” to Common Text Formats.

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Presentation on theme: "XBRL GL Data Definition File (DDF) Providing “XBRL GL-Colored Glasses” to Common Text Formats."— Presentation transcript:

1 XBRL GL Data Definition File (DDF) Providing “XBRL GL-Colored Glasses” to Common Text Formats

2 Why DDF? Helping more people benefit from XBRL GL – XBRL GL is more than an export format – It is a model and framework for describing data – DDF lets us extend the model to non-XBRL information Formalizing the description of text files – There are times when describing a text file will help Understand the text file Facilitate the conversion of the text file to XBRL GL Permit the more standardized transfer of simple text files Facilitate validation of text files V1 Focus: “CSV” (delimited) and Fixed-Length ASCII V2 - : Binary formats (Excel, Oracle …), XML formats

3 Scenario 1 XYZ Company’s ERP system can create delimited files XYZ Company wishes to provide the exported file to a third party who can receive XBRL GL XYZ Company provides their delimited file plus a DDF file to an intermediary, who can now convert the file to XBRL GL

4 Scenario 2 Auditor wishes smallest possible extract from 1 TB company database – CSV = 100 MB – XBRL GL = 400 MB Auditor also wants to know what the file represents DDF file accompanies CSV, adds negligible size, defines content for automated testing

5 Scenario 3 Audit Data Standard – Providing interoperability between Tab-delimited format, and XBRL GL

6 Scenario 4 A wide variety of software products can turn formatted (“printed to disk”) reports into data – Statistical SAS – Audit ACL Caseware Generic – Monarch – Altova FlexText Why not make it simple to convert information from non-accounting applications? Turns non-accounting software into accounting software!

7 DDF Uses XBRL GL To Define Data in Other Formats Information about batch of information Mappings from text file “fields” to XBRL GL Mappings from text file content to XBRL GL enumerations, where appropriate

8 Inspired by Excel, Access, MapForce

9 Delimited vs Fixed Length ASCII Common: Is there a header row? What format is used for dates? Delmited (a.k.a CSV): What delimiter is used between facts? What enclosure is used for text, if any? Selection by order Fixed length ASCII: Is there a fixed record length worth checking? Selection by starting position and length

10 CSV vs Fixed-Length ASCII 1,“Bob”,“Dec. 1, 2099”,“Burled Walnut”,500 12345 The number 500 is the fifth item in this record. 1 BOB DEC 1, 2099 BURLED WALNUT 500 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The number 500 starts at the 72nd character and is 3 characters long

11 Sample Process Customer_Account_ID|Customer_Account_Name|Customer_Physical_Street_ Address1|Customer_Physical_Street_Address2|Customer_Physical_City|Custo mer_Physical_State_Province|Customer_Physical_ZipPostalCode|Customer_Ph ysical_Country|Customer_TIN|Customer_Billing_Address1|Customer_Billing_ Address2|Customer_Billing_City|Customer_Billing_State_Province|Customer_ Billing_ZipPostalCode|Customer_Billing_Country|Active_Date|Inactive_Date|T ransaction_Credit_Limit|Overall_Credit_Limit|Customer_Terms_Percentage|C ustomer_Terms_Days|Last_Modified_Date|Last_Modified_By|User_ID|Appro ved_By|Entry_Date|PrimaryContact_Name|PrimaryContact_Phone|PrimaryC ontactEmail AAA|Arnold's Amazing Anteaters|100 Pastoral Lane||Akron|OH|12345|USA|16-4876544|100 Pastoral Lane||Akron|OH|12345|USA|Jan-01- 2001||50000|100000|0.02|10|||ABC|EEC|Jan-01-2001|Arnold Aultfather|+1-616-234-9090| There is a header rowIt is a delimited file, with the pipe (|) delimeter The first field is Customer_Account_ID

12 Sample DDF Content delimited | true gl-cor:identifierCode Customer_Account_ID … 1 …

13 DDF XML Schema

14 Vendor Support - Iphix

15 Vendor Support - XWand

16 Vendor Support - XWand (Cont.) 1. Setup

17 Vendor Support – XWand (Cont.) 2. Select DDF, source (text) data

18 Vendor Support – XWand (Cont.) 3. Reap XBRL GL

19 Possible Additional Uses Description and documentation Conversion Storing meta-mappings – Use as source to Altova MapForce for creating MapForce Mappings – “command-line” map creation

20 Questions?

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