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CCME National Guard Education MAJ Ron Lee Chief, Education Oversight Branch National Guard Bureau (703) 607-5250

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1 CCME National Guard Education MAJ Ron Lee Chief, Education Oversight Branch National Guard Bureau (703) 607-5250

2 CCME Gen Craig R. McKinley Chief National Guard Bureau LTG William E. Ingram, Jr. Director Army National Guard Lt Gen Harry M. Wyatt, III Director Air National Guard National Guard Bureau Leadership

3 CCME Army Marine Corps Navy Air Force Coast Guard Coast Guard Reserve Army Reserve Marine Corps Reserve Navy Reserve Air Force Reserve Army National Guard Air National Guard 12 Military Components

4 CCME How We Compare USNR 3%

5 CCME 5 Air National Guard (ANG) 106,000+ Personnel 668 Air Bases Army National Guard (ARNG) 358,000+ Personnel 3,200 Armories 54 States & Territories Work for the State Governor 2-Star Adjutant General (TAG) Chief, National Guard Bureau 4-Star General (Air) Seat on Joint Chiefs of Staff (31 Dec 2011) Who We Are

6 CCME Where We Are

7 CCME Our Concerns DoD MOU 2,877 schools with less than 3 ARNG students FTA Reductions Potential curtailment of Masters Degree 1 st Bill Payer Veterans Administration (VA) or FTA For those with less than 100% GI Bill eligibility Hiring 54 Department of the Army Civilians (DACs) 2 GS-13 Supervisors 7 GS-12 Regional Supervisors 45 GS-9/11 Education Support Specialists

8 CCME “Salute to Possibilities: Paving the Way for Our Military Community” “Purple” DoD Education Centers Worldwide Service all components Single Education Database Include DoD Civilians and Dependents DoD Federal Tuition Assistance Common DoD FTA Form Streamlined processing Single pay agent (DFAS) Interact with GI Bill entitlements Common counseling Virtual Face-to-face Reduce redundancy and duplication Army, Army Reserve and Army National Guard have done this…it works.

9 CCME GI Bill Entitlement Eligibility Chapter 1606 (Montgomery GI Bill-Selected Reserve) HS Diploma 6 year commitment MOS qualified Chapter 1607 REAP (Reserve Education Assistance Program) 90 days to 1 year = 40% of Chapter 30 rate 1-2 years = 60% of Chapter 30 rate 2+ years = 80% of Chapter 30 rate Chapter 30 (Montgomery GI Bill) Veterans Administration (VA) or FTA Primarily a transition entitlement for Active Duty Chapter 33 (Post 9/11 GI Bill) Title 32 are now eligible for transferability GI Bill Kicker $200-$350 per month added to GI Bill

10 CCME Patriot Academy Muscatatuck Urban Training Center, Butlerville, Indiana Resident High School Onsite Instructors & Liberty University Online GED Plus Professional Education Center 9-21 Days Certificate from their home state OASC (Online Academic Skills Course) ESC (Education Support Center) Professional Education Center (PEC) Little Rock, Arkansas Counseling services High School Completion

11 CCME Common training @ PEC GI Bill Support Team training VA RPOs Joint effort with ANG Counseling and prep materials Certifications Apprenticeships and Employment Future Initiatives

12 CCME 12 OtisWWOD?

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