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DIP vs DAP Question: What do these stand for?.

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Presentation on theme: "DIP vs DAP Question: What do these stand for?."— Presentation transcript:

1 DIP vs DAP Question: What do these stand for?


3 SEED ACTIVITY: Demo planting seeds in a cup of dirt DIP demo DAP demo

4 APPLE ACTIVITY: Demo an apple learning experience DIP demo DAP demo


6 CONCLUSION: Write a paragraph discussing your honest reaction to DAP standards. Do you feel that they are credible or do you question their validity (dare to be critical) What kind of impact would they have if you used them? What if this method was used in the public school system, even in high school?

7 DAP Age appropriate Individual appropriate
Predictable sequence of stages used as a guideline Individual appropriate Each child is unique in personality, learning styles, and family background Observe and evaluate each child

8 DAP Activities Should be concrete Relevant real.

9 DAP Activities cont’d Programs provide for the needs of unusual skills and interests Projects

10 DAP Activities Should include -respecting -Accepting the children
-Encouraging the children.

11 DAP Curriculum Social Emotional Intellectual Physical experiences.
Should include: Social Emotional Intellectual Physical experiences.

12 DAP Curriculum cont’d Children are evaluated according to their individual differences.

13 DAP Curriculum cont’d Multi cultural and Non sexist materials and equipment

14 DAP Play Activities Play should be child initiated child directed
teacher supported.

15 DAP Learning is : an interactive process between Adults Child
and materials.

16 DAP Learning takes place:
With creative, self-directed interaction with materials. Pictures, stories and tangible objects are appropriate learning aides. Variety of activities and materials to challenge child

17 DAP time schedule Time to explore as long as the child wants
Balance of rest and active movement throughout the day

18 DAP Atmosphere: Instead of quietly listening children should be expected to actively participate.

Respond quickly to each child’s needs Adapts to differing styles and abilities Provides many opportunities to communicate Facilitates successful completion of tasks

Alert to signs of stress Knows appropriate stress reducing activities Question: What could a teacher do to reduce stress?

BUILDS SELF ESTEEM Respecting Accepting Comforting regardless of behavior

Facilitates development of self control Allows for increasing independence as child acquires skills

23 TEACHER AND PARENTS Parents share in any decisions made about the child Teachers share knowledge with parents Teachers share development information about child’s progress Question: How might a teacher accomplish these things?

24 True/False 1. Integrated learning is appropriate since it matches the way children naturally experience the world. 2. Knowledge of the predictable patterns of growth in each domain is helpful in planning realistic curriculum goals. 3. Since development is predictable and even for every child, a teacher can assume that a child’s chronological age is a pretty good indicator of the child’s developmental maturity and abilities. (T) (T) (F)

25 True/False cont’d 4. Children can reap the benefits of conscientious parents who read to them, help coach positive social skills, build intrinsic motivation and encourage motor and language development since early childhood represents a window of optimal opportunity for development in these areas. 5. Skipping firsthand knowledge and jumping right to typical school activities which involve symbolic representation will save time that might otherwise be wasted. For example, it’s best to teach young children a new math concept with examples done on the chalkboard followed by practice sheets, rather than wasting time having children work with math manipulatives. (T) (F)

26 True/False cont’d 6. Sensitivity to culture on the part of a teacher basically involves being aware of the nationalities of the students enrolled in his/her classroom. 7. The constructivist perspective upon which DAP is based posits that children are active participants in making sense of their world. Therefore, instruction is most effective when it is attuned to the cognitive capacities and knowledge of the child. (F) (T)

27 True/False cont’d 8. Essentially, both a child’s environment and their genetic makeup contribute significantly to the child’s overall development. Play is a waste of time in the school setting. Learning activities that can be successfully achieved with effort, along with challenging tasks that adults can “scaffold,” keep children on the “growing edge” of knowledge. (T) (F) (T)

28 True/False cont’d 11. Since children have diverse modalities, we should provide them with the opportunity to represent their knowledge exclusively in their preferred modality 12. Programs for children should provide adequate health, safety and nutrition along with access to more comprehensive services when necessary. (T) (T)

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