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Using Information For Transformation
devotion • discipline • duty • discrimination • determination Service is the very essence of devotion. It is an experience that convinces one that all beings are God’s children, that all bodies are altars where God is installed, that all places are His Residences. Among all forms of sadhana, devotion to the Lord is the easiest and holiest. When the tender plant of devotion begins to grow, it must be protected. The company of the good is essential for developing devotion. Devotion has to be guided and controlled by discipline and duty. Devotion has to be full, free, and comprehensive. “You must fill yourself with the feeling that God is in you, beside you, around you, and with you wherever you go. When you love God with this consciousness, the love results in Self Realization.” - Sri Sathya Sai Baba
devotion • discipline • duty • discrimination • determination The highest discipline is to bring about a unity in one’s thoughts, words & deeds. The most effective discipline that man can adopt is the control and conquest of the five senses. Life becomes worth living only when one has disciplined habits and concentration of mind. All faiths, all religions, all disciplines have the Vedas as the basis….Why? So that one may be fit for sadhana (spiritual discipline). Sadhana for what? For the realization of the Truth about oneself. - Sri Sathya Sai Baba
devotion • discipline • duty • discrimination • determination Duty without love is deplorable; duty with love is desirable; Love without duty is Divine. It is your duty to be good, do good, and see good. That is the way to make the world good and be yourself good. Our duty to society, to which we owe our existence, must take in account that life is bestowed on man not for personal profits but for communal good. “It is the duty of every human being to understand and respect his parents, is culture, and his motherland.” - Sri Sathya Sai Baba
devotion • discipline • duty • discrimination • determination There is another force in you through which God works and that is discrimination. That force must be used to put aside wrong action. Willpower is the direct manifestation of the Atma Shakti. Whatever you do, by yourself or with others, do it remembering that God is Omnipresent. The real struggle is internal—the withdrawal of the extrovert senses into the mind and making them ineffective through the exercise of the intellect or discrimination. Whatever you do, discriminate between right and wrong, and do only the right. “The sacred Gayathri Mantra develops the dhee shakti, or power of discrimination.” - Sri Sathya Sai Baba
devotion • discipline • duty • discrimination • determination If one has the determination, anything is possible. You must all make up your minds to have unwavering faith and a steadfast vision. Never give up your determination. And now we have the living example of our most beloved Sathya Sai Baba, the embodiment of determination and perfection. His life has been full of obstacles, but He moves on undeterred. In a letter to His brother, He wrote: “I have a vow, to lead all those who strayed from the straight path back to goodness, I will not rest until I have transformed mankind. This is My Mission, this is My determination and I know I will carry it out.” - Sri Sathya Sai Baba
First of all, the mind should be transformed. Then the entire world will be transformed because the mind forms the basis for the entire world. When you insert the key into the lock and turn it to the right, the lock opens; you turn it to left, it gets locked. The heart is the lock, the mind is the key. You get attachment, when your mind is turned towards the world. When it is turned towards God, you attain liberation. It is the same lock and the same key that are responsible for bondage and liberation. The mere change in the direction causes a change in the consequence, namely bondage or liberation. “Take care of your thoughts. Then actions will take care of themselves. You sow an action and reap a tendency. You sow a tendency and reap a habit. You sow your habit and reap a character. You sow your character and reap your destiny. Therefore, destiny is in your own hands. Sathya Sai Baba November 22, 1990
“I have a vow, to lead all those who strayed from the straight path back to goodness, I will not rest until I have transformed mankind. This is My Mission, this is My determination, and I know I will carry it out”. -- Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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