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WWII Chapter 17 review. Leading up to WWII Roosevelt’s good-neighbor policy –U.S. pledge not to intervene in Latin America Isolationism during the 1930s.

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Presentation on theme: "WWII Chapter 17 review. Leading up to WWII Roosevelt’s good-neighbor policy –U.S. pledge not to intervene in Latin America Isolationism during the 1930s."— Presentation transcript:

1 WWII Chapter 17 review

2 Leading up to WWII Roosevelt’s good-neighbor policy –U.S. pledge not to intervene in Latin America Isolationism during the 1930s Japanese invasion of China Lend Lease Program –the United States provided critical aid to Great Britain and the Soviet Union –“Cash and carry basis”

3 Pearl Harbor



6 WWII Military Strategies Main Strategies unconditional surrender an eventual second front by invading Europe victory in the European area first. Then onto the Pacific Theater.

7 The Pacific Under Japan

8 Macarthur Nimitz

9 Island Hopping


11 Eisenhower- Europe


13 End of War In Europe Battle of The Bulge



16 V.E. Day May 7-8 1945

17 The Home Front African-American Phillip Randolph demanded equal employment opportunities for blacks during World War II Executive Order No. 8802 required defense industries to make jobs available without discrimination based on race, creed, color, or national origin. Executive Order 9066- sent ethnic groups to Internment Camps during WWII Feb. 19, 1942 Korematsu v. U.S. the Supreme Court upheld the government’s practice of placing Japanese Americans in internment camps





22 The Home Front Selling war bonds not only raised money for World War II but also contributed to the national debt Increased employment for women Women work in factories. establish themselves as a vital part of the economy. participate in the war effort. define a new role in society.

23 WWII Propaganda Cartoons

24 War in the Pacific….

25 The Atomic Bomb Consequences of Truman’s decision to use the atomic bomb against Japan –the surrender of Japan –the end of WWII –destruction of two Japanese cities –the deaths of thousands of civilians

26 Manhattan Project Albert Einstein and FDR

27 Little Boy Hiroshima Aug. 6, 1945 Fat Man Nagasaki Aug. 9, 1945

28 Japan Surrenders September 2, 1945 Japan surrenders USS Missouri V-J Day

29 Aftermath of WWII Chapter 36 review

30 Aftermath Trends Issue of a 2 nd Depression Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944 (GI Bill) Permanent war economy = Economic boom from 1950-1970 Growth of suburbs Sift towards the “Sunbelt”


32 Cold War Beginnings Yalta Feb. 1945 –Hold free elections in the countries of Eastern Europe –The Soviet Union agreed to enter the war against Japan once Germany was defeated. –Creation of the United Nations peacekeeping organization * Bernard Baruch 1946 call for all countries to disarm atomic energy/research

33 U.N. in NYC


35 Issue of Europe

36 Germany Issue of Berlin Berlin Airlift 1948

37 Cold War Beginnings Soviet specialist George Kennan stance on S.U. = “get-tough-with-Russia” Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organization “to keep Russians out, Germans down, and the Americans in” September 1949- Soviets test their 1 st A- Bomb = birth of an arms race

38 The 2 nd Red Scare Truman’s “loyalty program” Nixon and Joseph McCarthy head of “red hunt” McCarran Internal Security Bill- gave authority to the gov. to detain and arrest suspicious people Julia and Ethel Rosenberg

39 You know you’re a red if.. You have declining religious sentiment Increased sexual freedom Your for civil rights You’re a drunk Your in debt

40 The Red Scare Game Are you Red enough????

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