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WWII European and North African Front. Learning Targets 1.Describe the main battles of the North African and European Front and the battle’s contexts.

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1 WWII European and North African Front

2 Learning Targets 1.Describe the main battles of the North African and European Front and the battle’s contexts to prepare for the mini-projects on the battles. 2.Create pictures within their notes to illustrate their understanding of the importance of each battle. 3.Analyze the battles and determine why the Allies won the war against Germany. 4.Test the knowledge of the battles with a clicker quiz.

3 1940: Battle of Britain GOAL: Germany wanted to destroy British Royal Air Force and then invade Britain

4 Battle of Britain How: “Blitz” attack on London; bombing raids; radar defense Outcome: Allied win Impact: Germany never invaded Britain; Hitler’s first failure

5 Elephant and Castle Tube Station during the Blitz

6 6

7 “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.” --Winston Churchill 1940 on the pilots of the RAF during the Battle of Britain and the Blitz

8 1939-1944: Battle of the Atlantic GOAL: control supply route to Britain U-boats sink 360 U.S. ships

9 Battle of the Atlantic How: Britain used radar, sonar and convoys; Germany used U-Boat “wolf packs” Outcome: Allied win Impact: Great Britain still got supplies from U.S.

10 1942-43: War in North Africa (El Alamein) GOAL: Italy wanted to take over British- controlled North Africa for oil and Suez canal

11 Higgins Boat – Landing Craft, Vehicle, Personnel (LCVP) Based on Japanese landing craft design U.S. first used in Pacific at Guadalcanal, later all island battles U.S. first used in European Front in North Africa, later D-Day

12 War in North Africa (El Alamein) How: British and American forces trap Rommel’s Afrikan Korps Outcome: Allied win Impact: Afrika Korps surrender; Allies attack Italy from N. Africa

13 1943: Invasion of Sicily & Campaign for Italy Goal: take Axis Italy out of the war How: Invade island of Sicily; use island to invade Italy American and British troops use North Africa as base of attack.

14 Introduced The DUKW (used in D-Day and Pacific)

15 Invasion of Sicily & Campaign for Italy Outcome: Allied win Impact: Mussolini overthrown and Italy surrenders

16 1942-43: Battle of Stalingrad GOAL: German offensive to get transportation routes, steel, and city of Stalingrad “No retreat allowed.” Soviet leader Stalin German invasion forces: 2,700 planes, 3350 tanks, 3.3 million men in Operation Barbarosa

17 Battle of Stalingrad How: ruthless room-to-room fighting; Soviets surround Germans Outcome: Allied Win Impact: turning point; Germans retreat from East Casualties – 1 million Soviets 250,000 German soldiers 91,000 Germans surrender

18 June 6, 1944: D-Day GOAL: liberate France from Germany How: largest sea and land invasion ever

19 D-Day Invasion Force 700 ships 110, 000 Allied soldiers 23,000 paratroopers U.S. Casualties Utah 200 and 3 hours Omaha 2,500

20 D-Day Outcome: Allied win Impact: took beaches and began to retake France; Germany has to fight on 2 fronts

21 1944-45: Battle of the Bulge GOAL: Germans attack in Belgium to stop Allies from reaching Germany How: created “bulge” in Allied lines; reinforcements stalled offensive

22 Battle of the Bulge Outcome: Allied win Impact: Germany on defense only; German defeat coming U.S. 77,000 deathes

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